I have neglected my armor for too long it appears...the armor we have found is almost always heavy and as you pointed out for the most part I have been last piggy at the troth for loot. Not sure why that is for AC items...just sort of worked out that way,at least for weapons it makes sense as I am a chain wielder and none have been found. Wonderous items have also been fairly rare. Not really worried about it, but I am in danger of being a drain on our healers. and it wasn't cocky damnit! It was a bad roll...I can make that tumble with skill and panache! Actually I just try to conserve the DimDoor for emergences if I can and it was a makeable tumble.
I found it quite humourous that we joked of running around the whole place without encountering anything and very nearly accomplished just that. It's a shame evil doesnt leak breadcrumbs for we surely could have used a few! I did get a chance to use my flying carpet to engage the dragon....something I stayed away from previously since my fly skill is sub par. That is until I read the full text and realized the carpet grants a +5 bonus.
I am reasonably certain that the nearest city is damn far away....hense why we went two days out of our way to restock on the way here. Its a good idea but logisitcally not exactly ideal... ( ooc.... I would feel like a complete tool doing that...I know its a matter of seconds for us....but in terms of our characters it would be wasting a better part of a week and admitting defeat...)
Devereux wrote:
We knew they were evil, but figured at least we knew where they were if they were with us....or at least that was the logic at the time. When they did not lift a finger to help us on any occasion I was pretty much done with having them around, but since you were the only one not involved last time I just voiced my opinion but left it up to you. In short as far as I am concerned....Evil and useful, come on in! Evil and lazy, go find someone else to betray at the worst possible moment.
I was largely ineffective in this session...for some reason I was always in the wrong place at the wrong time in the gargoyle encounter, I dont speak Shoanti, and since I came up with the plan for two to stay behind to hold up the totems, I felt it only fair I volunteer to miss the fun. Cant win them all I guess...I will just have to give em hell this weekend!
I have at this point decided that if I am renamed now that I am "reborn" I will be known henseforth as Altair Twice Eaten. I would have to go back and see if I mentioned this before, but I still think the Strength attack my rogue recieves is a little over powered...One strength point for every sneak attack die is a little to much. Maybe on for every two would be in order?
The tentacles were truely accursed things...I thought it a great plan to feed the assasins to them. How can one be expected to deal with mindless abominations I say ! I am convinced there was something more to be done with the sphere as well, but we had what we came for and are on to more pressing matters. As to our new " party members " I am all but sure they will betray us eventually.
Brutesquad07 wrote:
I said nothing and take umbrage at being compared to a surly dwarf.... clearly I am taller and less hairy!
The foul beast was indeed a tough customer. I think this encounter has driven a point home. We have reached the time in our adventuring careers when even back up weapons need that minimal +1 to overcome at least the basic damage resistances etc. Shame to waste a dose of good poison on a miss like that. I took the crippling strike ability at level ten, but told Brute it may need to be toned down due to brokeness and I am curious how this will pan out. It seems a little bad on paper, but I am starting to realize that the number of hits I rack up on a single mob is not that many. As a result of a lower to hit + greater than average damage...often I either miss a great deal resulting in 1 to 2 hits per creature/ per fight. Or when I opperate in tandem with one of the other damage dealers (ie: get my flank on) the creature doesn't live long enough to really get diminished all that much. I guess we will see how it plays out over time.
There was also an <ahem> incident at the horse farm. It seems our intrepid orc went in search of pigs to play a rousing game of blood pig. It is his favorite... mind you, we did stop him in time. But it was a near miss when it seems he was convinced that the privy was the goal! Still you may all rest at ease that no swine were harmed in the making of this session. Spoiler: The Glyph of sleep was easily the best move of the day and was beyond brilliant. It is right up there with the best ideas of the campaign. I lobby for a character point. Also I saw a alot of ground close on the orc in damage production in the session. I am not certain that it should take till level nine for the two melee damage dealing classes to finally become balanced, but it is heartening to see that they do. I normally wouldn't have cared all that much, but this campaign was intended to be a play test and my assumption was that Paizo is striving for balance amongst the classes at all levels, or as near can be managed. Clearly there are still certain level ranges where certain classes and builds shine above all others. As there should be, but at nine levels the Barbarian with over hand chop has outshined the rougues and a dps built sorcerer for more than half of the life span of this campaign. I am more convinced than ever that overhand chop with a two handed weapon is rapidly becoming out of balance to any other option.
I think the whole idea of class specific feats is a terrible one. If you want something to be class specific that is a class ability...not a feat. I would be down with fighters getting it for free at a certain level with others having to take a feat, but to my mind that is already covered by fighters getting so many feats to begin with. I agree perhaps on adding a feat below overhand chop but not two. I like it as another feat progression off power attack. Then a human or fighter could take it at first, but any race that gets a +4 bump to strength would have to delay until third if they were say for example a barbarian who can rage that already huge strength to redamndiculous levels.
* Altair slowly creeps over to Devereux's pack in the middle of the night, and gently removes the offending rod of wound party...* I honestly didnt mean to imply that I should out tank our trusty barbarian....but I do think by 9th level I should be at least approaching his damage output. Even with sneak attack going off he often beats me by 15 or more per swing and he gets more of those as well. I love the new rogue to pieces, but I will not be entirely shocked if either over hand chop or the barbarian or both get toned down a little bit in the final cut.
Dev, you are being to hard on yourself.... You did manage to blast your party with the rod of wonder a handful of times. It was an up and down day for alot of the party. It seemed as Brute mentioned that I could not manage to land the bluff and the attack roll in the same round, and the field of battle seems to keep me from getting flanks despite a tremendous feat investment ( whole vexing flanker tree and spiked chain ) So far the Barbarian really is the lynch pin for our party. We do get by without him, but there is a dramatic uptic in party strength with his presence. The character is just a steam roller, he makes the rest of us look pretty sad really. I still love playing my rogue, but I never touch his damage output, I certainly dont tank as well, and am no where near his cmb for using maneuvers.
I am the current Rogue in Brutes group. I can say I find our system works perfect. I pretty much just have faith in my pre rolled perception checks in hallways and rooms etc, anywhere non suspicous. Then when I reach something that actually looks suspicious I double check. Like doors, chests,unique features etc. they get that extra look over to ensure safety. It speeds up movement through the dungeon a great deal, and I feel it even adds a layer of strategy to my game. Now I am actually looking for the trap situations as opposed to blanketing every flat space with a "check". I am sure the rest of the party is happier not having to travel square by square through a 3000 square foot facility! Edit: this also adds an out for the metagaming arguement for re-roll, because if I was concerned enough to double check despite not finding anything it is not a stretch to presume I would triple check. I do however draw the line at a second roll and proceed as though I am confident despite the numbers from that point.
As too the session itself..... Spoiler: I really like this labrynth so far. Sure the Glyphs are a pain, but we have come up with a few creative answers to disarm them when Dispels werent available. I throught it was kind of fun to take a step back and let someone else Rogue for a bit, but her dice were so damn cold, and I was already pretty nerfed so after a couple of attempts I just said hell with it and took the hits as they came. Really didnt come out too bad as I made a couple of key saves on my botched rolls and still managed to get some loot for the party and secure myself a nice toy for later in the form of a severly poisoned chest.
Yup I took the bleeding strike rogue talent.
I also via the Fate point system, took Improved Feint. By virtue of luck or poor role playing I am the last to scrape together enough points to grab a feat. This should be a huge boon to me as I have been having a very hard time getting sneak attacks going despite haveing the entire vexing flanker tree. The mobs tend to let about one sneak attack go off and then back up into corners etc..So I should see my damage start to catch up the our mighty Orc here in the near future.
Devereux wrote:
Dear Blind, I have found that blocking the eyeholes on your helms visor is the only cure for this horrific problem that effects many parties that feature a cleric of Calistria. I stumbled on this cure after many a night crying myself to sleep trying to think " happy thoughts" I won't say its without draw backs...my shins are often bruised at the end of day from bumping into things, I seldom hit in combat anymore, perception checks are out of the question. But on the bright side I am no longer scared for life and I have been keeping my meals down for several weeks now....YMMV. |