As Roadblock fires off the Banner, a smile breaks across Poise' face as the beam briefly consumes the sky, burning the battlefield a shade of amber. Bright white teeth and sparkling eyes are briefly visible on the pilot's Virtual Body and Physical one. Somehow, the grin only grows wider as Manifest appears, admonishing Delta Squad.
Delta Squad...Delll...ta...Squaaaaad...an unsightly jumble of syllables, clashing against each other before tumbling into the unfortunate collective awareness of listeners...I don't like it.
Future Point of Order, friends, but how attached are we to the moniker...Delta Team? the last two words dripping from their mouth like something unsightly.
Any further notes the Lancer would have on the team's designation are interrupted by the assault of the Hive. Poise sharply exhales through their nose as Elegance comes under drone attack, the mech dodging and ducking away as best she can from the cutting lasers of the swarm. Their smile turns grim as Elegance' Anti-Electronic-Warfare Suites prove their metal. When Poise next responds, their voice is grim and music-less.
I'm going to try to clear our right flank.
Elegance has been dodging backwards from the swarms and the assassin, but all of a sudden the mech lurches forward, the previously-waving blade shoving forward, attempted to shove the broad-side of its edge along the assassin's neck.
Ex-Caliber Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 81d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
As the Ex-Caliber jerks towards the nape of the assassin, Elegance' off-hand brings the dagger to bare once more, hoping to jab into the mech, at least enough to open it up to Athena's drone.
Alice' Legacy Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 121d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Inside the cockpit of Elegance, Poise's expression fades instantly from the slowly-broadening grin that it had been wearing to a blank mask that would be familiar to their compatriots.
I knew they were coming. I thought they were too far. I've already botched this. A grimace flickers across the face of both the virtual Alphons, and the one in meatspace, perched delicately on the couch, though both fade in an instant. I should have known it could reach me; from that trajectory, a pop of the left hip would've shifted the weight onto my right leg, which would have -by necessity- turned my view to the left, giving me a visual on the fighter-mech as it came in. A right-spinning pirouette would have sent the blade sailing passed Elegance by a matter of inches, but that's all that it takes to prevent the damage. I focused too much on that Hive in cover; there's nothing I could've done, I should've focused on the malleable factors. FOOLISH!
For a moment, Alphons' face bares into a snarl, and their right hand raps sharply off their knee. The movement and the expression are quick -easily missed- and are done in a flash, replaced by a determinedly ambivalent face.
Against a proper opponent, or my class, I'd already be dead. Perfection is no longer an option; improvement is all I can strive for now.
Elegance had taken a loping, grapevine-ing motion within the mist to dodge the assault from the Hive, and had been raising its rifle and pistol to bare against the artillery. The web of steel that had been briefly visible in the melee against the first Archer hadn't seemed necessary; now it returns in full fury, the Ex-Caliber and Alice's Legacy whipping through the air in a deadly sheet of virtual steel.
First comes the sword, spinning in a circle over both their heads before feinting down against the Assassin's weaponized wrist before switching directions, lancing instead toward the attacker's weight-baring hip.
Ex-Caliber Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 171d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 Damage is AP
Meanwhile, accelerating off that momentum, the previously-ready pistol spins back into pivot of Elegance' wrist, bringing Alice' Legacy to bare against the lowered collar of the target.
Alice' Legacy: 1d20 ⇒ 31d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
As Elegance recoils with her off-hand, the momentum spins the actuator clutching the knife, drawing the pistol along with it. The quarters are close; the potential for mistakes high. I can do better. The pistol fires, attempting to pierce the connective structure beneath the Assassin's armpit.
Predator V pistol: 1d20 - 1d6 ⇒ (20) - (6) = 141d3 ⇒ 2 Reliable 1
Whole turn is a Barrage. First weapon is the Heavy Charged Blade, other is the Tactical Knife. An attack with an Auxiliary Mount allows an attack with another AUX weapon on the same Mount, allowing the Pistol to shoot, too, but suffers a Difficulty die because of Engagement. Also, as long as Elegance is Engaged, she and any allies benefit from Soft Cover, from Level 1 of the Combined Arms Talent.
Cardis Rin said wrote: I think that setting up a Discord for faster OOC tactics discussion is a good idea. We can better balance who should go when, since we don't have set turns in Initiative. I'd agree, at this point. At least quick discussions on our SOPs
They're all different things: on the first page of gameplay there's a 'Spoiler-ed' gm post with the Escort Sitrep rules.
1. The black expanse is empty void that needs flight or something similar to traverse, though it can be shot through.
2. Blue borders are Size 1 hard cover
3. Red borders denote size 3 Hard Cover, White borders Size 3 (safe and traversible Soft Cover
4. Purple borders are the extraction zone we want to have the VIPs in by turn 8 (we're on turn 2)
5. Road Block's smoke screen should have dissipated at the end of his last turn, but I think he's got 3 more
Glad to have you, Cardis Rin!

As Elegance bobs and weaves a curtain of steel, Poise' eyes flip to the readings, taking in the sudden and drastic change in situation. Their comms flip open.
Repositioning to the cover on our flank. I'll try to sting at them from the mist.
On the turn of a dime, the weaving blades surrounding Elegance change orientation; the elbow joint wielding the heavy Ex-Caliber suddenly reverses direction, turning a threatening slash into a devastating thrust, at the same time as the grip on the tac knife flips, driving the point towards the collar of the Archer.
Ex-Caliber Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 181d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Alice' Legacy Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 121d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
As the screech of metal on metal resounds throughout the simulation, Elegance is already moving in a new direction, one foot kicking the mech backwards, into the mist behind it, the blades scratching free. Without waiting to see if the archer was disabled, Elegance hurls herself into the fog, and into the path of the oncoming swarm.
Full Action to Barrage, one attack with the Heavy Charged Blade, one with the Tactical Knife. Standard move 5 into the White Soft Cover. The movement would provoke an Overwatch Reaction if the Archer's still standing.

The orders given, Alphons' grin fades, and they and Elegance become completely still, the loud cracking of the Archer crashing in the distance.
With a burst of motion, Elegance opens her flight engines wide, and the mech strikes forward over the dark and endless voids of the Simulation, fast and deadly as lightning. The engines whine with the strain, and in the cockpit, the virtual temperature starts to rise, Poise' virtual body quickly starting to sweat.
Despite the protestations of the engines, Poise pushes forward driving the mech onward, finally halting a short distance from the less-trigger-happy archer. Elegance extends her left hand with mechanical precision, and rotating out from a hidden actuator comes the Predator V Heavy Pistol, training on its foe. The barest hint of a pause.
Bang! The heavy pistol fires: Predator V / AUX CQB: 1d20 ⇒ 91d3 ⇒ 3
Without waiting for damage to become apparent, the Elegance lurches forward again, the recoil from the Predator spinning the pistol backwards, and instead revealing the wicked Alice's Legacy knife, which Elegance brings to bare as she flies towards her foe, the mechs feet finally finding ground after an extended flight.
The Knife stabs forward: Alice's Legacy / AUX Melee: 1d20 ⇒ 141d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Poise' voice cracks over the comms, a dead monotone. Enemy engaged on left flank.
As battle is joined properly, Elegance begins waving her Ex-Caliber blade, and the normal economy of motion of the mech and pilot has been replaced with a jerking, seemingly staggering gait. Those who look closely, however, find a deceptive balance in the waving; a carefully measured dance in the chaos, and the waving, menacing weapons form a whipping curtain of steel.
Activating Flight. Standard Move + 1st Quick Action Boost ; Trigger Overcharge for an additional boost, gaining 1 Heat , ending 3 squares away from Archer 1. 2nd Quick Action Skirmish with AUX mount pistol ; Skirmish lets you attack with another weapon on the same mount, allowing an attack with the knife, allowing the Lunge Talent from Hunter to trigger, flying them 3 spaces forward before the attack, ignoring Engagement and reactions. Ending the turn on the ground, Engaged in Melee, Shield of Blades from Combined Arms in effect. Also gain 2 additional Heat from Flight, moving the Elegance to 3 Heat.
I'll take next player action

Alpons walks as if a machine to the lounge, their eyes unfocused, their movements graceful and effortless, but strangely without purpose. As the door to their destination opens, their gaze moves once over the whole space, taking it all in in a single pass.
As the group moves to the VR rig, Alphons pauses as they pass by the crew members playing their game, and the Lancer stops, enthralled. Their pale blue eyes focus to a crystalline point as they watch the ball batted expertly back and forth between the various ranks of toy men, a movement too quick to be entirely seen. They take in the fast twitches and jerks of the shoulder, wrist, elbow, and the arms as a whole, and standing as a spectator, Alphons' arms start to mimic those of the players. An inward yank of the right hand and a twist of the wrist sends the ball to the rank behind, to be received by a quick swivel of the left hand and a sharp rotation, sending the ball through all the columns to score. Standing in imitation, Alphons' face breaks out in a grin of awe, and it takes several moments for them to catch up with the rest of the group as they take their places at the couch.
Alphons resumes their impassive expression as they daintily sit at the edge of their seat, one knee crossed over the other, hands folded neatly in their lap. The sit as a stone for a moment before reaching forward, taking the headset, and placing it over their head, closing their eyes.
Alphons keeps their mind's eye closed as the simulation resolves itself with their natural balance, but the eyes open wide as they take in the heavily detailed mock-battlefield before them, complete with delightful terrain. The SitRep provided passes through their awareness almost unheeded, instead fixating on Manifest's blue effigy in the sky, and both the VR representation of themselves and their physical form back on the couch grin widely.
The rules have been laid, the tasks made clear. Alphons and the Elegance both hold perfectly still; one would be forgiven had they thought there to be a glitch in the system not rendering movements and fidgets. Poise' voice cracks over the comms.
What is the play, Road Block?
Elegance flares her flight systems in the first indicator of any locomotion from the mech, and Poise' companions recognize the telltale, tiny tremble of eagerness in their voice.
Alphons stares wistfully at the panel displaying Manifest, a jubilant grin across their face as the NHP interacts with Road Block.
At the mention of a simulation, their face recedes into a blank, impassive stare into the ether.
I suppose we should. They stand, moving gracefully to stand beside Road Block. I suppose business should come before the rest..
Judging by the monotone now prevalent in their voice, it is difficult to determine if they are being sarcastic, but they stand ready nonetheless.
Alphons' pupils flick briefly towards Jaq, but pass over her, aimlessly pursuing the various panels and lights in the room. A faint grin crosses their face.
It would have to be habitable, there are people there! Their eyes meet Jaq's, the grin turning into a beaming smile.

Alphons' eyes clear for a moment, and they meet the captain's gaze, a rare smile cracking the porcelain of their face.
Green...a lovely sound.
Alphons settles pristinely into their seat, and begins the briefing. Almost instantly their eyes glaze once more into the middle distance, as if they were only half-listening to the Major and the liaison. Yet, as soon as the video-brief is finished, a single effortless flick of their wrist dismisses the recording and opens the next.
With further details buried in text, Alphons' gaze returns to the task at hand, sharpening as they make their way through the Parameters, details on Hercynia and Evergreen, and finally the SITREP. After quickly taking in all the information of each, their focus fades once more, their expression purposfully blank, their eyes barely moving before they move further in the brief.
After a full minute of sitting motionless after dismissing the OPFOR, Alphons shifts their weight quickly, leaning forward, wrists across the edge of the table, their eyes roaming the room aimlessly.
A pit of snakes...Hmm they mutter, mulling. Snakessss... they drag out the fricative with vague relish. Hmm. This certainly sounds like we know nothing. Pirates? A guess. They turn their head to the side, examining the skin between their thumb and forefinger. A small grin breaks across their face. A settlement without currency. Fascinating... They grin before returning their attention to the rest of the lance. And an NHP...exciting.
Juniper "Athena" Frakes wrote: Also, Jaq, I liked general format for the personality profile you used in your stat block, mind if I use the idea for my own profile? That is really neat! And a helpful tool! Thanks for providing!

Alphons' pale eyes stare out from their sockets as the coffin opens, the pupils flicking from the Captain, to the Medical Officer, to the rest of the lance as they emerge from their sleep. After taking in the whole of the room, their focus fades, glazing into the middle distance.
Heart rate? Normal. Response time? Rigid and sluggish from sleep, but loosening rapidly. They stand impassive, uninterested in the Medical Officer's instruments' opinions.
After standing for a couple extra moments in the coffin, Alphons takes a pair of long, graceful strides forward into the room proper. Their toes knead at the cool metal floor. Their slightly-lidded gaze travels aimlessly around the room for a moment, their body perfectly still. At the words from Athena and Road Block, they offer a sharp nod.
Yes, they say, their smooth tenor emerging as an almost musical chirp. The file. And tea.
At the pop from Road Block's knee, Alphons' focus sharpens instantly to a point, their gaze singling out the offending joint with a machine's speed and a surgeon's certainty. They stare for a long moment before moving again.
Time and wear...the inescapable enemies of a soldier. How long until... They give an uncharacteristic shake of their head. When is pointless.
At that, they begin to move down the indicated path to the mess, their strides perfect and measured, their balance impeccable, and completely uninterested in anyone's state of dress.
Alphons is certainly not a leader. More like a particularly aggressive and effective worker bee.
Hey everyone! Excited to play with errybody!
Also, it might just be e, but I think all the links in your first post, R0b0Geisha, all lead back to this thread.