Hey, all. Congrats on making the cut.
For combats, I'm going to try running the maps on The Forge. If you don't have one already, please make an account.
Also, for mech tokens, drop a link here so I can get them made up. Take a look at Retrograde Minis to start. They have a lot of customization and you can export the image.
Let me know if you have any questions. Go ahead and dot the gameplay thread so you add the game to your list. Gameplay for real will be up soon!



Send me a link to the file via PM. I can cut out a token.
Also, further examination of The Forge has revealed that I can only ever have one game "active" at a time. Since I run several games via The Forge, you may find that you can't access the Lancer game when you need to make a post.
I'll do my best to make sure that Lancer is the game that's active most frequently, but I do run games on Wednesdays and certain Tuesdays, so you might find it unavailable. Those games typically run from 7 to 11 pm EST. I'd consider finding a different avenue to run the game, but The Forge has decent grid functionality, which you really need for Lancer.
Gameplay will be up soon. Thanks for your patience.


Alright, friends. Sorry for the wait, but I've spent some time figuring out some things for running the game as a PbP. I'll have the gameplay up and running tomorrow, but before we begin, there are a couple questions that need answering.
1. What will the hierarchy of the group be? I know that player groups work well when they're egalitarian, but from a roleplaying perspective, somebody will probably need to be the lance leader. Any volunteers? Or do we just want to throw that out of the window?
2. Three of you have the Technophile talent, which means that you come with your own custom NHP. An NHP is essentially an AI companion, similar to Jarvis and Iron Man. They have names and personalities. Who are they and how do they act?

Baywulf "Thunder Walker" |

Baywulf's not much of a leader either. I'm inclined towards egalitarian groups, but maybe having some suit from corporate as an indirect leader could work? Something like a middle manager who just needs the boxes on his report checked.
His NHP is named Leita the Seeker, a fragment of the NHP that serves as his clan's god. Leita serves to cool Baywulf's temper, to serve as a steady hand in lieu of one of the clan elders being there to calm him down.

Jaquline "Jaq" Cho |

Sorry, completely forgot about this!
1. I'm also inclined to a more egalitarian setup. Jaq could actually be a CO, but she wouldn't exactly be happy in that role.
2. Jaq's NHP is a homegrown one that she made and tinkered with while MSMC decided what to do with her. Her name is Pix and she's a bit of a geek. She loves to learn new things, but she's very child-like in her knowledge and personality.

Juniper "Athena" Frakes |

1. Athena would also be comfortable being CO, but she would stumble trying to command her father and probably recognizes that so wouldn't step forward for it. However she would definitely think Roth would make a good CO. He's experienced and at the "calm headed" side of this group which seems to be a lot of hot heads.
2. My NHP, is June's first friend and teacher, who educated her in sciences and strategy at a young age. She reconstructed it from a ruined lancer on a battlefield, and hid it from her "squad". Its name is Glaukopis, but she calls them Kopi.
Some additional stuff
What is the relationship do our characters have with each other? Have we worked together or do we not know each other?
Also, Jaq, I liked general format for the personality profile you used in your stat block, mind if I use the idea for my own profile?


Hey, friends. I just sent out the invites to the battle map. Let me know if everything works.
FYI, you don't need a password to log in. You can just leave that area blank.
The game opens paused by default, nothing I can do about that unfortunately. However, I have added a macro that should allow you to unpause the game if you need to move your token. It should be the first button available on your action bar on the bottom of the screen.
Other than that, welcome to our first Lancer combat! For those of you that don't know, Lancer runs initiative as Player 1/Enemy 1/Player 2/Enemy 2/etc. until there are no more mechs that can activate. Players can act in any order, but an enemy gets a turn in between. Also, Players get the first turn!
It might get a little bogged down if we don't stay on top of it, so please make sure to check in daily and try to act when you can.
Side note: would anybody be interested in a private Discord server to serve as our OOC chat?


Who should go first?
Any of you can act first. If it's a matter of what is tactically useful, that's why I suggested the Discord OOC chat. It's a little more instantaneous for discussing that sort of thing—time won't be lost as players wait for each other to make the first move.


No worries at all! This battle is intended for us to get used to the rules. :)
When it comes to things that aren't weapons, like Deployables or Tech Actions, check the colored heading of the equipment. If you're looking at the GMS Turret Drones, the green bar says "Quick Action" and the description says that you can expend a charge to deploy one.
So because it's a Quick Action—and because it says expend one, deploy one—you can only deploy one a turn.
...unless you Overcharge.

Cardis Rin |

Hi everyone! The GM invited me to join after you had someone drop. Happy to be included.
GM, I'll get set up on Forge as soon as I can. How is Forge's mobile support? Can it be used from a phone, or does it have to be a computer?
EDIT: My Forge account has been created. What do you need me to do next?


Hi everyone! The GM invited me to join after you had someone drop. Happy to be included.
GM, I'll get set up on Forge as soon as I can. How is Forge's mobile support? Can it be used from a phone, or does it have to be a computer?
EDIT: My Forge account has been created. What do you need me to do next?
Nothing, I'll send you a link to the game via DM. If you're interested, you could whip up a mech design at Retrograde Minis. You can export the design and send it to me via email or an image hosting site. If not, I can just make one for you. :)


@Cardis Rin: Okay, so I've removed where the previous player was located on the map and added you in. To keep the continuity of the combat going, you've also taken 2 damage and are Impaired by Archer 2's Suppress ability—you can read the details about it in a previous Gameplay post.
Let me know if you have any questions!

Cardis Rin |

Got it, thank you. Couple of questions:
1) Can I shot over the black hexes, or are those mountains or something like that?
2) What are the blue outlined hexes and the red outlined hexes?
3) What are the gray things in the red and blue outlined hexes?
4) What are the purple hexes?
5) I assume the smokey hexes are Road Block's smoke grenades. How long do those last?

Alphons - Poise |

They're all different things: on the first page of gameplay there's a 'Spoiler-ed' gm post with the Escort Sitrep rules.
1. The black expanse is empty void that needs flight or something similar to traverse, though it can be shot through.
2. Blue borders are Size 1 hard cover
3. Red borders denote size 3 Hard Cover, White borders Size 3 (safe and traversible Soft Cover
4. Purple borders are the extraction zone we want to have the VIPs in by turn 8 (we're on turn 2)
5. Road Block's smoke screen should have dissipated at the end of his last turn, but I think he's got 3 more