
Allar Westdorp's page

44 posts. Organized Play character for Dan g.


Grand Lodge

Running this and we paused in middle of book one due to Covid. I have been tracking the MM groups and came across this thread will likely need to up the final fight for my 6 maxxer PCs.

So SuperTumbler... Maybe you do not drop in often but an update would be great!

Grand Lodge

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Hey all - easing into running 2e and this came up in running the intro scenario for PFS2 a few months ago. So tried to get clarity and posted to the forums, but will repost here to see if we can shoot holes in my assumptions. So does the below make sense? NOTE on secret rolls - I run 2e with PCs rolling 10d20 rolls for their secret checks, and have a list of Perception pluses and likely skill pluses to add to roll. And roll d10 to randomly pick what d20 roll to start from (so PCs do not know if all first rolls were good to trust any checks early in session) Post >

Hazard and Haunts

Hazard Regular-No Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area - Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC
Understand how to deactivate – If Detected with Perception, then Known
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks or Attack/Smash

Hazard Regular-With Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area – Must be using Search Activity or Search Action, and must have listed proficiency or higher. Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC
Understand how to deactivate – If Detected with Perception, then Known
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks or Attack/Smash

Hazard Magic-No Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area or Range of Detect Magic – Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC or Detect Magic
Understand how to deactivate - If Detected with Perception, then Known; If Detected with Detect Magic, use Identify Magic or Recall Knowledge
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks or Dispel Magic

Hazard Magic-With Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area – Must be using Search Activity or Search Action, and must have listed proficiency or higher. Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC, Cannot be found using Detect Magic
Understand how to deactivate - If Detected with Perception, then Known
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks or Dispel Magic

Grand Lodge

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in re-reading and looking at the Hazard stat block descriptions - the only situation you would have to determine how/what to use to disable a hazard would be a magic trap found with detect magic. Also in review a mechanical can be disabled with an attack/smash that I did not list. So let me know if you think this revised works:

Hazard Regular-No Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area - Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC
Understand how to deactivate – If Detected with Perception, then Known
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks or Attack/Smash

Hazard Regular-With Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area – Must be using Search Activity or Search Action, and must have listed proficiency or higher. Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC
Understand how to deactivate – If Detected with Perception, then Known
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks or Attack/Smash

Hazard Magic-No Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area or Range of Detect Magic – Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC or Detect Magic
Understand how to deactivate - If Detected with Perception, then Known; If Detected with Detect Magic, use Identify Magic or Recall Knowledge
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks or Dispel Magic

Hazard Magic-With Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area – Must be using Search Activity or Search Action, and must have listed proficiency or higher. Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC, Cannot be found using Detect Magic
Understand how to deactivate - If Detected with Perception, then Known
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks or Dispel Magic

Grand Lodge

I think so, I added that part because on p.520 under Detect Hazard it states-

'Magical hazards that don’t have a minimum proficiency rank can be found using detect magic, but this spell doesn’t provide enough information to understand or disable the hazard—it only reveals the hazard’s presence. Determining a magical hazard’s properties thoroughly enough to disable it requires either the use of more powerful magic or a successful skill check, likely using Identify Magic or Recall Knowledge."

Grand Lodge

Please see if I am following the right process here. Please add any clarifications that you might have.

GM Tasks On Creature Identification

#Determine Skill or Lore used for DC and determine DC
Typically use specific Skill (based on Creature type and using Table 10-7) or can use another highly relevant Skill/Lore. Use Creature Level to find Base DC, Adjust for Rarity and if using Lore adjust for ease.

-Base DC by Level of Creature (Table 10-5)

-DC Adjust if using applicable Lore (Table 10-6)

Very Easy: -5
Easy: -2

-DC Adjust for Rarity of Creature (Table 10-6):
Common: -2 or -5
Uncommon: +2
Rare: +5
Unique: +10

Identify DC = Base Creature LVL +/- Rarity Adjustment - Lore Bonus

# Use Secret d20 Roll (adjust for Fortune or Misfortune) add relevant player Lore or Skill bonus and compare to DC calculated above.
#On success, provide one piece of useful information, on Critical Success, provide two pieces of useful information.

Grand Lodge

Summary of Hazards and Haunts. Please see if there are clarifications you can suggest.

Hazard Regular-No Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area - Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC
Understand how to deactivate – If Detected, then Known
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks

Hazard Regular-With Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area – Must be using Search Activity or Search Action, and must have listed proficiency or higher. Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC
Understand how to deactivate – If Detected, then Known
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks

Hazard Magic-No Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area or Range of Detect Magic – Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC or Detect Magic
Understand how to deactivate - Identify Magic or Recall Knowledge
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks or Dispel Magic

Hazard Magic-With Minimum Proficiency Rank
To Detect – Enter General Area – Must be using Search Activity or Search Action, and must have listed proficiency or higher. Secret Perception vs Traps Stealth DC, Cannot be found using Detect Magic
Understand how to deactivate - Identify Magic or Recall Knowledge
Disable – Use listed Disable DC checks or Dispel Magic

Grand Lodge

Thanks Erik, it looks proper. Thanks for letting me high-jack your thread Monkeygod - hopefully your invisible PDFs show up.

Grand Lodge

Not sure if this is the right place to throw this, but looked like an appropriate title. My Core book pdfs and Advanced guide pdfs seem to have been replaced with the Beastiary 6 files, and none of my other Beastiaries are there.

Grand Lodge

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It has always come down to a GM call for us. The crack at the bottom of poorly made doors or large doors it would allow the eye to go under the door. If the doors are well made, then there is less than a 1" gap and the eye will not pass.

Grand Lodge

Look somewhat interesting so far. A lot of goblins and kobolds - those small mooks are not usually the first ones I want to paint. Trolls and wraiths look worth my painting time.

Grand Lodge

Can you please advise on the order of 4 singles that has been in pending for 2 weeks? Thanks

Grand Lodge

I had two of my characters start as cousin meet on the road before getting to Ft Inevitable. You could role up a random enouger from the tables, so they can save an agent (senior scribe or something) of the Fort from the baddies. He can direct them to L Drovust and add some commentary and background and give them reason to get to the Fort.

Grand Lodge

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Very Nice - I've been waiting to get my hands on some Hounds and these look great!

Grand Lodge

Missed this post initially. The web fiction, the depth and great writing found here was what brought me back into RPGing again and to Pathfinder. I have just been rereading all the previously posted stories again...It will be missed.

Grand Lodge

Nice work -
My top three are
"Mortimer Raven"

Grand Lodge

Event: Pandemonium Monday Night Pathfinder Society Event #: 66843Session #: 1Date: 07/13/15Scenario: Pathfinder Society Scenario #47: The Darkest Vengeance (PFRPG) PDFGM #:36685GM Name: zefigCharacter #: 61091-15Character Name: HillyardPlease explain your problem below:

Grand Lodge — Character is incorrect organized play type PFSRPG for table of type PFSPFC.

PFS character is RPG and Slot is RPG, but not getting credit for some reason for Hillyard 61091-15. I think session was initially logged as PFC, then corrected to RPG - please correct. Dan

Grand Lodge

Cool idea!

Grand Lodge

I was told by the local VC that only Customer service can correct a PFS character that was logged incorrectly as playing a RPG slot, and not a PFC slot. This session below was logged for 61091-22 Redborn W Immish initially as RPG - that tagged the character as RPG, even when the session was corrected to PFC, the RPG tag remains with the character. Please correct - Thanks--Dan

Apr 13, 2015 47666 Pandemonium Monday Night Pathfinder Society 61 Jeffrey Stop #5–11: Library of the Lion (PFC) 61091 -22 Redborn W Immish Silver Crusade — Character is incorrect organized play type PFSRPG for table of type PFSPFC. Report a problem with this session

Grand Lodge

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Your message is coming through clearly and your use of English is fine.

I agree that the organization of the data given could help in the scenario prep and especially the scenario play. Where information about the stuck door to be given first or that optional monster placement not be at the end of the room description.

The optional encounter info and 4 PC adjustments need to be on the same page as the room.

Grand Lodge

I am prepping this now and all of these sound great and would seem to fit in with the flow of the encounters and make sense overall.

Just two thoughts that may be of help or not.

For the cultists, I think giving them increased strength makes sense, as it really does not seem much in it for them to be cultists... maybe make it where they have more red/brown/mottled skin but more dense muscle. For the more stirges, maybe have it more stirges and/or stirge hatchling swarms (mosquito sqarms)... little baby stirges.

Grand Lodge

Maybe this will be of some help. I have been painting the Reaper Bones minis and found their site helpful with prep and priming advice.

Reaper unofficial paint hints

To assemble - I suggest a craft glue called E6000 - it works great - it fills in gaps, it holds great, but you can roll it off if needed.

I would suggest priming them - use a hobby spray primer like Armory primer in black. Do it outside, not humid (unless you want bumpy troll skin texture). Test your spraying on something else first just to test your technique.

As far as paints, I would search the internet or go off an image you like, or from the box. You would have to judge by your eye, and then find the main color (like a red for your red dragon) and then a darker shade(red with black mixed in)painted in first in deep areas and then use main color (red), then a light red with some yellow mixed in on the tips or high areas.

If you wanted to try and pick a color from an image, you might try a tool on the Reaper site I found looking for the above painting hints. You can load an image and then highlight an area and it will give you colors that match what you point at - kinda cool.

Reaper Color pick tool

Otherwise, I would search youtube and see what they might have for suggestions on color mixing, techniques, etc. I am not a Reaper paint super-fan - P3 and Citadel paints have been good for me too.

Sorry I do not have a list to give you, but I think you can pull one together by eyeing it or use the Reaper color tool. Hope this helps.

Grand Lodge

Yoshu - are you referring to the on line guide by - Nephril's guide. The wording in the guide is odd and should be to select your school of specialization/focus and choose two schools that are your opposition schools. Nephril guide makes it sound like you need to select the 'restricted' schools as your school of focus.

You select one as your school to specialize in, and two that are your opposition schools and spells from those opposition schools you cannot normally select spells from. ( Valbren - I checked the Begiinners Box and they only refer to Restricted spells and certain spells an Evoker or Illusionist cannot cast and not schools of magic.)

Grand Lodge

Any word on when/if this has been fixed?

Grand Lodge

Just got mine today. What a great set of minis. They have great detail and some super sculpts. I got the Core and expansion set 1, and I now have bags of minis to paint. It is like shopping at home. I would definitely do a III if they do it!

Grand Lodge

Arno Swart wrote:

Hi all,

My group is about to figure out what the transport tokens are for. The problem is, one of the characters speaks Azlanti. I guess this character will then also know what the runes for each level look like. Does this mean they can teleport to any level they wish, without having visited the levels?

If it works like this, I would like to devise some workaround, so that the players are not allow to 'skip ahead' in the dungeon.

I told them it was 'Northern' Azlanti and did not immediately recognize the symbol.

Grand Lodge

I ordered some minis including Damiel. I did not see/think that Damiel was a back order/unavailable at the time. Could you please send the minis on that order that are not under backorder - and keep Damiel as a separate backorder order. Thanks

Grand Lodge

I use E6000 - a craft glue. It is a thicker glue and rolls up/off fairly easy.

Grand Lodge

Kor - the images seem to be misaligned on the Lost Coast set starting with the gnome.

Grand Lodge

Thanks Paz - I only did the session set up and did not get to the reporting. Thanks again.

Grand Lodge

There is now one and only one module Emerald Spire checkbox/item under the Modules section. There are 16 levels/chronicles that can be given out. Do we just use the same Module checkbox/item for every level? Won't the system not give Xp and fame/prest on the 2nd and subsequent levels reported?

Grand Lodge

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Irish202 wrote:
Hello! I had noticed that the module was made PFS-legal, and ran the first level for our local PFS group. I went to report the session, and the module does not appear amongst the options for available scenarios/modules. Is this something that will open up later for reporting?

Any word on when the modules will be available to select on the PFS session creation page?

Grand Lodge

I am having the same issue as IraKroll. For the past couple of days I have been trying to process/ purchase a couple if minis and a bunch of PDF scenarios. And it just kicks me back to a log in screen. I sent and email to customer service and I just saw that Ira had the same issue so I am posting this here. Please advise. --Dan

Grand Lodge

For the chatty players you may need to talk to them while not gaming and see what can be done to limit the chatting - maybe there maybe random monsters that are wandering by and hear them. Maybe come up with a signal you can use when you need them to listen.

For the maps - my Chessex maps come clean even after a couple of weeks with wet erase sitting on them. I do not use black, as it stains. Brown, blue, purple are my go to colors.

If you have extra money, maybe having another battlemap may help or get some larger size paper, or preprinted hex pads to have those maps predawn.

I went to a paper supply warehouse and got a ream of 12x18 inch pack of Cover paper. For 16.00$ U.S. (U.S. Paper size- not sure where you are)It is larger and thicker- it is more like card stock. I draw a 1" grid and draw the maps to use it to draw smaller maps and to have a couple to cover the larger maps until the PC enter that part of the map and uncover as they go. Hope this helps.

Grand Lodge

Talcrion wrote:

....maxed perception, and I can't even say I blame them it is by far the most common skill check I see.(though I'm sure this is partially my fault)

Talcrion- (this may be a bit off topic) You stated it is the most common you see... Maybe too late for these maxed perception players, but one way may be to simply hide the fact there is perception to be made. Have them roll 5-10 rolls at the start of the session and use as needed. Start from the bottom of the list of rolls at times, add bonus based on their actions. Note any perception bonuses they have and apply as needed. They would not be as aware they are near trap, ambush, etc as you are not asking for rolls.

Grand Lodge

I like these from your list for mid-level arcane:
Gust of Wind
Water Breathing
Dimensional Anchor

I would want Fly, Gaseous Form, Mnemonic Enhancer, Prot. From Evil, communal too.

Grand Lodge

William- When you sent out the next set, I would appreciate being added to the list - golldan at yahoo dot com

Thanks for putting in the time to keep a classic going...and Thanks in advance for sending.

Grand Lodge

It does not look like it. Check the additional resources page

It does not show a chronical sheet for any of the older AP except Rise of Runelouds.

Grand Lodge

Congrats Bill!

Grand Lodge

I am sure there are others that can give better advice on these message boards- but here goes...

There are many posts on the message boards already that give some advice, here is one of them about Pathfinder Society (PFS)
Go to Advice for PFS.

It refers to the open playing groups that play pathfinder, it would be a good way to learn the game. They are helpful- especially if you let them know you are new and need to learn the game or set-up a character. It may be good to use one of the pre-generated character when first learning. Those can be found a link here that talks about organized play:
Go to About PFS.

You can check for games in your area here:
Go to locations for PFS.

(Sorry - do not know how to hotlink these links not sure the links will work)


Grand Lodge

Bradisonfosho wrote:

I have been interested in RPGs for a couple years now and finally picked up Pathfinder a little over a month ago, but am having a hard time finding people who play. The closest PFS groups are 50+ miles away and my local game shop didn't have any suggestions either. Is there anyone out here in the Jackson/Ann Arbor/Adrian area looking for people to join in?

You could try ping the PFS group I know there is talk every once in a while about games at shops in Ann Arbor and there is a Con in Ypsilanti every fall. Good luck - if you do want to travel east that 50 miles check out i and sign up for a game.

Hope you find a game-

Grand Lodge

VRMH wrote:
Allar Westdorp wrote:

Newbie question - I have a 1 lvl, Halfling Stone Oracle, DEX 14 / STR 12 with Magic Pebble Revelation. Magic Pebble is a Ranged spell/revelation and gets a +1 Att and +1 damage.

So do I add my +1 small and +2 DEX to the to HIT for +4?

And for dam is it +1 STR for +2?
That's a bit confusing, actually. "Any creature struck by the pebble takes 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage per two oracle levels you possess". So I'm not sure where the added damage factors in. The revelation seems to have a hard time deciding whether the pebble is a regular projectile (which should have a base damage die) or a splash weapon.

Thanks VRMH - the +2 was for Str add for thrown projectile.

Grand Lodge

Newbie question - I have a 1 lvl, Halfling Stone Oracle, DEX 14 / STR 12 with Magic Pebble Revelation. Magic Pebble is a Ranged spell/revelation and gets a +1 Att and +1 damage.

So do I add my +1 small and +2 DEX to the to HIT for +4? And for dam is it +1 STR for +2? Appreciate any clarification on Ranged attack spell/Revelation.

Originally posted under Advice in error.

Grand Lodge

Newbie question - I have a 1 lvl, Halfling Stone Oracle, DEX 14 / STR 12 with Magic Pebble Revelation. It gets a +1 Att and +1 damage - but do I add my +1 small and +2 DEX to the to HIT for +4? And for dam is it +1 STR for +2? Appreciate any clarification on Ranged attack spell/Revelation.

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