
Alicarus Vorasik, "The Mantis"'s page

31 posts. Alias of Loup Blanc.


So, has this fallen apart completely?

Eventually I'll go on dungeon runs myself, probably, but in the meantime I'm one of those people who's a "character who just wants to hang around town." That said, I'd be happy to draft up a dungeon run for you guys.

Alic smiles. And so we begin... He walks with Valdemar, taking it all in. So, we have here a man who is descended from Sandpoint's founders--obviously a claim to greatness and at the same time a driving force that demands it of him. His older brother is already in a position of authority and power in town, which adds to his pressure to succeed in all things, or at least in this. A prime target... now it comes to planting the seed.

"Ah, so you are descended from greatness! It's well that I met you; it will be grand to learn of my new home from one who knows it well, and who may soon be in a position of great authority." Alic smiles and nods.

The White Deer:
At the inn--Yes, this would be well for Alicarus Vorasik to frequent--Alic orders two glasses of wine from the bartender, nothing too expensive, but not the dredges, either. He tries hard to keep from smiling at Valdemar's comment. Perhaps no real trap will have to be laid after all. How willingly rats end their lives at the hope of scraps.

"Alicarus Vorasik, sir. I am indeed at your service and looking for employment. As for, as you say, 'getting things done,' I admit I'm a man of talents--and, more importantly, a man of connections." He looks to the mayoral candidate and raises an eyebrow. "Surely a man in your line of work knows the importance of connections."

Alic widens his eyes at the man's hand. Dirty work, and unclean. Silas would have had the same fingers of whoever did that. Senseless violence, what did they hope to accomplish of cutting off the fingers of some backwoods townie? It appears my work is cut out for me.

"How awful!" Alic replies in a hoarse whisper. "The Fatman's Feedbag? I'll steer clear." Though the Mantis won't. "Orcs in the inns? Sandpoint is more exciting than I was lead to believe." Alic smiles and moves away from the man, resisting the urge to cut his purse. Not yet, Alicarus. Soon enough.

The elf waits until most of the crowd is dispersed and the other townsfolk have spoken with Vandemar, though he does stand close enough to listen in with his keen hearing.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Once he can approach Vandemar himself, he steps up with a smile. "A rousing speech, sir! I agree wholeheartedly--orcs in the inns, supping with goblins and ogres--these are dangerous times." More than you know... "You know, I heard that one of the local taverns is having a special deal on drinks. I wonder: Might you accompany me for some refreshments, this evening if not now? I would be delighted to pay, of course."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Alright, I'll stick to normal text. Just thought I'd check.

Alicarus Vorasik walks through the gate like any other traveler. He looks like a common elf, albeit one with reddish hair, uncommon but not particularly remarkable. The accoutrements that mark him as more than he seems are hidden in the pockets of his long jacket; the markings that would condemn him in the eyes of the law of two cities are covered by shirtsleeve and more. The sword at his belt is a short one with a slight curve; many travelers carry blades for self-defense, so this too is nothing overtly strange.

You will need to blend in with the populace until you have set up shop, Alic. It is of the utmost importance that no one think you of importance, at any time, but especially now. It is the Mantis' name which will spread across the land, his reputation that will become legend and inspire countless thieves and scoundrels. Alicarus Vorasik must be simply another traveler who's wound up in this backwater town.

Alicarus makes his way to the town square quickly enough, where he moves into the crowd and mingles, listening to the man's speech about running for mayor. Note: Investigate mayoral candidates; determine scruples and honesty of each; investigate possibilities of working for one or more.

While in the crowd and listening to Valdemar's speech, Alic turns to any nearby townsfolk who seem friendly and puts on a smile. "Excuse me, but I'm a newcomer in town. Anything in particular I should know about Sandpoint, any events of importance or interest?"

Diplomacy to Gather Information: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

I can post once or more on almost any given day, although Alicarus isn't particularly combat-based. He's much more of an RP character, though don't doubt that he'll be able to open a can of whoop-a** in a level or two.

EDIT: I want to do something special to indicate Alic's voice when he's speaking through his mask as the Mantis. Just to check with you all, "Is̛ t͢h̢is t̸ex̛t̴ ͏t̀oo d͝i̸f̶f̡icu̕lt̢ to r͘ead̕?"

Indeed, it'll be fun to cross paths once more.

Cool! So, should we post in Discussion or anything?

Here's Loup Blanc's submission--an elf ninja who hopes to forge a crime empire. I will note that I'm probably gonna swap Weapon Finesse for Additional Traits and pick up some other goodies--he's intended to be a social and RP character, not a particularly strong warrior (at least, not yet).

Alic, again in Mantis armor, looks down at the assorted angelic accessories, though it is impossible to see his expression. Finally, he heaves a sigh. "If I must..."

The Mantis picks up a golden belt, strapping it on, and picks up one of the wing pairs. Noticing Diablo's spray-painting, he draws a sabre and begins carving the accessory into roughly the same design as one of his blades.

Diablo wrote:
"Mantis? Hey is it true that a female mantis bite off the male's head when they mate? Because it would really suck being you."

Lovely team, here...

"In nature, I believe that is true, yes. However, as 'Mantis' is short for Red Mantis, I'd worry more about your head, if I were you." An empty threat, but Alic isn't a huge crap-taker.

The Mantis rolls its eyes in disgust at Diablo's comments on Ariella and Gillanna, but it doesn't say anything. Nor does it respond to the new man's comment. Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2

Then the Mantis removes its mask, and in a flash, its entire armor disappears... sort of. Underneath the Red Mantis attire, the tall, lean man wears well-oiled and fine-looking studded leather, cut to allow full movement without sacrificing protection. His hair is held back in a tight ponytail that falls below his shoulders, enhancing the sharpness of his face. Alic moves to the table and begins to eat some fruits, vegetables, and grains, disregarding the meat.

The Mantis moves to the nearest bed, the middle of the northern row, and unstraps his crossbow and quiver, laying them on the mattress. He still wears his sabres, though. "I suppose this is where we make small talk and bond?" he says, his voice not particularly humorous. "I am called the Mantis. You may refer to me as such."

The Mantis turns its head to face Genevia as she mentions dressing up. "I will wear this," it intones without emotion. "Non-negotiable."

Alic, used to the effects and aftereffects of drugs, poisons, and hallucinogens from his time with the Red Mantis, stumbles down the hallway. The Tears are stronger than most of what he's had before, and as Miss Lockhart offers more of them, he slowly nods his head, although the mask he still wears prevents his facial expression from being seen.

Will save: 1d20 ⇒ 13

Hm... Being evil, and nasty, and kind of a b*tch, but also being a team player... Sounds like the kind of characters I can enjoy a lot ;)

Honestly, Alic is going to be evil and all, though not as perverse as Ghillana sounds to be. Alic, and especially his persona the Mantis, is ruthless and efficient beyond all else. The Mantis is a cold-blooded killer, who slays without mercy, compassion, or any emotion at all. It's not that it takes pleasure in killing; it's just its job.

That said, I'd suggest that you play Ghillana as working with the others for survival. Certainly at this point, as a Drow female, she considers herself better than everyone else. But once the group experiences actual combat, and she sees the competence of the other gladiators, she'll probably be a little more willing to work with them... at least for the time being.

As for PBP and lines being drawn, from what I've seen, people tend to be pretty explicit about things they don't like, hah. Honestly, as long as you don't get the lot of us killed outright, I think this is supposed to be a more brutal, gritty game. We're big boys and girls; we can handle it.


Alic bows his head to the priests and accepts the drink, frowning at the others' banter, especially at Diablo. One should not make a farce of ceremony... Even if it is just ceremony.

Alic braces himself for whatever effects these "tears" will have.

Fortitude: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

"Speak not of falsity in Razmir," Alic says to the Gorumite and the drow. "It matters not if is he is a god--he is the ruler. He has power, and therefore I will not see him dead."

The Mantis doesn't bother straining against his bonds, although he prefers freedom. "We are here to fight--what more do you want? Are we not all of us gladiators--excepting the noblewoman, there."

The Mantis walks forward, striding purposefully toward the stage, the armor softly clinking as it moves toward Omega and the other gladiators. Alic knew this was coming, had prepared for it and expected it, but he still felt his heart pounding a little faster and stronger at the thought of the impending combats and bloodshed.

"For my Master," he says with a nod to those onstage as he steps up. The Mantis takes its place and waits, still and silent, hands loosely gripping the hilts of its sabres.

The man in the Red Mantis garb watches this all impassively, as if it it something he is used to. Death is our way, he thinks behind the alien mask, arms folded, hands resting on the hilts of his sabres. Blood to our Lord, the highest gift. Fight in its name, exacting its toll.

Alicarus looks at the man, Aerin, disdainfully behind his mask, though no one can see his expression. Strong, trained for battle, and yet a coward. Pitiful. Alic returns his gaze to the priest, Omega, on the ship, waiting for his name to be called. Of course, the ingots and cauldron were all a show, at least as far as the Mantis were concerned--after all, they had already assured that Alic would have a place in the combat.

He was merely waiting his turn.

"Archetypes are for the weak." Haha, just joking, they're great.

Yeah. It may seem OP at first, but there are plenty of ways to get around it. Really, the only time it's ridiculous is at low levels. And what do we do in that case, children? That's right--work as a team!

"This... Ariella woman. She is a skilled hunter, no?... But this Garris, he also looks to have an air of power and prestige about him. I cannot at this time choose between them. Perhaps a duel to the death for rights to captainhood?" Hehe...

Sorry, DM, but I really like this character now, so probably not switching. As for rep, Alic probably isn't the best idea. He's pretty charismatic, but he's also relatively weak-willed and totally subservient to the Red Mantis--he may well have his own contacts.

Here's Loup's submission, Korinil Ironfist! A hardy dwarf monk, who currently specializes in close-quarters combat, and will soon enough be able to get some nice magical abilities.

Crunchwork is done with updating him to 3rd level and all, though I have yet to spend the gold... Also need to write some new fluff for his backstory, since he was built for a Carrion Crown AP.

If a dwarf is acceptable, I may change him to have the martial artist archetype, be CG or NG. As for a love interest, I'm not sure that's Korinil's cup of tea. Probably would rather do the whole "adopted" thing--also offers something of an explanation as to why he's not like most dwarves.

As much as I want to play this character, looking like he wouldn't fit in with the group dynamic... Perhaps I'll revamp him into human form!!!

...Or just make a Varisian character.

Checking it out right now. Will probably apply with this character, since I want to play him, though I'm definitely going to make some changes.

Good luck to all! I'm sure I'll find a home somewhere.

Hey, Jelani. I posted with a link to this alias earlier, but in case you didn't see it or passed over it because it wasn't the alias itself, here you are again! If you didn't list me because I'm missing something, can you let me know what? I think I have everything you requested.