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oh dear god TL;DR

so alchemist. make bomb=AoO
throw bomb=AoO

AC= mostly meh

yh so its a high powerful dragon. its not god. it can die.

your a collosal dragon, reach dude. if your RPing a all powerful dragon then do it. hes guna be arrogent and just walk up and bite/grap anything thats hurting it.

round 1 go and bite anything (as your AC is stupid you can afford to get close)
alchemisy tries to hit you you bite/grab him and laugh.

easy enough.

your whole arguement was that X class was over powered because it can do X when others cant.

ive been playing DnD for years and pathfinder fo 2. in that time i can safely say i have 'Broken' every class possible.

stop wining and accept that yes your player built it nicely and dragons have rubbish touch.

if your not attacking for the 1st 2 rounds then walk up to them or intimidate them.

RPing doesnt mean he cant act.