Alex Stewart 689's page

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Hello all!

So during our most recent session, my group had a bit of misadventure while trying to recover Gaehken's body in the Dead Warrens. Long story short, they managed to handle the first few encounters well - survived the skeletons, the otyugh, and the necrophidius hallway - but took a bit of a beating, blew a lot of spell slots, and decided to press on anyway. They wound up facing off against Vreeg and three of his derro minions who had heard the group poking around and fled back to his chamber. They put up a valiant fight, but were ultimately forced to flee.

Two of the PCs, as well as Majenko, did not make it out alive.

I guess I have two major questions at this point, and I was wondering if any of you all out there have been in a similar situation.

One is, what will the effect of their short term failure be in the outside world? Will Cressida simply urge them to return as soon as possible and try again? Will Thousand Bones and the Shoanti become angry at the delay, and should this have any effect on Korvosa/the PCs?

The second is, if/when the PCs return, what will the Dead Warrens be like for a second visit? Vreeg was the only derro to survive - if he decides to stay, it would make sense for him to fortify or make some sort of preparations for another assault. It would certainly be interesting to make the PCs fight against the reanimated corpses of their fallen comrades.

Anyway, just wondering if anyone else has been in the same situation or has any ideas about how the group's failure could affect the adventure path moving forward.

Thanks in advance!

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Thanks for the suggestions!

I ended up using the tarot deck, but instead of doing a "genuine", off-the-cuff reading I prepared a reading ahead of time and stacked the deck. That way I only had to convert the select cards that I would be using in the reading rather than the entire deck.

It went pretty smoothly, and I think the players enjoyed it. Fingers crossed that it goes as well in the future!

Hey all,

So I'm preparing to start CotCT this weekend for a group of new players, and I'm a little stressed about how to run the harrow reading. I've searched online but can't find a harrow deck that doesn't cost $40+ plus shipping from overseas.

The harrow readings seem like a cool, flavorful idea and I don't want to abandon them, but I'm struggling with how to conduct a reading without the harrow deck.

I have a tarot deck that I was thinking could be used as a substitution, but I can't quite wrap my head around a feasible way to do that without literally mapping cards one for one from the harrow deck to the tarot deck.

I know the book provides a method for simulating the drawing by rolling dice, but honestly that seems so drawn-out and immersion breaking that I think I'd rather cut out the reading altogether than do it in that manner.

I was wondering if anyone has had any success in the past doing harrow readings without a deck? Any thoughts, experiences, ideas, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!