Baron Hannis Drelev

Aleste's page

265 posts. Alias of GeraintElberion.


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Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Aleste throws acid bombs from on high as his owl soars, cutting a line just above the dragon.
touch attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
acid damage: 5d6 + 5 ⇒ (2, 5, 2, 1, 2) + 5 = 17

touch attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
acid damage: 5d6 + 5 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 1, 5) + 5 = 24

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Aleste banks his giant owl high into the sky, trying to get above the dragon. As the owl moves, her drinks an extract.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Aleste drinks his orchid's drop and encourages his owl to climb above the dragon's altitude.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Assuming you all attack the same foe.

Aleste, also atop a giant owl, adds an arrow to the attack.
attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Aleste disappears into a series of weird and wonderful alchemists' shops: from scarf hung, smoke-filled and colourful street-side shops to grimy, unwelcoming structures stacked high with copper pipes and strange glassware.

Aleste has purchased a headband of vast intelligence +2, a moonlight globe and a portable alchemist's lab.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

I've kept things simple for Aleste with the 'extra bombs' feat and upping the skills he was already good at.
Have added 'orchid's drop' to his discoveries: +2 to all saves for 9 hours a day!

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

hit points: 1d8 ⇒ 2

re-roll: 1d8 ⇒ 7

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Aleste smiles as the cool morning air whips around his face, "At least we're out of that lich's den."

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Still waiting for Paizo, might prod them on the forums.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)


I'm going to restart soon. I'm tempted to start a recruitment thread for someone to take over Helaku (basically, 'who wants to play a sorcerer with this gear and this name to finish off RHoD, you can build the rest yourself').

I'm sure someone will bite.
It just seems right to try and keep the band together.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)


Well, thanks for some good gaming CHH.

If everyone is keen to see the adventure through, I do own a copy...

I do enjoy playing Aleste, but i'm not sure we could conjure up another GM too easily. And, y'know, I quite enjoy GMing.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

If CH wants me to find the post where the phylactery is found, I will, otherwise...

Aleste described the phylactery in as much detail as he can "... so, as you can see, we have rescued your treasure from those horrible hobgoblins that stole it."

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Unsure what spell has been cast, Aleste is careful not to lie:

"We have control of the phylactery, but it is not with us in this room. If one of those hobgoblins had stolen it from us, we would have nothing to parlay with."
Bag of holding is an extra-dimensional space, so I'm pretty sure that's technically true.

"We can describe it to you in some detail. And if you are happy to exchange your pledge for the item's return, we can arrange an exchange quite quickly.

What, like we're just going to take his word for it and then get eaten by lions when we've handed it over? We're not schmucks!

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

knowledge(arcana): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Aleste nods along, "Yeah, everybody wins"

aid another (diplomacy): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

It may be time for Ambrose to show off that +10 to diplomacy, I'm happy to make an aid another check.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

"When he's holding that axe, I too prefer to be behind Harek."

Aleste grins grimly, Let's go parley with a lich... where did my life go wrong?

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Just want to know, in case we need to.
craft (alchemy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

crazy hedgehog, any way of destroying or suppressing the device? Or spoiling the magic of the pool?

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

"Well, this is like an undead booster. This is why we keep meeting undead Lions and suchlike."

Aleste gives a low whistle and keeps well away.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Can you take ten on knowledge checks?

if not, knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Ambrose, keep going with the wand until you're full.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

1d1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

And another one
cmw: 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (5, 3) + 8 = 16

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

cmw: 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (3, 2) + 8 = 13

Trying not to show too much pain, Aleste knocks back a healing extract.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Any skill checks to learn more about the pool?

"So, he likes lions then."

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

top right of every post is a + symbol, click that to 'like' a post

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Mental note: don't mess with Shaylar!

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Ambrose the alchemist? Is that me, or Ambrose?

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Aleste gives Harek a surprised smile, "Well, you did the hard work..."

Then he raises his voice for the group, "Hey, I don't think they like silver, seems to hurt them!"

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

CrazyHedgehog, are you okay with the treasure list Ambrose drew up?

I just used the silver mace but realised we haven't had confirmation.
I'd quite like to have any gear we can get before we meet a lich...

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Aleste grins with black humour, "Yeah, but you're good at it."

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Don't forget you're hasted Shaylar! Another attack at full, I think?

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Aleste steps up behind Ambrose, "This is the worst bit: hitting things."

Drawing the recently acquired silver mace, he swings it at the grotesque creature.

attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Haste attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Is there an updated map? Or is it just that the front two have dropped?

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

thrown weapon: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
acid bomb: 4d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 1) + 4 = 11

Aleste aims another bomb at the monster, this time with acid to see if that is effective.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

The description above suggests that they are resistant to fire and have some kind of DR but are vulnerable to lightning and cold damage. We'll find out about acid soon enough...

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

if this is more of a job for knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

this seems like a fight where Helaku could drop Haste and that would be pretty awesome?

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Hey CrazyHedgehog, I used a move action last round and should be behind Ambrose on the map. Unless I've made an error.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Shuddering at the sight of the creatures, Aleste steps across behind Ambrose and sends a flask of alchemist's fire arcing forward to meet Ambrose's foe.
Testing to see if they are vulnerable to fire

Ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
fire damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Aw, darn it. I meant Ambrose.

Although, Leonar can do some scary melee.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

If Leonar and Harek stop-up each side of the fountain, the rest of us can provide artillery of the bomb/arrow/scorching ray variety and run buffs and potions.


Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

If we can keep/have some of these...


1 +2 silver heavy mace - handy for creature types. I'll take it over the short-sword (which I am not proficient with, I now realise).
1 +2 rapier - upgrade for Shaylar over the +1 longsword?
1 MW mighty composite longbow +1 str - ranged weapon upgrade for ambrose?


1 +2 full plate
1 +1 mithral chain shirt
1 unidentified magic banded mail
1 unidentified magic breastplate
1 +1 breastplate (ambrose's old armor)
8 small +1 hide armor (just left it on list since they are magical)
1 MW scale mail

- this lot could fund added enchantments to our front-line's armour.

Wearable Gear

1 Headband of vast intelligence +2 - my extracts are intelligence based...
1 ring of protection +2 - Ambrose takes a lot of damage and has a pretty low AC.
3 unidentified bracers (?)


1 wand of magic missile (CL 5th - 14 charges) - Helaku
1 wand of scorching ray (CL ??? - ?? charges) - Helaku - that's some artillery sorted.
1 scroll of mount - Helaku
1 pearl of power 2nd - an extra spell slot for Leonar
1 horn of fog - Anyone? Best for a flyer, I think.
8 potions of invisibility - share them out.
4 potions of jump - for the non-flyers, in a pinch.
4 potions of pass without trace - bag of holding
2 potions of protection from good - to sell
25 potions of cure moderate wounds - share them round: awesome supplies to have handy in a pouch.
1 bag of holding type I - Aleste, I need a magic bag.

Other Valuables

1 topaz worth 750 gp
1 bottle of wine worth 75 gp
1 gold necklace worth 300 gp
1 lion bracelet worth 200 gp
11 gems worth total of 330 gp
1 gold necklace worth ???
1 silk cloak worth ???
1 string of seven pearls worth ???
1 set of mithral jewelry worth ???
1 deed to Vrath Keep worth ???

Keep the deed, use the rest to upgrade gear: amulet of mighty fists for Leonar?

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

"Hang on, Shaylar. These should be yours."

I press into the elf's hands a quiver of 20 arrows, clearly magical and marked with lightning runes. Wrapped around those is a fine belt which ripples with obvious enchantment.
20 +1shock arrows and a belt of +2dex

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

That is a lot of stuff...


Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

Treasure check:

1 enchanted set of banded mail - any idea of the enchantment? Worth stashing for a chance to sell later?
1 light steel shield
3 sets of enchanted arm bracers - can we learn the enchantment?
1 well-balanced, masterwork heavy mace
3 masterwork dragonchain weapons
3 masterwork light crossbows
30 bolts
2 potions of cure light wounds - Aleste
1 potion of cure moderate wounds - Aleste
1 masterwork whip
1 masterwork shortbow
Quiver with 20 +1 shock arrows - so, um these seem like Shaylar could go for them. I can use a few at a stretch.
1 +2 mithral breastplate - Ambrose
1 mithral belt of incredible dexterity +2 - this also seems like it should go to Shaylar. If not, I'll take it for throwing stuff.
1 rod of elemental metamagic (normal strength - electricity) - allows the wielder to cast up to three spells per day of 6th level or lower and have the damage automatically converted to electricity damage. - Leonar
A collection of mithral jewellery (earrings, anklets, rings, bracelets) - I'll bag it as treasure to sell later.

Male Human Alchemist 9 (HP 58/58; AC18; Initiative +3; Perception +13)

probably worth checking out those bracers.

Aleste will carry the potions, nothing else of interest to him.