About Alejandro CarlosScenario Notes: Inspiring Boost used on X
Boons Slotted:
Wayfinders Champion (Faction): This Faction boon allows the character to gain Reputation with the Wayfinders faction. A character with this boon slotted at the end of a successfully completed scenario gains Reputation as detailed in the primary and secondary success conditions of that scenario. Benefit: Once per adventure when you succeed at a Diplomacy or Survival skill check that is written into the adventure, you recover 1 Resolve Point, up to your Resolve Point total. Basic/Amateur/Professional/Elite Hireling (Ally): Benefit: You bring on a non-combat ally that can assist with a certain set of skill checks. This ally can perform the listed skills with a total bonus equal to 6 plus your level (Elite). You must expend any necessary actions and be in range to perform the action yourself. The ally’s result cannot be modified by class abilities or spells, but can be improved by a successful aid another action. The ally can attempt a given skill check only once, cannot retry a check, and cannot take 10 or 20 on a check. You cannot use the hirelings skills except recall knowledge in combat, and the hireling cannot be affected by, or affect combat, and cannot be harmed unless willfully endangered, and has no effect other than performing the selected skill checks. When you select this boon, you must select one of the following sets of skills.
Enhanced Shield Regeneration (Starship Boon): You’ve learned how to get the most out of your shields, pushing them to the limit to survive the rigors of special phenomena and starship combat. Benefit: Once per starship combat, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to push your starship’s shields to the limit. The starship regains a number of Shield Points (SP) equal to the starship tier × your current Wayfinder Reputation Tier. You can assign these SP to any facing, or divide them among any number of facings. A starship can benefit from this boon only once per starship combat encounter. Scoured Stars Survivor (Personal): When you slot this boon in your Personal Boon slot, once per day as a free action, you can reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 1 (to a minimum of 0 RP.) When you use this ability to stabilize, you also immediately gain 1d6 Hit Points for every 2 character levels you have. First Contact Step-In (Social): When an ally fails a skill check during a first contact situation—specifically when encountering a previously undiscovered species—you can spend 1 Resolve Point to immediately attempt the same skill check. If the result of your skill check is greater than your ally’s failed attempt, use your result to determine the outcome. You can use this ability on any skill check so long as it relates to a first contact encounter. A common example would be using skills like Diplomacy or
Mobile Translator (slotless): Your connections with the Wayfinders grant you easier access to a rudimentary translation device useful in first contact situations. Benefit: You acquire a Tetrad certified translator as if you had purchased it, but you do not need to expend any credits.
Tetrad Certified Translator
The device then acts as a rudimentary translator. It does not allow you to converse with creatures with whom you don’t share a language, but it can relate very basic information. Examples of statements the device could interpret would be: “come with us,” “lower your weapons,” or “leave immediately.” The device cannot parse proper names, including personal designations or the names of items and places. Some extraordinary complex or obscure languages might not translate clearly with this device. ☐ Tattoo of the Starfinder (Slotless): You have a magical tattoo, commemorating your induction into the Starfinder Society. As an immediate action when you are struck by a critical hit or dealt at least 15 points of damage from a spell or supernatural ability, you can check the box that precedes this boon and expend the tattoo’s magic to gain 10 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 minute. You also regain 1 previously expended Resolve Point when using this boon. Hit Points are a precious commodity at low levels, and a few lucky attacks from an opponent can sometimes kill a character. Similarly, Resolve Points are key to using special abilities and stabilizing if a deadly attack takes you down. Consider this option to reduce the chance that a lucky critical hit will kill you.
Star Sugar Heartlove!!! (Slotless Boon; Limited Use): During your commencement missions, you had the chance to pick up your own copy of the latest album from sugar-pop sensation Strawberry Machine Cake. This album is already a Pact Worlds hit and has quadrupled in price. You can resell the album for 200 credits prior to the start of your next adventure. If you sell the album, cross this boon off your chronicle sheet. Alternatively you can decide to keep the album, which might somehow prove useful in the future. Ghibran Linguist (Slotless Boon): So long as you possess this boon, all of your Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild characters have access to the Ghibran language and can select it at any time they would learn a new language. _________________________________________________________________
Alejandro is a male human with light brown skin, bright white hair and matching close cut beard. Like most humans he is from Absalom Station, or at least that is what he calls home. He carries a variety of gear for many different situations but is not overly armed or armored. A set of pistols are holstered at his waist and slipped into a shoulder holster is a non-lethal stun gun. All the weapons appear to be well used. A sturdy backpack is slung over his shoulders. Starship Combat Cheat Sheet
Botting Instructions and other things of interest are spoiler-ed at the bottom.
Starship Combat Skills Bolded
[dice=Acrobatics - ACP]1d20+7[/dice] [dice=Athletics - ACP]1d20+4[/dice] [dice=Bluff]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=Computers (t)]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Culture (t)]1d20+10[/dice] [dice=Diplomacy + Expertise]1d20+15+1d6+1[/dice] [dice=Disguise]1d20+9[/dice] [dice=Engineering (t)]1d20+10[/dice] +4 vs. traps with tools [dice=Intimidate + Expertise]1d20+15+1d6+1[/dice] [dice=Life Science (t)]NA[/dice] [dice=Life Science (t) Hireling]d20+11[/dice] [dice=Medicine (t)]1d20+10[/dice] [dice=Mysticism (t)]NA[/dice] [dice=Mysticism (t) Hireling]d20+11[/dice] [dice=Perception]1d20+4[/dice] [dice=Physical Science (t)]NA[/dice] [dice=Physical Science (t) Hireling]d20+11[/dice] [dice=Piloting]1d20+11[/dice] (Astrogating w/in Pack Worlds +2) [dice=Gunner]1d20+3+5[/dice] [dice=Profession (t)]NA[/dice] [dice=Sense Motive + Expertise]1d20+8+1d6+1[/dice] [dice=Sleight of Hand - ACP]1d20+12[/dice] [dice=Stealth - ACP]1d20+7[/dice] [dice=Survival]1d20[/dice] +4 orienteering with tools Languages Common, Azlanti Feats 1) Skill Synergy: Diplomacy & Intimidate, Weapon Focus: Small Arms, 3) Toughness, Weapon Specialization (Small Arms, Basic Melee) 5) Antagonize Other Abilities Expertise (Sense Motive) and Skill Expertise (Diplomacy) Improvisations 1) Get ’Em, 2) Inspiring Boost (not usable on self), 4) Expanded Attunement Expertise Talents 3) Slick Customer _________________________________________________________________ Combat Gear MK 1 Serum of Healing (3), MK 2 Serum of Healing, Tier 1 Antitoxin (2), Medpatch, Grenades Tracked in Offense Section, Ysoki Refractor Suit w/ Infrared Sensors & Radiation Buffer, Trailblazer Azimuth Laser Pistol, Pulsecaster Pistol, 2 extra batteries (20 charges each), Semi-Auto Pistol, Extra Rounds (25), Glamered Cestus Battleglove
Carrying Capacity w/ Backpack = 6 Bulk, Currently Carrying 3B + 24L
Special Abilities:
Expertise (Ex) If Alejandro has at least 1 Resolve Point remaining when he attempts a Diplomacy or Sense Motive check, he can roll 1d6 and add it to the result as an insight bonus. At 5th level, anytime you roll your expertise die, you gain a +1 bonus to the result. At 9th, 17th, and 20th levels, this bonus increases by 1. At 13th level, you roll 1d8 as your expertise die instead of 1d6. Beginning at 9th level, you have even greater expertise with skills to which you can add your expertise die that you have also selected with the Skill Focus feat. For each such skill, once per day when rolling your expertise die to add to that skill, you may roll the expertise die twice and take the better of the two results. Outlaw Theme: You are well connected to shadowy secrets and back-alley deals, and you both know about key players and have handy skills of your own. Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about the criminal underworld by 5. Sleight of Hand is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Dexterity at character creation. Botting Instructions:
In combat - Use Get ‘Em to provide a +1 vs. one enemy (Move) and then shoot either the laser or semi-auto pistol at that enemy (Standard). Alternate Options: Demoralize w/ Intimidate (Standard) or Inspiring Boost (Standard) to heal an ally's Stamina Points if they just took damage.
Out of Combat - Diplomacy to get what is needed. Intimidate if absolutely no other way. Starship Combat Skills as needed, listed in order of preference. Diplomacy (Captain), Intimidate (Captain), Engineering (Engineer), Piloting (Pilot) or Gunnery (Gunner). All skills are preformatted in the Skills section. Weapon rolls are preformatted in the Offense section.
Boons Available:
☐ (use for boon boxes) Grey Anatomy (Personal Boon, Limited use): From AP #26 chronicle. If I get enough Chronicle Race Boons (10) I can play a Gray (Race). Solar Powered Weapon System (Starship Boon): The files you retrieved from Brilliance also included blueprints for experimental innovations by the Arch Energy Consortium. When you slot this starship boon, select a single weapon on your starship with the word “laser” in its title; you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. A gunner can spend a Resolve Point prior to firing the selected weapon to increase the bonus to 4 for 1 round. A starship weapon can be improved only by a single copy of this boon, but copies of this boon can be applied to different weapons. Automated Defenses (Starship Boon): You defeated one of the orbital defense platforms orbiting the planet Elytrio. The platform contained several unique, albeit technologically outdated, innovations in starship design. The most promising adaptation of the technology is its ability to deter oncoming missiles using miniature automated drones. When you slot this starship boon, once per starship combat, a science officer can reduce the speed of a single tracking weapon fired at your starship by 50% for 1 round. Declare the use of this ability when the enemy weapon is fired but before its gunnery check is attempted. A science officer can spend a Resolve Point to activate this boon again in any subsequent round or encounter. A starship can only be improved by a single copy of this boon. Star Monster Slayer (Starship Boon): You defeated a spacefaring monster known as a Besmaran whelp. Since this battle, you’ve mastered the art of battling against living starship-sized enemies when operating a starship of your own. While this boon is slotted, you gain a +2 bonus to all skill checks made in starship combat against an enemy living starship. Any of your fellow crewmates who don’t have this boon slotted instead gain a +1 bonus to their skill checks against enemy living starships - the direct result of your guidance during the battle. Defender of the Fleet (Starship Boon): During the return to the Scoured Stars, you partook in at least one starship combat mission to assist the evacuation of the stranded Starfinders. As a result, your name has spread throughout the engineers and dockmasters of the Starfinder fleet. Whenever you slot this boon, you can pick one of the following options:
Honorbound Allies (Ally or Starship Boon): During your mission to salvage information from the Struggle’s Scholar, you engaged in an honorable starship duel with a vesk transport, the Honorbound. By following the strictures of the duel, you impressed the captain of the Honorbound, Captain Yuluzak. This boon might have repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told prior to slotting your boons. Future scenarios calling on this boon will specify if you must slot it as an Ally or Starship boon. Envar’s Attention (Ally): During your mission to the space station Brilliance, you managed to impress Arch Energy’s notorious chief procurement officer, Envar Tamm. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear, but you have nevertheless ingratiated yourself with Envar Tamm - for good or for ill. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons. Swarm Foe (Social Boon): You managed to assist in stopping a Swarm incursion onto Absalom Station. While the Swarm were prevented a foothold, you fought only the nascent stages of a Swarm attack. When you slot this boon, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made against Swarm creatures. In addition, once per session when you have this boon slotted, you can reroll a single saving throw made to resist any effects caused by a Swarm creature. Radiance’s Favor (Social Boon): The ravai fey Radiance gifted you with an unusual piece of jewelry to commemorate your new friendship. When you slot this boon, you can bring this relic with you on your adventures. This star-shaped pendant radiates light in a 10-ft.-radius; you can activate or suppress this light source as a move action. The true significance of this otherwise mundane trinket will be detailed in future scenarios. AbadarCorp Acquaintance (Social Boon): During your hunt for a renegade Starfinder on Akiton, you interacted with a representative of AbadarCorp. Depending on this interaction, you may have earned the ire or respect of the Pact World corporation. Both outcomes for this boon could have positive repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told of prior to slotting your boons. Your GM will cross out the affiliation you failed to earn.
☐☐☐ Contractor’s Respect (Social Boon, Limited Use): By successfully completing a mission to investigate an abandoned outpost in Near Space, you also earned the esteem of a prominent organization within the Pact Worlds. You can call upon the resources of this organization by slotting this boon. The organization loans you a set of armor or a non consumable weapon (but fully loaded with conventional ammunition) for the duration of the adventure. The loaned equipment must have an item level equal to or less than your character level +1, up to a maximum item level of 8. The item must be returned to the organization at the end of the adventure. Whenever you slot this boon, you must check one of the boxes.
Friend of the Ghibrani (Social Boon): During your time on Elytrio, you had the opportunity to interact with the two subspecies of the resident ghibrani race: the husks and the membranes. Depending on your interactions, you befriended one or more of these subspecies. This boon may have repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told of prior to slotting your boons. Your GM will cross out the entry for any subspecies you failed to befriend during this scenario. Husk Ghibranis
☐☐☐ Faction’s Friend (Social Boon, Limited Use): By assisting various factions of the starfinder society, you have proven yourself as a dependable asset. By slotting this boon, if you would fail to earn Fame at the end of an adventure by failing to fulfill a success condition, you can check one of the boxes on this boon. Doing so reminds your current championed faction of your past exploits, and you still earn 1 Reputation (but no Fame) with that faction as if you had successfully fulfilled the condition. You can us this boon only if you would also gain at least 1 XP for completing the adventure. Khizar Admittance (Personal Boon; Limited-Use): Your respect for Aballon’s fragile ecosystem greatly impressed the Xenowarden Hemlock. Continuing to support the Xenowarden’s efforts to preserve the Ice Wells not only bolsters your reputation with Hemlock’s organization, but eventually inspires other khizars, such as those dwelling within Aballon’s other Ice Wells, to seek admittance to the Starfinder Society. Each time you complete a scenario, you can choose to donate 10% of your credits earned to the Xenowardens and check one of the boxes below.
Scoured Stars Survivor (Personal Boon): You survived the events of the Scoured Stars and they’ve impacted you, or you’ve passed this information onto someone who has learned from your experiences. If you already have a permanent boon in your Personal boon slot, such as a special race boon, then you can instead gift this boon to any other character you’ve created that does not already have a permanent Personal boon. If you pass this boon onto another character, keep a copy of this Chronicle sheet with that character.
Scoured Stars Veteran (Slotless Boon; Limited-Use): By partaking in the Starfinder Society’s second expedition into the Scoured Stars you helped evacuate those Starfinders stranded from the previous mission. Whether you formed a close bond with a rescued Starfinder or saw firsthand the dangers of the Scoured Stars, the Society has earned an experienced agent as a result. Choose one of the two following options and cross the other off your Chronicle sheet.
Scenario List:
The Solar Sortie: 1 XP, 2 Fame, 2 WF, 1 DP, no Dayjob The Scoured Stars Invasion: 1 XP, 2 Fame, 2 WF, 1 SS (L.E.), no Dayjob Ashes of Discovery: 1 XP, 2 Fame, 2 WF, no Dayjob The Commencement: 1 XP, 2 Fame, 2 WF, no Dayjob (1 Fame spent on Boon) Yesteryear's Truth: 1 XP, 2 Fame, 2 WF, no Dayjob Fugitive on the Red Planet: 1 XP, 2 Fame, 2 WF, no Dayjob Descent Into Verdant Shadow: 1 XP, 2 Fame, 2 WF, 1 XG, Tasch Boon 1/5 Cries from the Drift: 1 XP, 2 Fame, 2 WF, Tasch Boon 2/5 Illegal Shipment: 1 XP, 2 Fame, 3 WF, 1 EG, Tasch Boon 3/5 AP 26: Flight of the Sleepers 3 XP, 5 ACP, 5 WF, Tasch Boon 4/5 Total XP: 12 Infamy: 0 Total Rep: Wayfinders (24), Dataphiles (1), L.E. 2nd Seekers (1), Exo Guardians (2), All Faction (28) Tier 0: 0-4, Tier 1: 5-14, Tier 2: 15-24, Tier 3: 25-44, Tier 4: 45+ Chronicle Information:
Player: Pete H. Character Name: Alejandro Carlos PFS #: 123584-701 Faction: Wayfinders Day Job: N/A |