You slowly come to wakefulness through a haze of dreamless sleep. Memories of the night before in The Formidably Maid gradually clarify themselves in your mind - the ringing laughter of a wild night, the heady joy of excess, the scents of rich stewed meat and sickly sweet perfume lingering in your nostrils. Your mouth feels woollen - the sickly taste of cheap wine coats your throat and against your back you can feel the hard scratchy surface of a wooden floor. All this is accompanied by the gentle swaying motion and rhythmic creak of a ship at sea.
A splitting headache starts to cut through the fogginess of your thoughts just as a barking shout intrudes into your jagged thoughts... "Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On yer feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report fer duty before the Cap'n flays yer flesh into sausage skins and Fishguts fry ye up fed breakfast!"
Looking up woozily, you see a tall, thin, swarthy man with a braided beard wearing a long black frock-coat and a stained red headscarf barking the orders at you. An expression that might be mistaken for pain but which is clearly an attempt at a mocking smile full of gold teeth bruises the man's face as he screams at you. Six rough-looking sailors accompany him, all armed with saps, with which they threateningly beat their hands as they wait for you to move.
As you wake fully you realise that you've been disarmed, and you seem to be left with nothing more than the clothes on your back, around you, four other figures (The other PCs) seem also to be waking.
Seasickness: If you are unaccustomed to life at sea make a Fort Save (DC 5), or you are nauseated for today.
Intelligence DC 10:
You remember seeing the face of the shouting man amongst the crowd in the inn last night. You also recognise the faces of the other PCs as having been present.
Perception DC 10:
You detect the strange aftertaste of oily nutmeg on your tongue.
If you made the perception,.. Craft (alchemy) DC 15, OR Knowledge (nature) DC 10:
The taste is a clear sign of "oil of taggit" poisoning.
In your first post please include a physical description of your character, including what they're wearing, but not any equipment other than clothing.
OK Everyone. Once you've all finalised your details we can get going.. Post to say Hi, and again when everything's done (unless it already is, in which case say so when you dot in).
I'm looking for four swabs to join the crew of The Wormwood. The campaign will be set in Golarion but with Clockpunky overtones. I want players who can post frequently and will advise ahead of time if they can't post for more than a day.
Characters should be interesting, flawed, and willing to become a pirate!
Character Creation:
Stats: 15 point buy but only spend on 5 stats. The last must be rolled (4+2d6) AFTER the 15 points have been allocated. (this is to ensure some unusual characters – maybe the fighter is smart or the alchemist is charismatic.) Min-maxers less likely to be chosen.
Classes:All Paizo classes including gunslinger, Ultimate Classes playtest may be OK (best to check first though). Spellcasters are uncommon – I’m much more likely to accept an alchemist than a standard caster, and more likely to accept a spell-less ranger archetype than one with spells. In this version of the world Alchemists fulfil most of the roles more usually filled by clerics, wizards and sorcerers. – I’m not banning the spellcasting classes (they do exist, especially in uncivilized cultures) but you are less likely to be selected so you'd better have a great background!
Starting wealth: Average
HP: Max at 1st, 1/2 + 1 from then on.
Alignment: Any (but I won’t be selecting more than 1 evil character!) - even evil characters need to be able to work with everyone else.
Traits: 1 campaign, 1 other, can use a drawback to get a third
Skills: All characters get 1 free skill point which must be put into a USELESS profession or craft skill to represent a hobby or past experience. eg Craft (pottery), Craft (brewing), Profession (barmaid) This skill is considered a class skill even if it wouldn’t usually be one for your class.
– Profession (sailor), Craft (firearms) and similar do NOT count as useless for this campaign!
Races:Core races only
XP:Levelling will happen at critical story points not through the accumulation of XP.
House rules::
Fighters get +1 skill points / level
Acrobatics can be used to make climb checks when unencumbered & wearing armour with no armor check penalty or no armor.
Dervish Dance works with Cutlasses.
Commonplace firearms rules but NO advanced firearms!
A good background that explains your class, skills and traits, and how you ended up in the Formidably Maid
A full description of what you look like/wear etc.
A Description of your personality
Feel free to ask any questions! - I haven't decided when i'll close recruitment yet. It'll depend on when i feel like i've got enough applicants.
George Cunningham
RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32
Star Voter Season 6 aka Electric Monk
Flagellant (Inquisitor)
Some inquisitors are zealous fanatics, offering their own flesh and blood in a display of pious devotion to their deity. Flagellants of Hanspur are the most frequently encountered in the River Kingdoms but many other churches contain a few radicals willing to follow this path. A flagellant has the following class features.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An inquisitor is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the cat-o'-nine-tails, hand crossbow, whip, spiked chain and the favored weapon of her deity. She is also proficient with light armor and medium armor. This replaces the normal inquisitor weapon and armor proficiencies.
Inquisition: When selecting a domain a flagellant has the option of selecting from the fervor or zeal inquisitions or from any of the domains or inquisitions normally available to inquisitors of her deity. This replaces domain.
Zealous Fervor (Ex): A flagellant becomes accustomed to pain. At 2nd level she does not become unconscious as a result of nonlethal damage until her nonlethal damage exceeds her current hit point total plus her Wisdom score. A flagellant is staggered when her nonlethal damage equals or exceeds her current hit points. This ability replaces track
Metamagic Feat(Ex): At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, the flagellant gains a bonus metamagic feat in addition to those feats gained from normal advancement. The inquisitor must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat. This replaces all bonus teamwork feats.
Mortification of the Flesh(Ex): At 3rd level, by biting, clawing or whipping at her own flesh, a flagellant is able to offer up her own pain as a sacrifice to empower her spells. When a flagellant uses a metamagic feat, she may cause nonlethal damage to herself rather than increasing the level of the spell slot consumed. For each level she does not increase the cost of the spell, she instead causes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage to herself. The spell slot consumed can not be lowered below the spell's normal level in this way. This ability replaces solo tactics.
George Cunningham
RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32
Star Voter Season 6 aka Electric Monk
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Skipping Stone Aura weak transmutation; CL 5th
Slot -; Price 100gp; Weight - lbs.
This smooth river stone bears a crudely scratched image of a frog leaping.
When skimmed across a body of still or slow-moving fresh water, a skipping stone causes 1’ wide waterlilies to grow 2’ apart up to a total distance of 40’. These waterlilies are stable and can support up to 200lbs, counting as a 1’ wide ledge for those attempting to cross. The waterlilies remain in place for 10 rounds before dying and slowly sinking below water. The skipping stone itself is lost when used and cannot be reused.
Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, water walk; Cost 50gp
I'm thinking of starting a second PBP set in a homebrew world once school holidays starts (about two weeks). Been looking over the APs and can't decide which'd be the best to run.
Therefore, thought I might take a vote and see what people want...
Options are:
Second Darkness Curse of the Crimson Throne Council of Theives
Will be allowing gunpowder but there will be some limitations on some classes. Which AP is best for PBP? Which would you most want to play?
... Group just fell through and i'm without any players. :( Live about an hour north of Melbourne (Kyneton) and would like to DM or play once/2 weeks - once/month.
Age: looking for anyone between late 20's and early 40's.
George Cunningham
RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32
Star Voter Season 6 aka Electric Monk
I don't think i'll make it through to the next round but, like many other people on the forum i've started work on a couple of archetypes just in case. As i was completing one it occured to me that it was a bit of a meat-and-potatoes archetype - kind of necessary and obvious for the class.
So i was wondering, which archetypes in the APG would people consider Superstar and which ones are there because - they kind of had to be?
George Cunningham
RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32
Star Voter Season 6 aka Electric Monk
Just wondering,... I love browsing through the ideas that pop up! I would imagine that it might not be until the 32 are chosen, however some advice has been to wait a bit to see what the comments are on other people's items before submitting.
Appologies if this info is already posted somewhere.
After taking the Teacher's Oath you found out that you were being sent to the city of Restov, Vithan's colony on the far side of the Salt Waste. The small amount of time before the departure of the caravan is packed with preperations and goodbyes.
The caravan crosses through a small pass in the Eastern Mountains and descends into the parched Salt Waste. For over a month the caravan treks over the flat, white expanse whithout sight of water or any type of living creature. The only change in the scenery are the great stone monoliths that mark the caravan route.
Eventually the mountains that mark the end of the Salt Waste appear on the horizen, and the caravan weaves its way up to the trade city of Restov: - a lonely outpost of civilization perched atop a sheer cliff.
You are pointed in the direction of the local Sanctuary where you are assigned sleeping quaters and are introduced to Restov's Learner - the highest church position in the city. For some months you are assigned tasks within the city until, completely unexpectably you are summoned to the Learner's office.
Teacher Xerafine, he says, over the past few months you have proven yourself to be amongst our most devoted teachers. You have learnt your lessons well and are a credit to the priesthood. I now find myself in a difficult position - I have been instructed to assign you to accompany an expedition which will be exploring and mapping the Stolen Lands to our east. Why my superiors have instructed me to do this i do not know, however i would like to assure you that you will have my blessing. Go in peace Teacher Xerafine.
With that he hands you a set of instructions.
Arriving at the govenor's mansion, an imposeing classical building which sweeps in an elegant curve surrounding well appointed gardens, you announce yourself to a halfling servant and are ushered into a room comfortably furnished with gilt-framed portraits of Vithan's King and a number of famous military leaders, all resplendant in their light-blue uniforms.
A frazzled-looking secretary asks you to wait, ducking through a large wooden double door and returning moments later. The secretary motions you into an office dominated by a large well-polished desk behind which sits a man with short cropped hair, wearing a smart black coat who you assume is Govenor Kailen Heresham. The figure that draws your eye however is sitting opposite the govenor - your cousin Finnabar.
From the beggining of recorded history the Salt Wastes have formed an impassable barrier to the East. Sandwiched between two vast mountain ranges and streaching from the far frozen north to the extreme south this area has become the stuff of legends.
Approximately 500 years ago, however, the Illisarnian trader Veneir Valtiere managed to formalise an agreement with the elves to allow passage through the Salt Wastes to the unknown lands of the East. This monopoly on access to unique furs, spices, foods and gold led to Illisarn becoming extremely powerful and rich, and led to the establishment of a series of colonies collectively known as The River Kingdoms in the Eastern Lands.
About 200 years ago these colonies rebelled against Illisarn, leading to a collapse of their power and the estblishment of trade with the other countries of Canarin. The most important of these, due to its position on the Eastern Continent itself, was Vithan. The River Kingdoms, which splintered after their rebellion against Illisarn, were riven with conflict as each Kingdom strove to become the dominant power. Due to the terrain of the region none of the Kingdoms were able to establish dominance, however the conflict gave Vithan the opportunity to establish its own colony far to the north at Restov.
Restov has grown large over the last 150 years and Vithan is now seeking to extend its dominion into the "Stolen Lands". Although the Illisarnians attempted to settle this area they were unsuccessful.
Seeing how quickly PBP games fill up I thought I might offer to run a game for four or five players.
The game will be the Kingmaker AP (please don't apply if you've played this AP before) but set in a homebrew world which will to some extent be determined by players' backgrounds. I would expect that players can commit to a minimum of 1 post per day.
Classes: Core Rulebook and APB only: No Cleics, No Elves (half-elves are OK but can not know their elven parent)
There are world-specific reasons for this which i'll go into in the discussion thread when i've selected players.
I'd like to experiment with a low magic campaign and would like spell-using classes to multiclass at alternate levels with non-spellcating classes (paladins and rangers can take non-casting options to count as non-spellcasters – Warrior of the holy light and Skirmisher respectively) If not enough people want to try this i'll let pure casters in. I'm also willing to change other restrictions if not enough people are willing to go along with these so if you're interested in playing only if i ease the restrictions say so!
Stats: 4d6 choose best 3 rolls. Do this 7 times and discard the lowest.
Characters get two traits – you may choose one, I will select another for you based on background.
At this stage I'm just after character concepts – Race, Class, and very brief character background which those selected can expand on later, I'm looking for roleplayers not min-maxers.
I'll wait for a couple of days to gauge the level of interest and will make selections on the weekend. If you have any other thoughts or suggestions about the campaign let me know!
I'm less interested in the mechanics of the game than with the flavor. This being the case I'd like to see what others think about the flavor of the Magus?
My own oppinion is that the Magus lacks a distinct "feel" when compared to the other classes already released. Obviously the Magus is a combination-type class (Wizard/Fighter) but at the moment it seems like it adds nothing flavor-wise that can't be achieved with a multiclass character. Compare this to the Ranger (Fighter/Druid) or the Paladin (Fighter/Cleric) which both introduce unique elements that make them more than just a mix of the 'parent' classes.
I thought it might be interesting to get some ideas about how to make the magus more unique?
I'm looking at starting a new campaign with my group and i've always liked low-magic worlds (too much magic makes it less special for me).
The way i'm thinking of implementing this is to force all magic-using classes to alternately multiclass with a non-spellcasting class (counting rangers and paladins as non-spellcasting by taking the options in the APG).
The other thing that bugs me about a lot of core worlds is the way that religion is dealt with. - Clerics being able to communicate with their god ruins immersion (for me) and makes it difficult to include church schisms etc. Also, in our own world, patheistic societites have not tended to have worshipers of one god - rather everyone worships the whole pantheon.
The way that i'm thinking of dealing with this mechanically is to make the pantheon restricted to a few gods based on the Oracle mysteries (except nature for world-specific reasons) and either not allowing clerics at all, or making them clerics of the whole pantheon - i'm just not sure how this should be done in terms of domains etc.
I'd love to hear some feedback about these options and any issues people think might come up?
Looking at the hunga munga from the Adventurers Armoury,.. It's listed as a ranged weapon but "can be used in melee". What type of weapon (light, 1 handed etc.) does the hunga munga (and the chakram) count as for purposes of 2-weapon fighting?