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Well here's my 2 cents about a Str Magus build.

With a 20 Pt build as an Elf i'd go this without dropping stats.
Str(16) Dex(12+2) Con (13-2) Int (14+2) Wis (10) Cha (10)
No idea at what Lv your starting out, so I'll assume its Lv1.
A Str Magus wont have to burn a feat for weapon finesse(dex to hit) and a feat for (dex to dmg) -Dervish dance(3 perform included)-
(Note: Also heard somewhere that slashing grace or fencing grace does not work with spell combat but maybe your DM houseruled it.)

Also since your an elf, i assume you haven't known about the Elven Thornblade as a replacement for a rapier. Its a one handed elf martial slashing or piercing weapon as long as your char has weapon familiarity. 1d6 18-20/2x S or P and +2 Atk roll for crit confirms.

Another reason for going Str depends on the campaign, if you were to lose your equipment and left with a wooden club for example, you wont be too helpless.

A Chain Shirt or Leather Lamellar (4 Armor AC) and Shield spell (4 Shield AC) should be good enough starting out. Sure you lose 2 dex ac, 2 reflex and 2 initiative in comparison but that's where your later Debuff spells, Curse spells, Hexes, Buffs like Haste/Blur/Displacement/Mirror Image comes in.

Now about armor penalty.

It affects your fly skill a little bit but not too much, unless your in a severe wind speed area. By Lv6 with Flight Hex, assuming you grab it at Lv6, remember that Fly spell from hex gives you 1/2 Caster lv bonus(+3 fly bonus assuming Lv6), as well as good flight (+4 fly bonus). As long as you have like 15 on fly checks, you wont have to roll doing any flying except 180 degree turn in normal conditions.

Acrobatics, well instead of rushing past enemies if you don't need to move safely and hex them while letting your frontline deal with them. As well as Spellstrike them.

Stealth, I hope your party has a rogue for that, if not then have invisibility-like spells ready.

Escape Artist, one way to escape from a grapple, and if any knowledge check told you about the enemy's saving throws & immunities. Use that supernatural ability hex like Slumber to sleep them, and hopefully evileye'd their saving throws.
As a hexcrafter magus, i'd recommend a higher int mod for higher dc against your hex and spell effect saves.

Slumber for that Sleep Lv=turns or Evil eye for the 3+IntMod turns of debuff if succeeds. If you want better chances to succeed debuffing, you'd need int. Debuffs can help your allies to change the tide of battle.

Flight is good for early Flying & emergency falling. Healing hex is nice for the extra one heal per person, or the downtime community service of healing others. Misfortune is good if they fail their save.

Depending if your the only caster or DM allows crafting, consider craft magic item feats to help the party getting gear at discounted gold.

If your crit heavy, maybe consider the Eldritch Assault feat line. Allows crit to proc on threat once per round as long as you have some sort of concealment against enemy.

Also Kurald Galain has some nice tips on magus here
As a magus with your archetypes, to be honest, its not wise to jump into the flay off the bat. Remember use shield and/or flight before a fight if possible. Best identify the enemy info with your skill in knowledge and spellcraft first, then consider your options.

Running at a Huge creature without buffs up or debuffs down is near suicidal. Surviving a fight is more important.

yep i might of worded it wrong but least we're in agreement with result thanks for reply

Sorry for my late reply Casual Viking.

So as Lv20 Pure Fighter
I should expect an increase of +4Atk/+4Dmg from 4 weapon trainings and +2Atk/+2Dmg from Dueling gloves.

With Trained Grace, it can make that into +6Atk/+12Dmg? Or the dueling gloves don't get doubled so its +6Atk/+10Dmg?

I've been looking into seeing how much i could close the gap of a Pure Str fighter vs a Finesse Fighter ;x.

Someone mentioned Martial Focus adding another weapon training bonus before but i'm unsure if it works with trained grace.

My starting Stats at 25 pt were
16 str, 14+2 dex, 14 con, 10 int, 14 wis, 10 cha

Thanks for anyone's reply

Hi guys just want to know how this works.

Trained Grace (Ex) When the fighter uses Weapon Finesse to make a melee attack with a weapon, using his Dexterity modifier on attack rolls and his Strength modifier on damage rolls, he doubles his weapon training bonus on damage rolls. The fighter must have Weapon Finesse in order to choose this option.

So a 20th level fighter should only be able to gain 8 dmg (1-4 weapon training/ advanced weapon training from "features") or 12 dmg (4 same features + gloves of dueling) right?

Not sure if gloves of dueling is allowed to do that.

Then begs the question if advanced weapon training "feats" adds onto that weapon training tally. Personally i feel its only + 8 but would like to hear others opinion about this.

alrighty i am done talking about this feat. Thank you guys, and may others find this helpful.

Oh one more thing. i doubt its allowed but want to confirm. its not possible to enchant the weapon with this feat right? i assume its only the damage boost only right?

i see, thanks for the explanations. i will reconsider about my weapon or feat picks, as well i just noticed the damage chart for medium was right next to saving throws. i searched below and saw only small / large. A blunder on my part. thanks for the help guys.

Hello fellow pathfinders,

I'm a newcomer as a player to pathfinder and would like senior insight on this feat from the Advanced Weapon Training for Fighter. I've done a bunch of researching for a week on fighter class features on roll20/ paizo, feats pro/com guides from 2010-2014, and scoured the forums. Unfortunately i couldn't find anybody talking more about this feat for fighter.

Focused Weapon (Ex) The fighter selects one weapon for which he has Weapon Focus and that belongs to the associated fighter weapon group. The fighter can deal damage with this weapon based on the damage of the warpriest's sacred weapon class feature, treating his fighter level as his warpriest level. The fighter must have Weapon Focus with the selected weapon in order to choose this option.

My DM tells me that i need to multi-class into a war-priest to be able to get this. Personally i have my doubts so I wish to know my senior's opinions. As that feat interests me in the ability to boost damage, also i don't see a chart for medium size weapons on war-priest's sacred weapon. ;( Don't know what that implies.

Tomorrow's the day i start my first game with my DM and 2 others.
Starting out as Lv3 Half elven Pure Fighter with weapon finesse Elven Curved Blade.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.