Drow Priest

Alauna Birrarret's page

No posts. Organized Play character for drayen.

Dark Archive

Please implement an option for players to remove themselves from PbP games on your boards. I have two games cluttering up my campaigns tab which I cannot leave because I am 1.) Not the GM; and 2.) do not have the ability to do so as a player.

In the former, the GM is still posting to the boards on other games. Players have posted to the Discussion thread asking for the game to be made inactive and I have sent a PM asking the same to no response.

In the latter, the Gm was in an accident and cannot continue. I would like to be able to clear the game.

Dark Archive

Sorry all, this is for a closed home game.

I was lucky enough to have a level 1 character with three experience who had not yet played at level 2, so I rebuilt him per Society rules as an Occultist. I built the character with the expectation that I will continue to play it after the playtest and chose my feats and traits accordingly. Taking on summoning feats and a trait is risky because at this time, the Occultist is lacking any summoning spells (an oversight which Jason Buhlman has stated he will fix). Still, we can't always expect every ability/power to be useful all of the time. The character's stat block can be seen by clicking on the avatar's name. For the first, and likely only, time I found Heirloom Weapon to be a worthwhile trait as it was my transmutation implement and for fluff I could say it was an ancient family heirloom passed down through the generations.

Mr. Harbourne, Esq. joined several other intrepid adventurers in searching out the Emerald Spire and exploring the tower ruins. His companions included: Alchemist 1/Investigator 1, Paladin 1, Sorcerer 1 and Wizard 2.

Initial Impressions: The Occultist meshed really well with the party members. His skills complemented the other skill monkeys. Having the Conjuration and cure light wounds spell worked out well as he was able to take on the primary healing duties with a wand while the paladin main tanked and the sorcerer and wizard both used UMD to help heal as they were both hindered from ranged spells and attacks by the lack of light. His attacks were on a par with the paladin and it was nice to have a keen falcata at level 2 (which would also be available at level 1).

Starting off:

We began at Fort Inevitable and his Diplomacy came in handy for finding out about the ruins and working out that we needed writs to legally explore the spire. As the Occultist is Chelaxian, and a lawyer to boot, he was happy to comply, especially as the paladin immediately volunteered to pay for everyone.

Upon Entering:

We were completely unprepared for the light foiling darkness throughout the ground level. Only the paladin had darkvision, so we suffered heavily in the first fight as we spent rounds trying to get enough light to see by. The Occultist held his own throughout the running battle, able to be an effective fighter with a keen falcata in one hand and as a healer with a wand of cure light wounds in the other hand. The Object Reading feature was very helpful when our casters and alchemist could not identify every item. As an automatic success, it is a very powerful feature which came into play later.

Moving Around:

I was able to take full advantage of looking for, and disabling, traps as we moved through the ground floor. Finding the construct's arm was a boon as I was again able to use Object Reading to determine what it came from and help the party prepare for facing a construct. It was an opportunity for our GM to insert some out of the box role playing to describe what the Occultist experienced in "reading" the object.

Penultimate encounter:

The goblin cleric and construct were formidable but it was very handy to have the falcata as my transmutation implement which allowed me to cast magic weapon and psychic weapon without having to free up that hand or bring out some other implement, however; I was not fully able to utilize the bonuses from the psychic weapon ability. Our GM ruled that although the wording of the power specifically states that psychic weapon stacks with any other enhancement bonus, it does not stack with the enhancement bonus to hit from a masterwork weapon. Still, the extra +2 to hit and being able to wield the weapon two-handed for another +1 came in very handy.

Ultimate Encounter:

This encounter was not tough because the BBEG missed with every shot. Discovering what he was wielding and his bonuses to hit after the fight left everyone feeling very good about all of those low rolls. Again, the slow movement gave the Occultist an opportunity to cast magic weapon and psychic weapon again. 1d8+5 for damage at second level with a keen falcata makes for a very powerful attack.

All in all, I liked the class. I felt it was balanced and the abilities are pretty cool. I was so excited to try it out that I actually bought props beforehand to use in play (twas the season to buy plastic human skulls and toy swords; I even found one of those octagonal mirrors used for feng shui). I will definitely continue to play this character and look forward to seeing more about it when Occult Adventures comes out next year.

Dark Archive 3/5

Hey folks!

Pathfinder Society is back for it's second year at Animefest! August 30 - September 2 at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel in Dallas, Texas. We will be on the 2nd floor in the Sheraton's Press Club which is located at the hotel's end of the skybridge to the conference center.

We are offering the following:

We Be Goblins!
We Be Goblins, Too!
#4-09: The Blakros Matrimony
#4-13: Fortress of the Nail
#4-EX: Day of the Demon
#5-01: The Glass River Rescue
#5-02: The Wardstone Patrol
#5-03: Hellknight's Feast
Pathfinder Society Special: Siege of the Diamond City

Sign ups are through Animefest.org's own website and should be up in two weeks time. As always, the price for Animefest includes the convention and the annual membership to the Animefest organization which hosts several events throughout the year and has weekly game days at their Richardson clubhouse.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Dark Archive

Elixir of Life works as True Resurrection. One of the great benefits of True Resurrection is that it can restore a creature to life even if there is no corpse. How do I accomplish this with the elixir? Will it not work this way or do I just pour it out over the grave for my homey and, poof, they appear?

Dark Archive 3/5

Hey all!

We're meeting again at Xmax Games in Dallas this Saturday to play two rounds of Pathfinder Society. Come on down and join the fun. We have many new players so there will be plenty of play at the beginning tiers. If you have been playing for awhile and have an advanced character, we have room for you, too.

First slot begins at 10 am

Xmax Games
1931 Skillman St
Dallas, TX 75206

Marcus Mayes

Dark Archive 3/5

Hey all!

We are meeting again for our bi-weekly Pathfinder Society event. We'll be meeting at Xmax Games at 10 am for character creation and the first slot. Our second slot will be at 3 pm. Come on down and join the fun.


Xmax Games
1931 Skillman St
Dallas, TX

Dark Archive 3/5

Hello all!

In celebration of Paizo's release of their new role playing game, Pathfinder, I am organizing a regular Pathfinder Society event. Many of the rules have been streamlined or redesigned to eliminate cumbersome situations (grappling, anyone?).

Come on down to Xmax Games Saturday, August 29, and join in on the fun. Andy, Xmax owner, has ordered copies of the Pathfinder RPG and we'll be making characters at 10 am.

I have created a recurring event on Warhorn. You can sign up to play here: http://warhorn.net/DallasPathfinderSociety/

Start Times:
Slot One: 10 am
Slot Two: 3 pm

Xmax Games
1931 Skillman
Dallas, TX 75206

Marcus Mayes