Alatariel's page

Goblin Squad Member. Starfinder Charter Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The characters in question have run through the Crimson Throne, did some side modules, hit 19th level.

The party's a sorc9/harrower10, fighter1/wizard(conjurer)8/EK10, monk1/wiz(evoc)18, W1/fighter7/arcane archer10,and cleric12/pathfinder savant7.

They're a quirky lot, but all the players have a fondness (love) for what would be very high level play- several did 25+ levels in Ad&D, due to massive house ruling in that game to let the characters keep playing.

So, after a year of begging, I've put together a plot. It's an old classic- the soul of friend assassinated by hellfire ray, failed the save, ended up in Hell. There's a fair amount of backstory involved, but suffice to say they have intelligence that this person could be found between the fourth and eighth level.

And, because I'm mean that way, they've gotta slog the long painful route through, layer by layer. And they're going to level, so I'm just going to use the suggested rules- they're simple, and I like simple.

The setup is that after entering the hellmouth, into Avernus, there's a 'trade route' that, with correct papers, you're 'safe' on. You can't go more than ten feet above the ground, and the road is 20 feet wide, dimensionally locked. They want people to die on the road, you see, or better yet, leave the road, where all bets are off.

What I'm hoping for are suggestions on encounters and advice on putting together random encounter tables. My first encounter involves a stench cow (tome of horrors complete) herd and fiendish T rexes, with some devils encouraging the stampede. Archerai- even if they nuke opposition from orbit, they're using up spells and it's hard to rest in Hell, since rope trick/mansion just open blindly in to the next layer- an interesting way to go, but not without its dangers.

The older players are also used to many encounters in a day, and the two younger have started getting used to it. Not without grumbling though- heh.

Also planning on using some of the uniques in ToHC, because they're nifty.

I have a bunch of 3pp monster books, so feel free to suggest from those.

Any help or suggestions are very appreciated!

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

We're using the magic acadamy rules from Inner Sea magic, and my character attended the acadamae. My GM is ok with me using PP to add 6 monsters to my summon lists.

The character is good aligned, and the gm goes by summoning evil is an evil act. So, I was hoping to get suggestions for good or neutral creatures, or suggestions on ways to figure out which level of summon monster a new creature should go.

We're second level. The GM plans to start Rappan Athuk when we hit 6th.

Would a silvanshee be good? And would it be SM 3?

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Long term character (1/2 elf) married an aasimar. They had kids.

New campaign starting- and another player wants to play one of these kids.

What on earth is it?

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I didn't receive the flight tiers- is it possible they shipped separately?


Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Well, long story short, I need to find a way to keep the game fun for all my players.

Each session has to have a combat to make 2 of them happy. One of these two has a very optimized character, and has streaks of dice luck. As in really, you crit on a 19-20 and you've rolled 6 crits out of your last 10 rolls. He hides his dice and cranes his neck to see mt rolls as well as damage sheets for the monsters- hps taken.
Lucky, with a tendancy to fudge.

The other also tries to optimize, but has less of a tendency for 1 trick ponies- he has a variety of ways he can kill things.

The third has the worst dice luck I've ever had to deal with. I've watched him roll below 10 on a d20 15 consecutive times. He tends to try to optimize, but the dice smack him around.

The fourth likes to play blaster wizard/fighters. He tries to optimize, but likes to have odd stuff that isn't going to contribute to his build.

Players 1 and 2 tend to pout if one of them consistently does more damage than the other. Player 1 also tends to ignore any info that isn't given in the context of a combat- and then complain when ignoring things bites him in the rump.

Player 3 will bring the game to a screeching halt to look up rules if he disagrees with the GM's ruling- looking it up anyway even if I say we'll run with this interpretation now and make a permanent ruling after the game.

Player 4 refuses to talk in game without actively being asked what his char is doing, but tends to get upset when his character (who won't volunteer anything) isn't consulted when the party is making plans.

They're all 17 level, ran through CoCT, want to continue playing these characters. Any advice on dealing with these quirks(that doesn't involve ammo) as well as how to challenge PC1 while not killing PC3, who cannot make a save. The last fight? He cast quickened true strike for his touch spell- then rolled a 1. Meanwhile, PC1 does 100+ damage a round, not counting at least 1 crit/attack sequence.

I like them all, but I'm getting close to my wit's end to make the game fun for everyone.

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

In reference to the Dragon Disciple's blindsense:

Can he fly 30 feet in the air and do a search pattern to automatically detect anyone invisible?

Can he detect these invisible people if they're in a ruined building? If they have a partial roof over their head?

Is blindsense a 30 foot radius around him? Is it active when he's asleep, so that he'll wake if someone comes into his area?

Can blindsense be used to target Magic Missile? Fireball? Rays?

One of my players is arguing that indeed, A DD can do all these. Me, I'm thinking people walking by on the street/animals wandering near the campsite might make for a fatigued/exhausted DD, if it's true, but I was hoping to get people's opinions.


Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Sorry if this has been mentioned somewhere, and I just missed it.

Don't ask why- I was measuring areas on the guide's map, to compare likely area covered in the AP. It looks like- and if I'm wrong please let me know! the guide's map's scale is off. The area for the first AP (according the the guide's scale) would extend all the way to Mivon.

When I measured the Stolen Lands in the guide it looked like they covered ~ 18,000 square miles. So, should the guide's map distances (for interacting with other areas in the River Kingdoms)just be scaled (sorry) up? Or the hexes in the AP scaled down?

[sheepishly] I do like maps, and they're all pretty! [/sheepishly] That's why I stared measuring the distance to the other places...

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Does channel energy have full or half effect vs incorporeal undead? It looks like force effects are the only energy that does full damage, but I might be missing something.