Alatariel's page

Goblin Squad Member. Starfinder Charter Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

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Starfinder Charter Superscriber
dmchucky69 wrote:

So I keep getting the Duplicate File errors:

File: FrogGodGames_Sources.1st (line 4) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('pFrogGod')
File: FrogGodGames_Sources.1st (line 12) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('pFGGMonst')
File: FrogGodGames_Sources.1st (line 21) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('pFGGModul')
File: FrogGodGames_Sources.1st (line 30) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('bRappAthu')
File: FrogGodGames_Sources.1st (line 37) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('bTomeHorr').

On the Lone Wolf site, it was noted: The source ID's that were sent to LW were incorporated into HL itself, and so adding the source file from the RA download is giving you those duplicate thing errors. Removing the source file from RA will let you load HL properly.

I'm not actually proficient with programming/editing computer files. How about a crash course on where to find the source file and how to remove it safely(or a point where to find this info)?

Go here. Download the attachment on the first post. Follow the directions, and the issue should be fixed.

---Deep Cave Frog