Goblin Sneak

Akoni Doomhammer's page

Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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ENHenry wrote:

Barricade is a test of the "Say Yes" GM rule, to be sure. But when I think about in most scenarios the level of JUNK that would realistically dot most RPG combat landscapes, it isn't a big stretch.

In fact,I like it because it reminds me as a GM to be mindful of including more dynamic scenery when I set up a combat. In my experience at home and at cons, too often we GMs as a whole just make flat plateaus or blank 10 x 10 corridors and huge empty rooms, and don't think enough about it. The players too, often just roll with it and don't bother to ask about cover and advantageous terrain.

With a player asking, "is there stuff to make my barricade from?" every combat, it prompts me to add stuff either descriptively or to draw a few extra pieces for the people without the feat to do something with.

Yeh, for sure! How often is a room “empty “? In everyday occurrences we see a variety of furniture, boxes, etc that I can’t possible see why it would hard to fabricate a barricade. I wonder if Barricade could be used to temporarily block enemies when chasing you?

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Yup. What Rysky said. It explicitly allows the construction of cover out of things that normally can't give cover, and allows it as a Move Action.

That's a significant advantage even if the GM would normally let you construct cover as a move action, something not all GMs will always allow.

Personally I'd stick with Skill Synergy anyway, but Barricade is a nice Feat.

I think I’ll stick to Skill Synergy, but by third level would Barricade be worth it or move on to other combat feats?

Game 1 for my Exocortex Mechanic - longarms was postponed to this week, so I have a couple days of fine tuning.

What are your thoughts about Skill Synergy (acrobatics/ Stealth) vs Barricade? Should I end up taking both feats eventually?

Can a barricade be used by more than one character? Can additional barricades be constructed for other players? What’s the endurance factor of a barricade and will not scale with my level?

If you run, that's a full action and now you can't attack. It would seem better to have Fleet (depending on your armor or lack thereof) + Improved Initiative than Jet Dash if you want to get into fray quicker and fight.

Gary Bush wrote:

I will have see how the pdfs function under mac.

I didn't look at the PDF using a brower. I recommend using acrobat reader if posdible.

OMG Thank you! Acrobat Reader is working perfectly!!!

I imagine something similar to Master Chief's power suit. Theres must be some sort of logic board and AI processor by which Chief and Cortana interfaced, etc.

Rahod wrote:
Akoni Doomhammer wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
For the starship sheet, select the frame first. It drives a lot of the other values.

FYI - So I've saved the PDF on Google Drive and downloaded it onto my MacBook and am using the Preview app to modify values.

In regards to the starship sheet, I can change the Frame's drop down menu from Racer to Dreadnought, but the size remains as Tiny.

On the character sheet, are the values inputed into the Ability Scores boxes suppose to change values for boxes like Modifier, Total or Dex/Str Mods, etc? If so, it's not working on my end.

I apologize as I'm not intending to criticize or whine. I'm so appreciative of the effort you've put into providing our community with this project!

Look up the chrome ext Kami it will allow you the ability to alter filables.

Thanks for the tip! Chrome on the Macbook is better than Safari for sure! I installed Kami, but I'm still unable to change values in previous mentioned skill boxes.

Just to clarify these are the tables I can input info:

* General Information (Character name, description, etc)
* Ability Score
* Health and Resolve
* Weapons
* Everything on Page 2

I'm assuming that if there are functions, like Excel, those boxes, like Skills, Armor Class, Saving Throws, Attack Bonuses, and Total Bulk, are not calculating any values.

Gary Bush wrote:
For the starship sheet, select the frame first. It drives a lot of the other values.

FYI - So I've saved the PDF on Google Drive and downloaded it onto my MacBook and am using the Preview app to modify values.

In regards to the starship sheet, I can change the Frame's drop down menu from Racer to Dreadnought, but the size remains as Tiny.

On the character sheet, are the values inputed into the Ability Scores boxes suppose to change values for boxes like Modifier, Total or Dex/Str Mods, etc? If so, it's not working on my end.

I apologize as I'm not intending to criticize or whine. I'm so appreciative of the effort you've put into providing our community with this project!

I'm able to fill and change values in a majority of sections on the character/starship sheets except for these areas:


* Total box
* Ability Mod box

* Total box
* Dex Mod box
* AC vs CM box

* Total box
* Ability Mod box

* Total box
* DEX Mod box
* BOTH STR Mod boxes

* Total Bulk box


*Size box

* Total box
* Size Mod box

* Total box
* Size Mod box

*Perfect unchangeable

The values in those boxes can't be changed. Also, I've tried "tabbing" into those boxes, but they're skipped to the next adjacent "empty" box. Maybe this is only occurring for me? If not, then I thought I'd give you heads up to fix this please? Thank you!!!

This PDF is most helpful and appreciated!

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Deadmanwalking wrote:
Markov Spiked Chain wrote:
I don't think Halflings are legal for SFS yet, unless there's a boon floating around already?
There is. It is required, though.

How do I get a boon?

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Yeah, Mindbreaker produces damage up the wazoo. Like I said, the reluctance to go with a low Cha race on it is personal as much as practical.

And mechanically, Halfling is probably best, yeah. The combination of good stats and a flat bonus to all Saves is very nice.

Lashunta's low Con isn't the problem (-1 Stm is pretty easily dealt with for the first few levels, heck your Stm+HP is higher than a Halfling's at 1st), it's the fact they get bonuses to neither Dex nor Wis, the two stats best for the build you seem to be aiming for. You can really upgrade a couple of skills to a scary degree with one, though. Those floating +2s...

Halfling Mystic (level 1) SFS build - Undetermined theme

Looking more closely at the Mystic, her spell choices, and the Mindbreaker connection, I tired to compliment the build with early-adventure crowd control through Daze, plus fatigue, which could scale well with the build. Detect Magic seemed an obvious choice for SFS, but most importantly, i included Stablize and Mystic Cure, to fulfill my duties of a healer.

I'm still currently themeless, so I'm not sure if I'll be keeping Bounty Hunter as my theme, but the of role-playing a female Halfling, bounty hunting marks through her mystical inspirations sounds like fun.

8 S
16 D
10 C
10 I
16 W
12 Ch

Class Skills
5 Bluff
0 Culture
1 Diplomacy
1 Disguise
5 Intimidate
0 Life Science
0 Medicine
7 Mysticism
9 Perception
7 Profession
7 Sense Motive
3 Survival

Connection: Mindbreaker
Connection power: Share pain
Connection spell: Mind thrust
Healing touch

Feat: Longarms

0 Spells - Daze, Detect Magic, Fatigue, and Stabilize
1st Spells - Mind Thrust and Mystic Cure

Deadmanwalking wrote:

You'd be better served by Dex 16, Con 11, IMO. The extra +1 Stm is not in any way worth -1 AC, -1 attack, and -1 Initiative.

I'd also personally be inclined to go with a Connection whose skills I have the stats to be good at...but that's probably personal preference more than anything.

I hear ya! I'm not totally hooked on using an Android for this build, per se.

The associated skill combos are either Cha/Cha, Int/Wis, or Wis/Wis. the connection to Mindbender appears to produce radicaly more damage output comparatively to the other connections. So to build upon those associate class skills (Bluff/Intimidate), my ability priority should look something like Wis>Dex>Cha?

* I considered the Kasathas, but the hit on intelligence subtracts one skill per level, yet ironically gets a +2 Culture.

12S 16D 11C 8I 16W 10Ch

* Lashuntas appear to be a solid choice for sure, but does the -2 Con pose a problem?

10S 15D 8C 12I 16W 12Ch -or- 10S 16D 8C 12I 15W 12Ch

* Shirrens get a hit -2 on Cha like Androids, but that boost in Wisdom makes them suited for Mystics.

10S 16D 12C 10I 16W 9Ch

Of the legacy races, we have the Dwarf, the Gnome, and the Halfling to choose from.

Halfing possibly looks to be the best candidate from all races for what I'm trying to achieve?

8S 16D 10C 10I 16W 12Ch

I appreciate the input!

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Depending on stats, yes.

For example, if going high Dex that'll take care of your Reflex and Great Fortitude is a great feat to go with, say, Longarm Proficiency.

Taking both is probably overkill, though. I mean, you need something to do in combat other than cast, so a Feat invested on offense is recommended.

I got a lil creative with your suggestion and took an alternate route with an Android.


Android Mystic Bounty Hunter (level 1) SFS build

10 S
15 D
12 C
12 I
16 W
8 Ch

Class Skills
-1 Bluff
5 Culture
-1 Diplomacy
-1 Disguise
-1 Intimidate
5 Life Science
0 Medicine
7 Mysticism
7 Perception
7 Profession
7 Sense Motive
8 Survival

Connection: Mindbreaker
Connection power: Share pain
Connection spell: Mindthrust
Healing touch

Feat: Longarms

At Level 2, utilize Channel skill and then add a rank into Bluff and Intimidate.

I'm working out the details for his personal background and RP, but I found this to be an interesting build for a Mystic.

Any thoughts?

Would it be a good choice for a Human Mystic 1 to take Great Fortitude and Lighting Reflexes for her first and bonus feat?

Awesome! thanks!!!

Peat wrote:

I think it's been calculated out to be around 10% increase average DPR from Longarms at most levels. Weapon focus is 1 feat for +5% to hit so it's about equivalent.

Putting 2 points in Str (and not one of the Save attributes) is another extra cost though. But with that you can carry more!

So would those points be better in Con or Wis for saving throws then?

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Akoni Doomhammer wrote:
I'm still in character creation mode, but for now I took Mercenary and considered boosting my STR to 11 to prep for Heavy Wapons. How significant is HW compared to longarm for an Exocortex?
The damage is definitely a step up, but it will cost you two Feats and an investment in Str to do. I'm honestly not sure it's quite worth it mechanically.

I hear ya! I've been stuck on a good theme to choose. I went with Mechanic to boost my Athletics to zero and STR to 9 to improve my bulk. What do think?

Peat wrote:

Improved Initiative is always solid (going first is fun). Jet Dash could be good for a high flying, Rocket Raccoon that is always climbing and leaping on things. Depending on how tactical you play Barricade could be good.

Unfortunately since Mechanic has 0 BAB at level 1 you can't take a bunch of the combat centric feats right away, but if you ever planned to take Weapon Focus or Heavy Weapons those are good choices to get out of the way.

I'm still in character creation mode, but for now I took Mercenary and considered boosting my STR to 11 to prep for Heavy Wapons. How significant is HW compared to longarm for an Exocortex?

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Depends on what you're aiming to achieve. Are you looking for an optimal combat option? A utility choice? What?

You'll probably eventually want Weapon Focus, Iron Will, and either Spellbane or Technomantic Dabbler...but what you want specifically at 1st? I really don't know.

I'm looking to improve combat for sure, but not to sidetrack that ambition, would Spell Synergy be a solid choice to boost Acrobatics and Stealth? On a different topic, how significant is Athletics as a class skill for Mechanics?

Ysoki Mechanic Exocortex Level 1

What feat should would you suggest since longarm proficiency is granted via exocortex at level 1?


Combat tracking
Your exocortex provides you with enhanced combat ability, granting you proficiency with heavy armor and longarms.

In regards to heavy armor proficiency, does this bypass the STR 13 requirement? Or simply, can an Ysoki with a STR of 8 still be able to wear heavy armor?

Deadmanwalking wrote:

I'd take a non-combat Feat at 1st. There are few enough good combat Feats, especially for a sniper-type, that you're gonna run out of good ones to take eventually even just using Soldier Feats.

Personally, I'd grab Skill Synergy for Perception and Stealth to fit the sniper theme. Ysoki are also quite good at stealth. That'd involve dropping a few things to get those skills, but it'd be worth it, IMO.

Another option would be Skill Focus on Engineering or Piloting, making you actually really good at the skill in question. That could be cool, especially on Engineering.


Ecliptic12 wrote:
Akoni Doomhammer wrote:

My wife wants to RP a ratfolk-sniper. We took the Mercenary theme to take advantage of the +1 Str and +1 Athletics bonus. We spent our 10 Ability Points and put 2 into Str, 6 into Dex, and 2 into Int. We wanted to exploit the Ysoki racial bonuses, while boosting Str to 11. By level 5, we will raise Str to 13 and open options for Heavy Weapons.

With the +2 Int modifier on class skills, we focused on boosting 6 of her 8 class skills. She's should do well enough to pass mid to high-level skill checks.

Any thoughts? :)

Ability Scores
Str: 11 Dex: 18 Con: 10 Int: 14 Wis: 10 Cha: 10

Health and Resolve
SP: 7 / HP: 9 / R: 5

Armor: Second Skin
EAC: 15 / KAC: 16
AC vs CM: 24

Saving Throws
FORT: 2 / REF: 4 /WIS: 2

Attack Bonuses
Melee: 1 / Ranged: 6 / Thrown: 1

Soldier Class Skills (Class: 4 + Int Mod: 2 = 6 skill ranks per level)

Mercenary Theme Skill

Weapon Focus (+1 ATK w/ longarms)

Laser Rifle, azimuth

Tool Kit-Engineering
Basic Medkit

Since you are going soldier, you have heavy armor and heavy weapon proficiencies off-the-bat... so you don't need to wait for 13 strength to use either. The extra strength will really only help you in terms of your carrying capacity (which will be alleviated somewhat at level 6 due to mercenary)


My wife wants to RP a ratfolk-sniper. We took the Mercenary theme to take advantage of the +1 Str and +1 Athletics bonus. We spent our 10 Ability Points and put 2 into Str, 6 into Dex, and 2 into Int. We wanted to exploit the Ysoki racial bonuses, while boosting Str to 11. By level 5, we will raise Str to 13 and open options for Heavy Weapons.

With the +2 Int modifier on class skills, we focused on boosting 6 of her 8 class skills. She's should do well enough to pass mid to high-level skill checks.

Any thoughts? :)

Ability Scores
Str: 11 Dex: 18 Con: 10 Int: 14 Wis: 10 Cha: 10

Health and Resolve
SP: 7 / HP: 9 / R: 5

Armor: Second Skin
EAC: 15 / KAC: 16
AC vs CM: 24

Saving Throws
FORT: 2 / REF: 4 /WIS: 2

Attack Bonuses
Melee: 1 / Ranged: 6 / Thrown: 1

Soldier Class Skills (Class: 4 + Int Mod: 2 = 6 skill ranks per level)

Mercenary Theme Skill

Weapon Focus (+1 ATK w/ longarms)

Laser Rifle, azimuth

Tool Kit-Engineering
Basic Medkit