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Ryuujin Stats::
Level: 2 | Race: Green Dragon | LP: 3/3

The days are long and the nights are warm in the town of Tride where you have all met up. You are not quite sure what made you choose this town as your starting point, but you have met some others with similar plans. After getting to know each other, you begin to contemplate how you will be starting your journey. The closest capital is Livesong, a lovely town nestled on the shores of the river Halese.

Rumors are that the founding cities are going through something, and while they are struggling with that unknown threat, several known threats have popped up. Monsters that had originally existed in small troupes, if at all, have grown in number and are becoming bolder. The roads aren’t as safe as before, causing problems for travelers and the towns alike.

Make your first ever Condition Checks! [STR + SPI]

Ryuujin Stats::
Level: 2 | Race: Green Dragon | LP: 3/3

Characters and dots plzz


Izana has always been a peaceful land. Ruled by three very powerful families, all thoughout the world has prospered. Though there are many different villages, The Vorshki Family, which rules over Elhaim in the far notherern mountains, The Heinford Family, which resides over the town of Turstwood, and the Holled Family which lives in harmony with their residents in Livesong have always held the highest respect. Each having their own special products, they have always relied on each other for trade.

But now there is unrest. Whispers are coming from all over. Something in the very earth has changed and monsters, both fiend and human alike, are rising to power.

Are you on this journey to gather information or to fix the problem?

Character Creation:

Choose a Class:
Character creation starts with the selection of the character’s Class. The seven Classes represent different character jobs and standings in their community.

Players should cooperate when choosing Classes so that their specialties and skills don’t overlap.

The Minstrel, Merchant, Healer and Hunter classes are recommended for new players.

The Artisan, Farmer and Noble classes are recommended for players with a little experience playing Ryuutama.

Choosing a class determines the Skills that are available to your character. Your character is able to use any Skills available to their class at first level.

Choose a Type Next, the players should determine their character’s Type. Each Type is adept at handling certain kinds of danger that the PCs might come across in their journey.

The pages for character creaton start on pg.29 of the pdf I forwarded you.

As soon as you are done creating your character, post him/her in discussion.

Overseer of the Lands Controller of the Universe


Overseer of the Lands Controller of the Universe

Dot at your leasure.

Hello!Im Whispers and boy do I have a game for you! My husband and I have been working on a psychological horror campaign based on games and tv shows such as Corpse Party, Higurashi, Hunger Games, and more! This is essentailly a beta test, so help me work out the kinks! I am looking for four players.

WARNING! This campaign is one in which you will only have a small chance of survival. While there are encounters you can win, others can kill you. Because of this, I have decided I want my players to make 3 characters to use. Kind of like a three strikes you're out rule. Summoning spells will not work here. Neither will spells like create food and water. The magic in this crazy place ranges from wild primal magic to no magic/dead magic.


The game is set on a demi-plane. You have all been forcibly summoned to this plane to take part in a sick and twisted game of life and death. Have fun!

Character Creation Guidelines:

Start at level 3
15 point buy
No Summoners or Paladins
Common and Featured Races Only
Paizo Material Only
Starting gold 1k (Things like potions and scrolls might not work and could be harmful in certain situations. Food and water will also be limited. One waterskin filled with wawa and no more than one trail ration. Besides that, go for it.)
1 trait

Required elements for background:

Tell me a bit about your character. Include something they love, something they hate, the thing the fear the most, any family, and reason for living.

Again, this will be a very HARD dungeon crawl type campaign. I am also doing this to work out the kinks. This campaign is made to screw with the players, not just the characters and could be disturbing to some.

If you feel like you want to journey down this road, please make your characters!

I'll close recruitment on the 5th of March.


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I have started a gofundme so I can get a Service Dog. Now before you click away thinking "oh this girl is just asking for money" give me a moment to explain my situation.

I have PTSD and it makes it really hard to go out and do social things. This means, among other things, that I do not get to go out and game in a live setting. I tried before, but I would get too nervous and end up dissociating, meaning I kind of go into my head and look down on myself. Kind of like if you were scrying, but on yourself...

If you know of or have PTSD, you will know that it is a difficult disorder to live with. Though I am in bi-weekly couseling sessions, I still cannot go to the groery store without my husband... Honestly I cant really go anywhere without my husband. And if we do, I can only stay for a limited time.

What the Service Dog will allow me to do is to go out of he house and have a safety net. The dog, after it is properly trained, will be able to alert me when I am about to or having a panic attack. It wil also block other people from getting too close to me by standing behind me. It will alert me when there is a person coming up behind me, and, most importantly, will help me stay grounded, or stay in my body and not get trapped in that uncomfortable fog.

I hope that you can find it in your hearts to give what you can, but if you cannot give any money, and even if you can, it would be MEGA helpful if you could share my gofundme page with your friends and family.

Thank you for your consideration. I appriciate anything you can give. Even if it is just a moment of your time, I am very grateful to you!

Here is the link!: http://funds.gofundme.com/dashboard/lec32o

:D OPEN! *Pops a party popper and confetti falls*

Welcome all, to Caitas! This will be diferrent than any campaign you have played in! You all know I have given you a sheet for you to play. This is your characters "sleeping" state. It will not last forever, though! As you become hero's, you will shed your sleeping shell and become the true hero's you all are!

Discussion is now open.

Dot here when you have recieved your "perfect" sheet from me and are ready to go!

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This city is perfect. No money, no sickness, no premature death, no pain. You live in this city, and everything is going great. You might have an assigned spouse, you have a job that fits you perfectly, and you have everything you could ever need. It’s a perfect world. Or is it…?

I am looking for 3 to 4 people to run an untraditional homebrew campaign. It’s a Utopian adventure filled with interesting social situations and later on combat.

If you are interested, here are the creation guidelines:

Actual characters:

Allowed Races:
Any Core + Aasimar, Catfolk, Ifrit, Kitsune, Oread, Samsaran, Sylph, Undine
Allowed Classes:
NO Gunslingers or Summoners

All alignments are allowed, with proper explanation (though you will have a N alignment until you realize your full potential.)

Be creative! I don't just look for good party composition when choosing players, I look for characters that are fun and creative. And I LOVELOVELOVE party dynamics.(Just remember, everyone gets along until you awake.)
Build Guidelines:
Paizo material only – no 3rd party
15 point buy
Level 2
HP: roll or PFS-style. Choose at character creation. Max Starting HP.
1 Trait
No starting gold
No drawbacks

However, for the first part of this campaign, you will be playing pre-gens I make for your specific character. Remember, you live in a Utopian society that needs no weapons, so why would there be a fighter there? I will set up your pre-gen specific to your build, but you will be nerfed a bit. Until you reach your full potential, you will have no weapons training and no magic.

The city itself is in a demi-plane that has dead magic, however, you few have magic burning in your hearts (even if you are, say, a barbarian); you are different from everyone else you just don’t know it yet. You will awake from the slumber that this city has laid upon you.

Overseer of the Lands Controller of the Universe

Please dot once I have approved your character! Than we will start!

Overseer of the Lands Controller of the Universe

You may begin to RP if ya want. :)

All of you have known the late Professor Lorrimor, and now that he has passed on, his last will and testament is to be read. You have all been invited to the funeral, each of you coming for your own reasons. The service is being held in Ravengro.

Hello! And welcome to my recruitment for Carrion Crown! I will be looking for 5 players to run this spoooky woooky campaign for! My character creation guidelines are as follows:

Character Guidelines:

Allowed Races:
Any Core + Aasimar, Catfolk, Ifrit, Nagaji, Oread, Samsaran, Sylph, Tengu, Tiefling, Undine, Vishkanya, Changling

Allowed Classes:
NO Gunslingers or Summoners
I am also allowing the Advanced class guide classes.

Build Guidelines:
Allowed materials:
Core Rulebook, APG, UC, UM, UE, and the Players guide for CC.
20 point buy
Level 1
HP: roll or go PFS-style. Your choice at character creation. Choose wisely. Max to start with though.
2 Traits
1 Campaign trait
Average starting gold
No drawbacks

Alignment Restrictions:
Any, but Chaotic Evil

I’m banning the Leadership feat. You’ll be getting enough followers as it is throughout the campaign.

Antagonize is allowed – but only the Diplomacy function. The Intimidate function is more than a little messed up.

Crafting feats are encouraged. It’ll be difficult to get the exact magical gear you want otherwise – at least for the first several levels.

Backstory is required, but it can be as long/short as you want. I don't require a novel, but if you want to write me one, that's fine.

Campaign Traits:

Chance Savior:
Fate smiled on you and Professor Lorrimor one day in the not so distant past. Through a matter of pure chance, you were in a position to save the late scholar’s life and did so. His gratitude was effusive,
and he promised that he would never forget you. You are unsure of the nature of the summons in his will, but believe he may have listed you as a possible heir in thanks for saving him from an untimely demise. Your ability to think quickly on your feet has stayed with you, and you quite often feel that you’re in the right place at the right time. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.

Subject of Study: Professor Lorrimor approached you as part of his studies, as he had heard that you had survived a recent encounter with a strange monster or had another fateful encounter. Interested in the conditions of the run in and the means by which you avoided death or injury, he met with you and maintained frequent correspondence until several months ago. The scars of your experience and his continual reminders of the encounter prompted you to hone your skills lest you someday face the same type of creature again. The professor assisted you in this endeavor, providing you with insight into the anatomy and defenses of the creature that attacked you. Years of study have improved your combat effectiveness against your chosen foe. Choose a non-humanoid creature type (and subtype if outsider). You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls against creatures of this type. See the ranger favored enemy suggestions for a list of creature types most likely to appear in this campaign.

Inspired by Greatness: Whether you knew Professor Lorrimor well or only in passing, as a colleague or competitor, his career and lifetime of discovery inspired you to be better at what you do. As you honed your craft, you and the professor corresponded, and he was delighted to hear that he had directly or indirectly motivated you to strive for your full potential. Saddened by the news of his death, you feel that you should honor his memory by fulfilling his final wishes and attending his funeral, and by ever striving to attain greater heights and someday match the influence and impact of your idol.
Choose one spell you can cast. From now on, you always
cast this spell at +1 caster level.

Making Good on Promises: At some point in the past, Professor Lorrimor did you a favor under the condition that he would someday call on you to repay it. After he came to your aid, however, you never saw nor heard from him again, leaving you with a sense of unending anticipation that each day might be the day you were asked to return
the favor. Yet that day never came, and your fears and anxiety about what the professor would call on you to do abated. Assuming the old man had either forgotten about you or died, you eventually assumed you’d never have to follow through on your end of the bargain. When you
received word of the professor’s death, and that he had named you specifically in his will, your dread of what he could possibly want from you has grown throughout your entire journey to Ravengro.
Years of living with the fear and uncertainty of the unclaimed debt to Professor Lorrimor have inured you to extreme anxiety. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saves against fear effects.

On the Payroll: Whether he needed a bodyguard in a rough neighborhood, a guide to an isolated archeological dig, or information on a specialized topic, Professor Lorrimor was never shy about hiring professionals to help him attain his goals. Over the course of his long
career, thousands of people throughout the world served his needs and benefited from his generous wages (usually covered by his academic benefactor at the time). He had contacts in most areas of expertise in every corner of the known world, a knack for recognizing talent, and a desire to be surrounded by the best and brightest at all times.
Whatever job the professor originally hired you for, your performance captured his attention, and he hired you many times throughout your career, sometimes even for jobs away from your home, always paying your expenses and compensating you well for your time. In your area of expertise, you are among the best.
Your years of hard work have paid off, granting you an additional 150 gp in starting wealth.

Teacher’s Pet: Professor Lorrimor traveled the Inner Sea region lecturing and teaching at universities in locations as far-f lung as Manaket and Magnimar, and as different in scope as the bardic colleges of Taldor and the battle colleges of the River Kingdoms. Speaking before
standing-room-only lecture halls on topics as widely ranging as military strategy, planar anomalies, theology, and agriculture, Lorrimor’s time was highly valued among those ambitious to benefit from his expertise.
Despite this, he still managed to provide one-on-one assistance to the most promising of his acolytes. When he saw the potential for greatness in one of his charges, he took it upon himself to nurture their spark. You were such a student. Over the course of several months, you
and the late professor spent hours debating the finer points of your topic of interest, and the intellectual doors he opened for you continue to flavor your outlook on the world.
You gain a +2 trait bonus to one Knowledge skill of your choosing and consider it a class skill.

About Me:

I am fairly new to PbP Gming, but have been GMing for a while now. I have one other campaign that has been going smoothly for a while. Just like everyone, I have life come and kick me in the butt sometimes, but I keep my players well informed of those times and, if it requires a short hiatus, I get on and update regularly. I am roleplay heavy, rules light GM, but I know what Im doing for the most part. If I get something wrong, call me out on it nicely! I love learning and am still a technical baby GM.

All of that being said, if you are interested post your submissions and I will go over them! (thats how this works, right?) ;) I like people in my campaigns to post once a day, and once a weekend, but the weekend isnt required. I know that people like to do things like church and picnics on the weekends and just kind of veg. I do, too! Thanks for your interest!


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I've really wanted to play Way of the Wicked for some time now. Are there any GM's willing to run it and any players interested? I think it would be a blast. :)

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Overseer of the Lands Controller of the Universe

Welcome everyone! Finalize your characters and post when you're ready. When you post, I will assume you are happy with your character and don't want to change it. Besides that, lets get chilly!!

The sleepy village of Heldren has rarely seen so much excitement or concern. Hunters from the nearby Border Wood speak of unnaturally cold weather at the height of summer that descended on the forest just days ago. Heavy snow followed, and those who returned spoke of an uneasy presence in the woods, as well as new, dangerous predators. No one knows what this event means, but the town’s soothsayer, Old Mother Theodora, claims dark times lie ahead.
As if in proof of that dire prophecy, a badly wounded mercenary arrived in town yesterday, claiming to be a bodyguard of Lady Argentea Malassene. He told the village council that the noblewoman’s escort came under attack by bandits and strange, wintry creatures near the edge of the Border Wood. He alone escaped, and Lady Argentea was dragged away into the forest. Now the townsfolk cast fearful eyes toward the snowy forest, worried what else might emerge to threaten their peaceful village.
K. Local or Diplomacy(Gather info) Remember! Knowledge checks can be made untrained up to DC 10!! :)

DC 5:

Everyone says the weather is unseasonably cold for midsummer—it even snowed in the Border Wood! Most suspect magic is involved, and some fear Qadiran agents played a role in it.

DC 10:

Old Man Dansby claims that someone keeps stealing from his fields. His farm lies closest to the Border Wood, where half his crops have died from an icy frost and the rest have been carried off.

DC 12:

A farmer’s son took ill a few days ago after falling through the ice over Wishbone Creek. The boy said he spotted a white stag in the forest—and heard it talking—then tried to follow it.

DC 15:

A group of rangers in the Border Wood called the High Sentinels usually keep bandit activity curbed. They’re doing a poor job if brigands could attack a well-armed caravan and abduct Lady Argentea.

DC 18:

Locals say a hunter named Dryden Kepp claimed he saw a giant white weasel on the High Ridge in the forest. No one believed him so he went back to trap it and prove them wrong.

DC 20:

Two weeks ago, Lady Argentea Malassene traveled past Heldren on her way from Oppara to Zimar to meet her betrothed. Rumor has it the two didn’t get along and Lady Argentea caused a scandal by calling off the engagement and returning home.

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Overseer of the Lands Controller of the Universe

You enter a lovely Tavern in the town of Heldren.The air is full of the songs from a small halfling bard in the corner, her red hair dancing as she sings and strums her harp. Sitting next to her on the floor is a bald monk, clapping like an idiot along to the melody, making strange noises. The bar is mostly empty, but the barkeep and bar maidens are keeping those few happy.


In the snowy lands of Irrisen, the witch queen Baba Yaga likes to keep her eyes on all her children,
and she does so through her chicken-legged huts and their resident guardian dolls. Made in the image
of her famous Dancing Hut, these strange huts watch the borders of this frozen land,
keeping foreigners out while keeping the Irriseni in. According to the legends, If a hut dances around
and refuses to let you in through its tiny door, you must stand in front of it and loudly call out,

“Hut, O hut, turn your back to the woods and your front to me.”
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Hello forum-goers! I am interested in starting a Reign of Winters Campaign. I have had this sitting in my folders since February and I think its time to start it. Im looking for around 4-5 players.

First things first:

Allowed Races:
Any Core + Aasimar, Catfolk, Ifrit, Kitsune, Merfolk, Nagaji, Oread, Samsaran, Sylph, Tengu, Tiefling, Undine, Vishkanya

Allowed Classes:
NO Gunslingers or Summoners

Witches are allowed, but Slumber Hex is not allowed.

All alignments are allowed, with proper explanation.

Be creative! I don't just look for good party composition when choosing players, I look for characters that are fun and creative. And I LOVELOVELOVE party dynamics.

Build Guidelines:
Paizo material only – no 3rd party
25point buy
Level 1
HP: roll or PFS-style. Choose at character creation. Max Starting HP.
3 Traits
Average starting gold

About your GM:

This is the first time I have GM'ed a PBP, so bear with me as I get used to the venue change. :) I love good role-play and encourage it greatly. I'm more of a laid back GM, but I have a bit of rules-lawyer in me. PM me with any questions or just leave em below! I am in the EST timezone, just FYI.