
Akaria TX's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Hey, so I'm running this game a group of overpowered players (i have them gestalt and 3pp classes). Also planning on extending the adventure out to level 20 cuz I've always hated how APs always just leave you a few levels shy..

With this in mind, I want to add a little bit of an edge to the game by throwing in rival groups seeking out the Shards once they hear that the Pathhfinder Society is on the tail of reforging it. My in for this would be Natalya. They freed her from the shard's grasp, and kept her around for info in the meeting with Sheila afterwards. So obviously she now knows a lot more, and doesn't have strong ties to keep her loyal to the Pathfinders.

What organizations might Natalya reach out to, trying to sell this kind of information for some quick cash? I'm thinking the Aspis Consortium is a definite here, but what other groups do you guys think might join in on the hunt?

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The downloads page is abysmal, and has been like that for years without update. It is WAY overdue for a serious overhaul to not only make it look cleaner, but to make it actually work as intended not a broken hot mess.

The categories are all messed up, with there being three different "Paizo Inc.: Campaign Setting" categories and 3 different "Paizo Inc.: Player Companion" categories all with PFRPG books. It's the same line of books for the same system, yet they have 3 completely arbitrary categories. The only plausible reason I can think of for it to be done this way is to ensure your customers are confused and frustrated.

The filtering done through the side is just straight up broken. For example clicking on any of the First Edition AP categories will only bring up one item, and it seems to be randomized (sometimes it's Tome of Horros 4, sometimes it's the Players guide for a completely different adventure, etc. But it's never the actual books i wanted. Even the top categories like "Starfinder Roleplaying Game" will bring up the Starfinder Core Rulebook, along with the "Shattered Star Player's Guide" (which is pathfinder), and doesn't bring up the "Into the Unknown" adventure. This makes it so the only way to actually search for the item i'm looking for is slowly scrolling through the horribly-organized list of the hundreds of PDFs I own (see paragraph above).

Finally, aesthetically, it just looks very unappealing and outdated. This is the least of my complaints, but might as well actually make it look pretty if you decide to actually update it and fix the blaring issues.

Alright, so I'm playing in an evil empire-building campaign, and I'm starting to build some trading ships that will probably be used to haul slaves. So would slaves could as cargo or passengers? My thought is that they're not exactly well-housed (look at the ships used in the Mid-atlantic slave trade) like regular passengers would be, but they're still human(oid) so I'm not exactly certain how that would work.

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I think they should give us a peak at what the symbol is first. If it's got the actual word (or similar) in the symbol itself I'm okay with it. If it's just a random icon then no.

I know you said no comments, but there needs to be a middle ground vote to be cast.

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What I like:
I love the new organization and format of the statblocks. Putting the abilities where they are actually located instead of just at the bottom makes things easier. I like how it gives you the important details and highlights what you need with easy.

What I dislike:
Quite a bit....
• Y'all went overboard with the simplification. BAB, Ability Scores, AC breakdown, HP breakdown (including HD) are all majorly important things that you just completely left blank.
• HD is used in so many abilities and whatnot and can be critical for a lot of things.
• Ability Scores are important. Taking 3 con dmg is much different at a 12 con, and a 13 con (both would be listed as +2). Same with adding new things that would give a +1 on stats.
• AC. From flavour of wording, to non-stacking abilities, understanding where your AC is coming from (Natural, Dodge, Deflection) is so important.
• BAB. If you add in a new weapon, or the monster has to pick one up off the ground we need to know where we are starting at for adding its modifiers to attack!
• Type/subtype! Favored enemy, bane, etc. This info is needed.

The important critique:
Changing monsters: In PF1 it is easy to alter, add a template, change, upgrade or nerf monsters, or even add in custom house-rules. Everything has enough detail to easily break down the PF1 statblocks to figure out why everything the way it is, and to alter anything and everything needed.

With PF2, that is now no longer possible. Without information such as AC breakdowns, HP breakdowns (including HD), BAB, Type/subtype, and exact Ability Scores you are unable to break down the statblock to understand it enough to do what is said above.

When it comes to adding class levels or homebrewed rules you need all of this to work properly. It would add maybe an extra 30 characters in total to a statblock. It wouldn't look overly complex and it wouldn't add anything completely useless or distracting from the important info. But we need this information!

Name of PC: Toma

Class/Level: Brawler 10

Adventure: Hook Mountain Massacre: Harrowing the Hook

Catalyst: Barl Breakbone's Earthbreaker

Story: The party cleared out the majority of the Stronghold and now faced the great Stone Giant Necromancer, Barl Breakbones. They made it through a couple of rounds, finally approaching Barl. With his Earthbreaker, Barl took a massive full-round attack against the brawler in the lead. After rolling near max damage on first and third attack, and a critical on the 2nd, the brawler fell to the ground. His body laying limp on the floor.

The party immediately realized that this guy was a huge threat after OTK-ing the tank. They switched away from the stone giant bodyguard, and focused him down quickly. After speaking with dead, they found the brawler didn't want to come back, but instead arrived as a bard when they returned to sandpoint.

I've had a few fun and interesting encounters with my players too.

Interrogations after the Raid:
My players decided to go to the barracks, and convinced Hemlock to let them interrogate one of the goblins. The arcanist used illusions to make an image of one of the goblins they killed try to talk info out of one of the captive. Rolling crits on bluff, they squeezed out info by tricking the goblin into believing that he was telling a friend.

With the use of Charm person/monster, Illusions, Ghost sounds, really high bluff rolls, and really low goblin sense motive rolls, they managed to convince the goblins that one of them is a goblin fire god. They convinced just about every single goblin other than 2, that they have come to help them. They even convinced them that invaders from earlier that took out gogmurt (because they raised the alarm) were killed by them.

The two goblins I spoke of that didn't believe were killed by the "fire god" with a kinetic fire blast with the gunslinger hidden behind them, shooting his gun at the same time criting them for 4x damage... Because of the loud gunshot and that the gunslinger was out of sight, all the goblins saw was the fire deity smite the unbeliever with fire and a loud bang of noise. They did this twice in two different rooms, one of which being in front of the Warchief.

Book 2 they didn't do anything majorly out of the ordinary.

Turtleback Ferry
After discovering the rune on people, the local arcanist made a couple wands of erase, and spread word about discreet tattoo removal. He spent a couple of days just going through the town, spreading rumors quickly and investigating people, removing half the town's tattoos well before the flood.

Down Comes the Rain: Black Magga
The party arcanist cast slowing and rooting spells constantly on the magga, causing it to be unable to move at all (any and all attempts were met with really low rolls). The Magga was able to kill the Magus, but the party was able to kill the Black Magga, which is a major feat as I over doubled it's health.

They are currently about to explore the Hook Mountain Clanhold. I can update on any future ventures later :)

Name of PC: Shin

Class/Level: Magus 9

Adventure: Hook Mountain Massacre: Down Comes the Rain

Catalyst: Black Magga, the Golarion Loch Ness Monster

Story: After saving the school children, the encountered this beast right outside the church. The beast's escape was stopped by the party Arcanist, and eventually slaughtered by the party, but not without suffering a casualty from the monster's extra turns for being trapped.

The limp body (killed by a crit) of the magus fell under the water, and started to drift away before getting caught on the brawler's legs. (The brawler happened to be the magus' brother nonetheless).