
Akame, the Cunning Shadow's page

2 posts. Alias of Arrathion.

Full Name





Female NE Kitsune Rogue (Burglar, Poisoner), Level 1, Init +6, HP 10/10, Speed 30 AC 14, Touch 14, Flat 10, CMD 13, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2, Perception +6










Common, Sylvan

Strength 8
Dexterity 19
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Akame, the Cunning Shadow

Special Abilities/Feats
Change Shape (Su) A kitsune can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The kitsune always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A kitsune in human form cannot use her bite attack, but gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear human. Changing shape is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except that the kitsune does not adjust her ability scores.
Fast Shifter (Su) You were born with an innate talent for switching between your natural forms. Using your racial change shape ability is a move action instead of a standard action. This racial trait replaces kitsune magic.
Natural Finesse: Sophisticated kitsune hone graceful and precise movements at the expense of their skill with their natural attacks. The kitsune gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat at 1st level. This racial trait replaces natural weapons.
Skulker: Kitsune are able to hide undetected from others with ease. The kitsune gains a +1 racial bonus on Stealth checks and Stealth is always a class skill for him. This racial trait replaces agile.
Realistic Likeness (Feat) You can precisely mimic the physical features of any individual you have encountered. When you use your racial change shape ability, you can attempt to take the form of an individual, granting you a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks made to fool others with your impersonation.
Skills (FC+1)(Only skills taken shown)
Acrobatics +8
Bluff +8
Craft (Alchemy) +4
Disable Device +8
Disguise +6 (Change Shape +16, Realistic Likeness +26)
Escape Artist +8
Perception +6
Sleight of Hand +8
Stealth +9
Other Abilities/Traits
Sneak Attack +1d6
Poison Use (Ex) At 1st level, a poisoner is trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison herself when applying poison to a blade. This ability replaces trapfinding.
Low-Light Vision
Defensive Strategist: You aren't flat-footed during a surprise round that you don't get to act in or before you get to act at the start of a battle.
Reactionary: You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.
Fraud You receive a +2 trait bonus to Bluff checks and Bluff is always a class skill for you.