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Jayder22 wrote:
Thanks for the feedback! Selective rod is needed for fireballs... otherwise you can't cast into melee without hurting your friend. Toppling just seemed like a good fun CC rod that was really useful at 3rd level and still kind of useful at higher levels with humanoid opponents. Yeah, it's PFS. Why can't you combine them? It's still worth it to just go for a Crossblooded sorcerer at level 6, right? ![]()
Hey guys, I have a bunch of D6s, and I want to roll as many of them at once... So I'm making a Fireball speced blaster wizard for PFS. Am I doing this right? Race:Elf (Arcane Focus) Stats:
Level 1-5: Admixture Wizard, Dodo Familiar (+4 to init)
Traits:Magical Heritage(Fireball), Metamagic Mastery(Fireball) Feats: Level 1: Spell focus(Evocation), Spell Specialization (Burning hands)
Rough gear selection: Level 3: Toppling rod
Am I missing anything obvious? Is the loss of sorcerer spells for the +2 to perception and Will saves worth it? I feel like I am low on metamagic feats, but going first and being able to memorize lots of utility spells with prefered spell seem worth it, right? Thanks guys! ![]()
Gotcha. Thanks everyone. I'll just keep going straight bard until at least 7th or 8th, and then maybe I will think about retraining precise shot. I'll get Precise shot in 4th level with my rogue talent, and rapid shot 5th. I was considering deadly aim vs. arcane strike. I'm afraid that the -2 to attack is too hard on a 3/4ths BAB class. Do you think my to-hit will be high enough to take advantage of Deadly aim, even with the -2 I'm already taking from rapid shot? Arcane strike and Archologist's luck both take my swift action, so if I can hit things, Deadly aim would be better. I'll also take Heroism instead of Silence this level. Seems more useful. Thanks! ![]()
Hey guys, I have a 3rd level, going on fourth level archiologist bard that I'm trying to figure out if I should dip a level of divine hunter. Here are my stats: stats:
Human Str:14
Traits: Fate's Favored, Vagabond child Skills(if I go 4th level bard):
HP:31 Languages: Common, Draconic, Tien-xi, Ancient Osirani Wears a chain shirt Spells: 1st level: Grease, Disguise Self Comprehend language, vanish 2nd level(If I take a fourth level of bard):Silence, Gallant inspiration Should I take a level of Divine hunter? The extra feat, Smite evil, better saves, extra damage with a long bow and gravity bow (about 2.5 damage per shot), all seem super good. Do you guys think it would be worth losing a level of bard progression? (skills, spells, Trapfinding, etc). I'm thinking it is probably not worth it, but super tempting. Maybe worth getting after 7th or 8th level, after I have haste? Any advice you can give me regarding the character in general would be helpful, also! Thanks! ![]()
Thanks so much for the response! Groetus. Darn spelling! This is going to be a PFS character, so we can buy anything we want, once we hit the appropriate fame. The idea behind the double weapon is to be able to potentially deliver two spells or two conductive touch effects through spell storing weapons in one combat, possibly even one round. The damage isn't really important. But being able to throw touch of chaos and a hold person in one round seems really nice. It is like a stored persistent spell. I figure I would be able to have one end conductive, and the other end spell storing by level 5 or so. I'd be able to have the equivalent of a +3 weapon by level 7. Many offensive clerics I've seen just bash everything in their way anyway till level 4-5 (as opposed to clerics built specifically for support). So this guy will probably just do that, regardless of how this build turns out. You state that I want mobility in my armor choice. Medium and heavy armor have the same move rate, right? Does that mean I should go for light armor? If I go pure cleric, that puts my base AC (no magic items, no shield, dex 12) at only 15-16 or so. That seems like near the point at which I should just forget about AC entirely... Most guides I've read (for example, Tarks) suggest that you need a high wisdom for a save-or-suck caster. Do you go against that opinion? A 16 wisdom still means that someone with a +4 will would save against my hold person about half the time, right? I don't like those odds. A 20 wisdom has people only saving like 35% of the time. But if I have the 16 wisdom and can hit them with touch of chaos before hand, that chance to save slips to about 25%. If I one-two them with touch of madness and chaos, it's around 10-15%. Going as two handed would definitely free up some build points, and I would not have to take the level of fighter. But I would have to wait till I can get a +3 weapon to conduct and use spell storing at the same time(7/8th level), which I get around 4th or fifth with a double weapon (+1 conductive on one end, +1 spell storing on the other. 8k each). How do the metamagic feats look? Am I missing anything as far as casting goes? ![]()
Sorry to keep posting on my own thread. But I think I know where I want to go with this: A orc-double axe wielding fighter cleric of Groteus! Double axe! So awesome! I figure I can have spell storing on both ends of the axe, and one-two the bad guys with a curse and blindness at level 6 or so. So this would bring my build to: __________________________________________________________ Ugg:
Str:16(10 points)
Domains: Protean and Madness Traits: Magical Heritage (Bestow curse), Defender of the Society Feats:Two Weapon Fighting, Power attack (3rd: Reach Spell, 5th: Persistent Spell, 7th: Piercing spell, 9th: Spell Penetration, 11th: Heighten Spell) Skills: Perception. One point in Sense motive and spellcraft. Channels positive energy _______________________________________________________________ Is my to-hit too low? Would it be worth getting weapon focus? Double slice? I need to make sure I can hit to deliver my spell-storing or conductive. Do I have all of the appropriate meta-magic feats? I figure power attack would be useful in breaking through DR, and two weapon fighting is useful in delivering spells. I'm also still really interested in making sure my magic/metamagic feats are okay. Do I have too many feats dedicated to spell penetration? I figure I'd only have conductive on one side of the weapon, and put something more damaging (acid, maybe?) on the other side. Spells on both sides. Figure I'd hit with the conductive side first, use my touch of madness and/or touch of chaos on them, then hit them with my control/debuffing spells. Conductive on both sides seems too much. I could have something like a persistent command on the weapons, for example. The debuffing touch powers make up for my lower wisdom, while crippling my enemies to-hit. Haven't ever made a TWF in pathfinder, so I'd really appreciate the help with feats, etc. I don't think I'm going to get ITWF, although I suppose I could always get a dex belt or deep red ioun stone if people think it is a good idea. Thanks! ![]()
So, I accidentally posted asking for help creating a cleric of gorum, when I meant groteus.Ah, poo. So so sorry guys. Although the cleric of Gorum looks interesting too! Thanks for all of the help... it has definitely given me stuff to think about. However, a lot of the advice in that thread isn't really relevant to this character. So I am starting a thread asking for help creating the character I want to play I was thinking that -Being a half orc running around telling people about the end of the world would be fun. (Idea stolen shamelessly from http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2oz9g?Help-with-a-bad-touch-cleric-for-PbP) -Ability wise Strength would have a high priority, which would aid me in hitting my foes, and wisdom would have a high priority to help land curses and such -having a high wisdom, charisma, and strength just pushes MAD too far... although I guess you could have abilities like Badbird suggests, maybe go 14/12/14/7/16/13 sot that I can get both positive and negative channeling, but 18/13/14/7/16/7, or 16/13/14/7/18/7 just seems so much better in terms of being useful. Once I can afford a belt of giant strength +2 at level 4 or so, I'm doing +7 or so damage with my great axe, and on the first hit I can lead with a curse, inflict damage, or chaos touch. -Not having heavy armor hurts, which makes me very, very tempted to get a level of fighter. Or burn a feat on heavy armor. -Go negative channeling for flavor,
Str:16(10 points)
Domains: Protean and Madness Traits: Magical Knack (or Magical Heritage (Bestow curse), have not decided yet), Defender of the Society Feats:Power Attack, Furious Focus (3rd: Reach Spell, 5th: Bouncing Spell, 7th: Persistent spell, 9th: Spell Penetration, 11th: Heighten Spell) Skills: Perception. One point in Sense motive and spellcraft. Channels negative energy Magic item priorities: +1 weapon (2,000)
A bunch of other stuff till I get my fame up to 27 at around level 6. ..... Add conductive to weapon (+10,000)
Magical Knack is better than a free metamagic level for bestow curse, right? Are the domains good choices? I could only go with one bad touch domain (madness, probably) and then go for a more utility oriented domain, such as void or darkness. Here is the pure cleric traits and feats, for reference (I think everything else would be the same?:
Traits: Magical Heritage (Bestow curse), True Believer (+2 on concentration checks, Dragon empire primer) Feats:Heavy armor(3rd: Power attack, 5th: Reach spell 7th: Bouncing Spell, 9th: Spell Penetration, 11th: Persistent spell) ____________________________________________ ![]()
Hey, with weapons and armor of spell storing, how do traits like magical heritage, feats like Spell perfection, meta-magic rods, etc. figure in? Is it the level the spell is cast at? Or the effective level of the spell? Oh, and my vote is for blindness for the weapon, bestow curse for the armor(which requires a touch attack spell) ![]()
Hey all, I've been thinking about making a half-orc cleric of Gorum. I was roughly thinking about the following: _____________________________________________________________________
Domains: Protean and Madness Traits: ??? (Maybe magical heritage with Bestow curse or some other nice debuff spell?) Feat:???(Weapon focus?) (Eventually, Power attack, bouncing spell, reach spell, improved critical) Skills: Perception. One point in Sense motive and spell craft. Channel negative energy
The basic thought is that I go in full plate with a +1 conductive spell storing Falcon or Greataxe, and go to town on people while hitting them with touch of chaos, Vision of madness, spell stored debuffing spells, inflict spells, etc. I'm not sure if improving channeling is worth the 7-9 build points to get my charisma up to 13 or 14, even though the variant channeling for madness is so awesome, and being able to channel both positive and negative energy would be really good for this character. I'm also not sure if the build is really effective, in general. (I could see this just being a weak fighter and cleric, rolled into one!). I'm also not sure how spell storing works with things like Magical Heritage, or if it makes more sense to go for the conductive or spell storing property on my weapon first. I am very excited about the possible role play as a half orc cleric of Gorum, for what I hope are obvious reasons, but I'm feeling a little lost as to where I should take the character stats wise. Any help would be greatly appreciated! ![]()
Gotcha. I feel like I do need at least a 14 strength, and I think taking Fay Foundling at 1st lets me keep my constitution at 14 without dieing. I don't know... I feel like 8 hit points per level is enough, particularly with all of my lay on hands. So we are looking at this then: Str:15 (13 points) (8th level increase goes here)
Traits: Excitable (+2 initiative), Second chance (can reroll one saving throw once per day) I feel comfortable with my will save being lower with second chance selected... It is still higher than the average fighters will save, and being able to roll twice will help even after I pump up the save with my charisma item and resistance robe. I'm okay not being very perceptive... I think it could have fun roll-play opportunities. Thanks again for all of the advice guys. ![]()
Gotcha. I feel like I do need at least a 14 strength, and I think taking Fay Foundling at 1st lets me keep my constitution at 14 without dieing. I don't know... I feel like 8 hit points per level is enough, particularly with all of my lay on hands. So we are looking at this then: Str:15 (13 points) (8th level increase goes here)
Traits: Excitable (+2 initiative), Second chance (can reroll one saving throw once per day) I feel comfortable with my will save being lower with second chance selected... It is still higher than the average fighters will save, and being able to roll twice will help even after I pump up the save with my charisma item and resistance robe. I'm okay not being very perceptive... I think it could have fun roll-play opportunities. Thanks again for all of the advice guys. ![]()
How did I miss that they are charisma based casters now! Wisdom, prepare to be dump-stated. The gnome favored class option looks incredable. As long as I don't get one-shotted, having a +1 to each time I heal myself seems a lot better than +2 hitpoints. Getting Fay Foundling or Power attack at first level seems to be good advice. I'll think about which one to get. I suppose I might have enough defense, and power attack might be the way to go? Although +2 hp per die healed, seems like nothing would ever kill me, at least while I still have lay on hands available and I am not somehow incapacitated. So how does this look for stats, then?
Skills: Handle animal and ride: I'll just headband diplomacy when I need it later on. Feats: Power attack/fay foundling then spirited charge line. Traits: Reactive (+2 initiative), blessed touch (+1 hit point per curative effect used) The Will save hurts, but I'll raise my charisma earlier to compensate, and it is still going to be higher than many folks in the party. How do the traits look? Which bloodline gets an animal companion? I'm trying to decide if the loss of two feats is worth it. Thanks again, guys. ![]()
Hey Guys, I'm trying to build a mounted gnome paladin with the focus on him not getting killed for PFS. I usually play at my local game-store which has a reputation for killing off characters, so survivability should probably take a bit higher priority than other venues. I'd also really like to cast spells at higher levels, unless you guys really think I can't. (probably with the help of a headband) Here is what I am thinking for stats: Str:13 (7 points) (4th level ability increase goes here)
Feats: Mounted combat (planning to take spirited charge line to 5th level, then power attack at 7th) Traits: Reactive (+2 initiative), blessed touch (+1 hit point per curative effect used) Skills:Diplomacy, Ride, Handle animal. Will use two favored class bonuses to get 1 rank in sense motive and knowledge religion. Any thoughts? I could drop diplomacy and then dump int down to 10, which would let me raise my wisdom to 12 and let me cast spells without a headband for most of his PFS life. Or I could give up on casting spells and dump wisdom down to 7. This would allow me to raise my constitution and maybe my strength. Is the strength too low? I plan on riding a riding dog till 5th level and then getting a small cat as my bonded mount (sprint seems useful! ) Thanks in advance for your help! ![]()
Hey Guys, I'm trying to build a mounted gnome paliden with the focus on him not dieing for PFS. I usually play at my local game-store which has a reputation for killing off characters, so survivability should probably take a bit higher priority than other venues. I'd also really like to cast spells at higher levels, unless you guys really think I can't. (probably with the help of a headband) Here is what I am thinking for stats: Str:13 (7 points) (4th level ability increase goes here)
Feats: Mounted combat (planning to take spirited charge line to 5th level, then power attack at 7th) Traits: Reactive (+2 initiative), blessed touch (+1 hit point pure curative effect used) Skills:Diplomacy, Ride, Handle animal. Will use two favored class bonuses to get 1 rank in sense motive and knowledge religion. Any thoughts? I could drop diplomacy and then dump int down to 10, which would let me raise my wisdom to 12 and let me cast spells without a headband for most of his PFS life. Or I could give up on casting spells and dump wisdom down to 7. This would allow me to raise my constitution and maybe my strength. Is the strength too low? I plan on riding a riding dog till 5th level and then getting a small cat as my bonded mount (sprint seems useful! ) Thanks in advance for your help! ![]()
Hey Guys, I'm trying to build a mounted gnome paliden with the focus on him not dieing for PFS. I usually play at my local game-store which has a reputation for killing off characters, so survivability should probably take a bit higher priority than other venues. I'd also really like to cast spells at higher levels, unless you guys really think I can't. (probably with the help of a headband) Here is what I am thinking for stats: Str:13 (7 points) (4th level ability increase goes here)
Feats: Mounted combat (planning to take spirited charge line to 5th level, then power attack at 7th) Traits: Reactive (+2 initiative), blessed touch (+1 hit point pure curative effect used) Skills:Diplomacy, Ride, Handle animal. Will use two favored class bonuses to get 1 rank in sense motive and knowledge religion. Any thoughts? I could drop diplomacy and then dump int down to 10, which would let me raise my wisdom to 12 and let me cast spells without a headband for most of his PFS life. Or I could give up on casting spells and dump wisdom down to 7. This would allow me to raise my constitution and maybe my strength. Is the strength too low? I plan on riding a riding dog till 5th level and then getting a small cat as my bonded mount (sprint seems useful! ) Thanks in advance for your help! ![]()
Hey Guys, I'm trying to build a mounted gnome paliden with the focus on him not dieing for PFS. I usually play at my local game-store which has a reputation for killing off characters, so survivability should probably take a bit higher priority than other venues. I'd also really like to cast spells at higher levels, unless you guys really think I can't. (probably with the help of a headband) Here is what I am thinking for stats: Str:13 (7 points) (4th level ability increase goes here)
Feats: Mounted combat (planning to take spirited charge line to 5th level, then power attack at 7th) Traits: Reactive (+2 initiative), blessed touch (+1 hit point pure curative effect used) Skills:Diplomacy, Ride, Handle animal. Will use two favored class bonuses to get 1 rank in sense motive and knowledge religion. Any thoughts? I could drop diplomacy and then dump int down to 10, which would let me raise my wisdom to 12 and let me cast spells without a headband for most of his PFS life. Or I could give up on casting spells and dump wisdom down to 7. This would allow me to raise my constitution and maybe my strength. Is the strength too low? I plan on riding a riding dog till 5th level and then getting a small cat as my bonded mount (sprint seems useful! ) Thanks in advance for your help! |