
Aiden Casey's page

27 posts. Alias of aceDiamond.




Arcanist 1 - HP 10/10 - AC 13, FF 11, Touch 12 - Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2 - Init +2 - Perception +1

About Aiden Casey

Character sheet

Aiden Casey is one you may call an adventurous man. It could probably also be said that he's got more brains than common sense. Such a combination seems to lead to the use of arcane magic for fun and profit. In particular, Aiden fancies himself as a researcher of secrets.

A native of Galt, Aiden saved up to go to Numeria when he discovered word of hidden treasure and technology. If anyone could crack the code to reproducing such things, surely they would be known throughout all of Golarion, and would make a pretty penny through sales. With his book of spells and his trusty backpack, he made due south in search of treasure, secrets, gold, and glory!