
Ahelcot Ulson's page

26 posts. Alias of Eric Swanson.


Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

As am I. Cassim where are you?

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot looks over his pack noting the lack of rations in there. "Well, other than being low on provisions, I would say we are ready to move out, right Gareth?"

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot listens to the tale told by Cassim and Gareth. He thinks for a moment before responding, "While this Blackbird shows himself to have few scruples, I do not see any reason for him to betray us to either Pegrin or the Dark Knights. Still..." He looks meaningfully at Gareth, "If scum like him is willing to turn over this bandit to the Knights, then he could very well do the same to us. I suggest caution here."

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot spends most of his time talking quietly with the Herald trying to glean any useful pieces of information from the living legend. While he knows getting such tidbits will not be easy, it is still easier than trying to make small talk with the Qualinesti elvish female...at least not without his tongue tripping all over himself.

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Unlike Gareth, Ahelcot believes his presence is not helpful to the groups posture. He instead stays in the background, but does keep his eyes and ears open.

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot listens to Cassim's reply and could feel a pang of sympathy for the young man's plight. Even in Solamnia many men he saw were in the same situation, having to take drastic measures to survive.

He blushed slightly as the pretty lady addressed him; he had always been rather shy around women. Still her easy going attitude did wonders for putting him at ease. "I elected to travel with Gareth as he would need my..." he lifts back his cloak exposing his belt on which hung a spell component pouch, "talents. As you can imagine, we do not wish to advertise our presence here, nor our reason for being sent here." He apologized, "It is safer this way."

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

If the Blackbird is OK dealing with the whole party then I think we should all go see him.

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

"Yes, what Key Herald? What does this Key look like?" Ahelcot asks excitedly. "Is it a magical key? What powers does it possess?"

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot stares at Gareth for a moment struck speechless. "This is the HERALD...only the last repository of the true events that took place in Krynn's history! Losing such a source would be catastrophic, as if the Great Library in Palanthus would be burned to the ground!" He then takes off to move towards the Herald along the path cleared by the minotaur's body.

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

I believe Gareth and I are there as well.

Ahelcot listened to the story with a rapt look on his face as the storyteller's words washed over him. He almost did not notice the trouble building until Melisaria mentioned it.

"You are right, Milady. We need to get the Herald away from here before they do show up. Do you see a way out of here?"

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot tore his gaze from examining the fascinating objects and moved to rejoin Gareth. "We shall endeavor to complete this task as quickly as possible, Klaudia. I should hope to have more time to browse some of the items in your shop after we have completed our task."

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot looks up from his examination of the various paraphernalia in the shop and responds softly, "Yes, my companion and I wish to know if you have some "Star-Eyes" for sale."

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot surrenders the Onyx statue without complaint. "It is certainly a fine work of art!"

Once Gareth and himself have paid for a room for the evening, he turns to his friend, "Should we see if we can find the Oddities shop this evening?"

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Fighting a blush on his face after he was kissed by the attractive elf female, he averted his gaze away from her for a moment trying to compose himself. Control yourself man...This is no time to let your emotions take control here! How will you ever control the MAGIC if you cannot control your base desires?

After he has calmed down he smiled nervously back at her, "You are too kind milady. If I may..." he then takes the onyx statue from her and softly runs his hands over the finely made piece of art. He then eyes it closely examining it for valuable marking and craftsmanship.

Appraise 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot has been quiet, watching the interplay of the young man and the Qualinesti elf lady (who he had trouble not staring at). Now he spoke up, "Gared and I have our own business to attend to, but it can wait for the morrow. I am curious to know more of this relic as well...and this illicit trade for these items."

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Cassim....I think you may need to fix your die roll there, he he.

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot inclines his head in greeting as well. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Melisaria. I am Ahelcot Ulson, friend of our good Knight Gareth here." He nods to the hulking minotaur as well. Amshim, an honor as well to meet you."

When the young Khurish man returns, Ahelcot smiles "Such bravery to help strangers to your lane. It is most appreciated. It seems we owe you a favor in return."

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

While Ahelcot does not like the idea of heading away from their known place of refuge, he liked the idea of facing the Dark Knights even less. Silently he follows the young Khurish native to the indicated safe zone.

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot places a hand on Gareth's shoulder saying in a calming voice, "Forget him for now. We need to get out of here before the Knights show up." He then bows to the elvish lady, while thinking to himself She is quite a lovely lady...

"Excuse me, Miss...We need to get away from here before the patrols arrive. Do you have a place to go here?" He asks as he eyes her minotaur protector out of the corner of his eye. I always believed the minotaurs and the elvish peoples were mortal enemies...and yet one protects the other! I must learn more of this...

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot's blood starts to boil as he sees the thugs beat the elf senseless. The Silvanesti elf nation has always been a friend and ally to the people of Solamnia and it angered him to see the defenseless elf brutalized like that.

He knew Gareth would not tolerate this affront to his justice, and yet still he knew blowing their cover here was unwise at best. Using the appearance of the minotaur as a distraction...Minotaur? Defending the ELF?? Did I hear correctly?....he leans over and calls on his magical schooling while touching Gareth on the arm. "This will help protect you from their blows."

Use Protective Ward on Gareth (+1 deflection bonus to AC for 4 rounds.

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot face grows alarmed at the events unfolding before his eyes. Knowing his friend would not stand for this show of brutality against the elf, he says quickly in a low voice, "I know this burns your blood but remember why we are here! If we must interfere, then by the Gods ...NO Oaths!"

Although I want to teach those thugs a lesson !

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Ahelcot breathes a silent sigh of relief as the Dark Knight soldiers allowed them into the town of Pashin. Although he was reassured by his friend Gared there was nothing to worry about, he had trouble resisting the urge to hold his breath and breath normally as their credentials had been examined by the gate guards.

I suppose he was right...I just hope we can keep from attracting their attention...

Once the pair had arrived in the marketplace, he laid a hand on Gared's shoulder and inclined his head to where the Nekarians were accosting the merchant. "Look, Gared. What do you suppose has their interest riled up?" He asked quietly.

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

Cool just saw the intros...very nicely done! When did you want us posting in Gamethread?

BTW...the characters will show up automatically once they post in the Gamethread.

Wiz (Abj) L1, Init +1, Perc +3, AC 11/t11/ff10, HP 7, Fort+1/Ref+1/Will+4

I would start with the War of Souls trilogy. While it is nowhere nears as good as the Chronicles or Legends series, it is far more relevant to the current times, he he.

Cassim Doka wrote:
Gareth Brightblade wrote:
I like Riddick's build and think he would be a good RPer. I am a little worried about the Androgenous thing because I have played in a campaign with a character like that in the past and it took over the game. It had been a really good campaign until the player got flamboyant. He even started hitting on male characters. It got obnoxious and graphic. Players dropped one by one. I would like a little description of how you plan to RP the character (no spoilers of course). I am playing a LG Paladin and with a CN bard who serves a deity who is at odds with my deity, I am a little concerned. You may not be going this direction and if that is the case, you have my vote. I think you said you weren't extremely familiar with Dragonlance. While that isn't overly important, you might not know about the knights of Solamnia. They can not tolerate questionable behavior in their party. Do you mind giving a bit more information?
I agree with this as well. I wouldn't want to have to defend myself against that kind of behavior..

Yeah I agree with this as well. I am willing to give Riddick the benefit of the doubt here, but I don't want to see this RP quirk destroy the game.

Gazes at the DM with his Hourglass eyes...

Sooo...the High God of Krynn thinks he can prevent ME from becoming the SOLE High God of Krynn?? I shall throw him down and rule Krynn for all Time!

Because the Avi is everyone's favorite Black Robed wizard...he he.