
Ages Mightyoak's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Liberty's Edge

For creating an NPC or Monster does the rule for adding an additional skill point or hit point per level for a favorite class apply to said NPC's and Monsters?

Liberty's Edge

I am creating a Goblin Skeletal Champion do I retain the racial modifiers from the goblin?

Liberty's Edge

Mine too but I am having trouble finding it either on paper or PDF. Help?

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
WOTC stuff bought today: ZERO.

I've been gaming since basic, I love both Dragon and Dungeon magazines; however, I'm afraid that I must boycott. Something that I really hate to do, because I really try to support Dungeons and Dragons (almost fanatically, I LOVE THIS GAME, I sacrifice certain necesities just to make time to play, and have introduced alot of people to the game). $20 plus is just too pricey for what are my favorite magazines. Sorry. Change is good, but it just doesn't feel the same. I feel ripped-off. There have definitely been VERY GOOD changes, especially from the player's side of the game, and there have been a lot of EXCELLENT stories and campaigns; but the games just don't have that 1st and 2nd edition feel over all. Of course there are exceptions like City of the Spider Queen, and both the Savage land and Shackled City campain arcs that really kick. But, again, things just don't feel the same. I'm really sorry. I've been buying both Dragon and Dungeon magazines since about 2000 (I think I have all but two). I just want to say that, I hope Paizo's decision doesn't hurt my game. I will continue to buy the figures, rule books, Dungeon Tile, and other accessories. I just can't buy the magazine at that price.

On a brighter side, perhaps a good thing can come out of this, because now maybe other games may open sites that include games, stories, art, campains, and everything else that comes along with gaming. Perhaps a free site where gamers can exchange stories and other aspects of Dungeons & Dragons. And perhaps, if this is the case; competition will arise, creativity and ideas will be born, and new writers will become noticed. So maybe this isn't a bad idea after all.

I just hate the idea that my favorite magazines are gone. I don't my game to suffer.

Finally, a question. Why can't Dragon magazine, Dungeon magazine, and Pathfinder coexist? Is there not enough writers and artist out there? I myself plan to write as soon as I finish my degree. Combine both Dragon and Dungeon magazines?

Long Live Dragon and Dungeon magazines! And the very best of wishes and success to Pathfinder magazine! (I hope you don't ever get into the same position as your predecessors.)