Race |
| HP 41/41 | F +6 R +15 W +6 | PAC 18 BAC 16 T 14 FF 14 CMD 19 (+2 grap) | Init: +6 Perception: +7 |
About Agent L
Agent L
Human Brawler (Snakebite, Strangler) 2 / (Unchained) Rogue (Sniper) 3 / Investigator (Infiltrator) 2
Init +6; Perception +7
PAC 18; Touch 14; Flat-Footed 14
BAC 16; Touch 14; Flat-Footed 12
HP 41;
Fort +6 ; Ref +15 ; Will +6
Speed 30ft;
Melee +9
Ranged +9
Grapple +9 (6d6+13)(vs ff opponent 11d6+28)(power attack)(non-lethal)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB +9 (+2 grapple) ; CMD 21 (+2 grapple)
Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Sap Adept, Sap Master, Air Force Training, Power Attack, Agile Maneuvers, Knockout Artist
Acrobatics +8, Appraise +6, Bluff +12 , Climb +6, Craft: Alchemy +7, Diplomacy +12, Disable Device +9, Disguise +14 , Drive +11, Escape Artist +8, Handle Animal +7, Heal +4, Intimidate +10, Knowledge Arcana +6, Knowledge Dungeoneering +6, Knowledge Engineering +6, Knowledge Geography +6, Knowledge History +6, Knowledge Local +7, Knowledge Nature +6, Knowledge Nobility +6, Knowledge Planes +6, Knowledge Religion +6, Linguistics +12, Perception +7, Perform: Sing +7, Profession: Soldier +4, Profession: Merchant +4, Sense Motive +9, Sleight Of Hand +10, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +10, Swim +6, Use Magic Device +7
Languages: Czech(proficient) English(native), German(native), Spanish(proficient), Russian(proficient)
Sneak Attack +3d6 (+2d6 grapple), Ambuscading Grapple (RT), Inspiration (2), Evasion, Finesse Training
Extracts: Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Youthful Appearance
Black Chamber Operative, Reactionary
Specialist Pack
Light Armor (+4 PAC, +2 BAC, 7lbs, 15%ASF)
Sniper Rifle (2d10, cap 4, rng 150ft, , 20lbs)
Light Pistol (2d4, cap 8, rng 30ft, 1lb)
Hidden shin Dagger (1d4-1, rng 10ft, 1lb)(silvered)
Hidden crotch Grenade (splash, 4d6, rng 10ft, 1lb)
Specialist Kit, Night-Vision Device
6 potions (1 Reduce Person, 2 Comprehend Languages, 1 Ant Haul, 1 Catatonia, 1 Delay Poison)
2 Assassin's Dust, 2 Soul Soap, Troll Blanch, 2 Dust of Tracelessness, Elixer of Hiding, 1 Stubborn Nail) [2970 gp total]
1 Tracer Bullet, 3 Sleep Bullets (if possible)