These are my reasons: The pirate theme does not appeal to me personally, so this is one of the reasons I have passed on the S&S set. I also find the monthly release schedule just too fast for me not only from a game play point, but from a cost standpoint as well. It is a large financial outlay for me. The RotR release schedule was perfect for me. I have the full collection of the RotR AP, but am still unhappy with the amount of errata and errors in the card printing, as well as having to work really hard at making sure that I have all 1st edition printings. I consider my RotR set incomplete, as I will order the errata cards from drivethrough. This is just added expense for an already large capital outlay. I have invested so much in this AP already, I may as well complete it. It irks me that the drivethrough cards will be a different size from my 1st printing cards that I worked so hard at getting. I understand why they are a different size. It just means I have to now go through the expense of purchasing sleeves for the set now. I will carefully consider any purchase of the new WotR AP. I will not purchase it outright until I have seen the amount of errata. Thematically WotR theme is something I am excited about, so I am really hoping that Paizo delivers on making sure that errata and incorrectly printed cards are kept to a minimum. My purchase will also depend on including more theme, such as story cards, maps and other thematic elements that can enrich my gaming experience and build a more engaging world and story. I will also be hoping for a similar mechanic as the Lord of The Rings LCG Easy/Normal/Nightmare mode, but this is just a wish list on my behalf, so will not be a deal breaker. In ending, I really do enjoy the PACG experience, and am REALLY hoping that Paizo can deliver a solid WotR AP that address my experience and concerns that I had with RotR AP. I understand that RotR it was a completely new product and concept for Paizo, so I supported it through it's growing pains.
So I laid out the Brigandoom scenario last night, and rolled a few die :) Sajan was at the Waterfront when he expolred/revealed the henchman, a bandit if I recall correctly. According to the rules, if Sajan can defeat a henchman at the location, he can attempt to close the location. Using a Blessing of the Gods, his DEX dice instead of his STR dice, and with the assistance of the Amulet of Mighty Fists or some such, he crushed the Bandit henchman, who had a combat check of 8. This success allows Sajan, and ONLY Sajan to attempt to close the location by summoning, yes, another Bandit as per the Waterfronts "When Closing" part of the card which states "Summon and DEFEAT a Bandit henchman". The key word here is DEFEAT, so evading the Bandit will not close the location [Thanks to the FAQ clarifying this]. So, I dived into the box and dug out a Bandit. Using a second Blessing of the Gods, Sajan was able to defeat the summoned Bandit, who once again had a combat check of 8. Location closed. Is this correct, or could I have just closed the location after defeating only the revealed/explored Bandit henchman? Thanks :)
I would second a double sided epilogue and prologue story card, preferably a double sized card, that can flesh out and build on linking and strengthening the continuity of the adventure packs and the adventure as a whole. Not being familiar with the Pathfinder franchise, except through this Adventure Card Game, it would allow me to explore and discover it to even a greater extent. I know I could purchase the RPG products, but my preference is card playing games, particularly solo ones that allow me to work through scenarios and adventures at my own pace. Real life only allows me limited moments of my own time when I can disappear into a different universe. Sign me up for story cards, please? :) |