
Aestolia's page

Organized Play Member. 66 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Dark Archive

Hi everyone,

I'm sure most of you are all sick of this topic, and I honestly did try and find an already existing post about it, but to no avail.

Base forms.

So I'm in a game with a rather pedantic rules lawyer. They are of the opinion that a summoner can summon their Eidolon in any of the 3 different base forums. His reasoning for this is the following:

APG P.55: "...each eidolon receives a pool of evolution points, based on the summoner's class level..."

APG P.58: "Each eidolon possesses a base form that modifies these base statistics."

APG P.59: "Each eidolon has one of three base forms that determine..."

Well you get the picture.

It's that darned word 'each'. Now I went looking for the 'cannot be changed once selected' forgetting that that specific line had been removed since the play testing versions. Now I'm looking for some scrap of text that definitively says Don't be an idiot, you're eidolon only has one form. However, I can't actually find it. Logic says one thing, The weaknesses of the English language say another. Sadly I'm not the GM otherwise I'd just say 'cause I say so'.

Can anyone point out what I'm missing here? Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi you're my only hope!

Edited: A typo I noticed

Dark Archive

Someone in another thread made mention of letting the Summoner make a staff with Summon monster IX and it only being a '6th' level spell so it could be recharged at a 'discount' when handed off to wizard (6th level slot instead of a 9th).

This brought up an interesting question regarding the Summoners spell list and SLA.

Would the staff be recharged at a discount because of the "lower" spell level of the Summoner.

Also, what level is the Summoners Summon monster IX SLA? 6th? 9th? A summoner could take 'Empower Spell-Like ability' if SMIX counts as 6th level, but not if it counts as 9th

Does magic item creation/Feats assume spells to be based on the standard wiz/sorc progression?

Dark Archive

Now, this may be the game mechanic min/maxer in all of us speaking, but I do see a major problem with one of the Eidolons Evolutions.

Really this is as easy as the GM saying 'no' but the rules lawyers out there will protest that it's in the bounds of the rules, so should there be a change?

Level 18 Summoner:

Just leveled, 23 Evo points:
8 points -> +8 to Charisma
10 points -> Wish 3/day

Spell like abilities don't use material components.
Pathfinder PRD

Now the pathdinder prd doesn't specifically say they don't, I'm just assuming as the roots are d20.

So, is it alright for a level 18 Summoner to have a 3 wish/day pet?

Granted we are already talking about high level campaigns where a wiz/sorcerer could probably cast wish 4-5 times a day anyways, but there's a difference between wish 3/day for 75,000 gp, and doing it for free.

Perhaps limit the SLA to 'any spell with that doesn't have a GP cost over X ammount'

Dark Archive

I've got an interesting question concerning, well, death and the Great Beyond.

according to the Campaign Setting, The souls of dead mortals travel through the Astral Plane until they reach the Boneyard where their final resting place is ultimatly decided.

How long is this journey, and does time flow at the same rate? (ie: it'a 4 year journey, but is that the same as 4 years on the Material Plane?) All that the Setting really says is that "Migrating souls have little to fear during their long journey..." Say a Player character died and was brough back 3 years later, what about 30 years later? Would their soul be at the Boneyard?

I see this as an important, since all raise dead spells have the condition of the soul being 'Free and Willing.' An athiest is locked away at the Boneyards graves... but if their soul hasn't reached the Boneyard yet, they're still a 'free' soul. Likewise, a soul sent to Elysium may not wish to come back. Is a soul considered free when it's being presided over in Pharasma's Courts?

I'm not trying to tear apart the afterlife, I love the thought and process of the soul that's been illustrated in the setting. But it does raise some mechanics questions, if you really break it down.

Dark Archive

Hi, I'm really interested in getting involved with the society. I'd prefer to be a player but have recently started considering being a GM as well.

I was wondering what kind of interest there is for the Ottawa area. Closest I can find is in burlington which is a good 5 hour drive.