
Adrian Myst's page

3 posts. Alias of Dragonserpent.

About Adrian Myst

Adrian Myst
Male Tiefling
Vivisectionist mind chemist /2 Monk of the empty hand 2/ heretic 1/ Assassin 2/ Master spy 8
TN Medium Outsider (Native)
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60ft., Perception --
AC 37, touch 30, flat-footed 37 (+7? armor, +7 Wisdom, +1 Monk, +5? Def, +6 Dex, +1 Insight?) 79
hp 94? (79+15?)
Fort +20 , Ref +22, Will +25 (13/11/13)base +5resistance +1insight +mod)
Evasion, Slippery mind;
Spd 30 ft.

Str 8, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 28, Wis 26, Cha 5
Base Atk +15; CMB +23; CMD 25
Feats: 1 Deceitful (Weapon Finesse) (throw anything) (Brew potion)
2(Tumor Familiar) (Alertness)
3, Iron Will (Catch off Guard)
4, Monk bonus feat?
5, Master Alchemist(switch out?)
7Adder Strike
9 Ability Focus Death Attack
11 Dark stalker (pre-requisites?)
13 Pinpoint poisoner
15 (Leadership?)
Skills: 4*6 + 6*9 + 8*15 total 198 skill points. +2 favored class?

Languages Common, Shoanti


Armor: Belts: Belt of Incredible Dex +6 (don’t have dex higher than 14 to start) 36,000
Body: Monks robe 13,000??
Chest: mantles, shirts, and vests.
Eyes: eyes, glasses, and goggles. Eyes of the eagle 2,500 gp + 5 comp on perception
Feet: boots, shoes, and slippers. Boots of flying (3/3) 16,000
Hands: Gauntlets of Murder: +2 attack damage vs flatfooted, reroll all ones on sneak attack dice, +DC death attack, 8,000 gp
Head: greater hat of disguise12,000,
Headband: Head band of Int/wis +6 (90,000)
Neck (needed)
Ring (up to two): Ring of Sustenance.2,500
Sidherion ring 35,000 gp +5 reflection to AC plus change wardrobe/protection from elements?..
Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance +5
Wrists Bracers of Armor +7
Iridescent Ion stone embedded in chest 18,000 (no air)


Class abilities:

Sneak Attack 6d6
(House centipide tumor familiar "Whisper")+3 on stealth checks
Slippery mind (Ex) Reroll any failed save against enchantments one round later
Art of Deception (Ex)+8 bonus on Bluff, Sense Motive, and Disguise
Stern Gaze (Ex) +1 moral on intimidate and sneak attack
Master of Disguise (Ex)Can create disguise in 1/2 the time and reduce penalties for disguise by 1.
Glib Lie (Su)Constant Glibness affect (no bonus to bluff check) DC 23
Mask Alignment (Su)As a standard action, choose to detect as a specific alignment.
Nonmagical Aura (Sp)May use magic Aura 2x per day to make things appear non magical. (used on all magical equipment.)
Superficial Knowledge (Ex):+4 knowledge and profession checks relating to cover, and can make such checks as if trained.
Concealed Thoughts (Su):When targeted by detect thoughts or similar magic, the master spy can choose what thoughts the caster detects with out their knowledge.
Quick Change (Ex)The master spy can make a disguise in 2d4 rounds at only a -5 penalty
Elude Detection (Sp)Constant Nondetection spell, suppressed or activated as a standard action. CL 15
Shift Alignment (Su): Standard action to shift alignment for the intents and purposes of all weapons or items.
Fool Casting (Su):Can trick control magic that Adrian saves against successfully.
Judgment (Su)1x per day, can gain various benefits
Death Attack DC 10+(10)class(8)int+(2)bracers+(2)ability focus= 32
Stunning Fist: 6x per day DC 10+7+7= DC 24
Lore of Escape (Ex)Add Wis modifier to Bluff and Stealth.
Charm of Wisdom (Ex): You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
Hide Tracks (Ex)Anyone attempting to track Adrian takes a -5 penalty.
Poison Use
Uncanny Dodge (Ex):Adrian can't be caught Flat-footed.
Cognatogen (Su)+4 alchemical bonus to int for 10 minutes, -2 penalty to strength, +2 natural armor. 1 hour prep time.
Perfect Recall: double int bonus on knowledge checks.
Poison Resistance (Ex)+3 bonus vs poisons.
Throw Anything (Ex) gain throw anything as a bonus feat, and add int modifier to damage on throw splash weapon.
Brew Potion (Ex):Gain brew potion as a bonus feat.
Alchemy (Su)+2 to Craft (alchemy) checks
AC Bonus (Ex)+1 +wisdom mod
Unarmed strike

Spells and Extracts:

Inquisitor Spells: DC 17+ spell level.

1st 3x per day
Extracts: 4x per day DC 19

Attribute/saves Breakdown :

Str 8
Dex 14 +2 racial +6 item =22
Wis 16 +6 item +2 lvl =24 (+7)
Int 17 +2 Racial +6 Item +1 lvl=26 (+8)
Cha 5
(13/11/11)base +5resistance +1 insight +modifiers +iron will)