Cayden Cailean

Adrian Marcus Coleson's page

24 posts. Alias of Drathir.


Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

"Yes we should probably clean this up. Roland and Alaya should help escort the people while you and I begin to tiddy things up here. Any objections?" Adrian asks already moving toward a fallen goblin trident in hand.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

"Neither do I but he mentioned Han. Han's a Sage that lives to the south of here, near Cliffside. That's where he was headed, and the way I see it a Sage might know a bit more about mystical glowing objects than any of us would." Adrian states while looking at the rest of the group.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

Will save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
"What the hell is going on?" Adrian groans out as he leans forward catching himself on his knees.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

The second +1 is just the system saying you rolled (_) and then we add the one, so in this case ur 1d8 was a 4+1 making it a 5 so no worries there Ammon.

"So hows he doing? Will he make it?

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

Adrian walks over and grabs the box before moving toward the rest of the fallen.
"Not really, but they were clearly afriad of something... to the point where they'd rather die I think. Whatever this is Nox must really want it." He says holding up the box.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

I actually started an Oblivion char recently, its been fun enough but I really do want to play Skyrim, still sad there arent any spears or rapiers though, don't know why they removed them. RE5 is alright, not very Resident Evily though. You rarely get moments even close to... intense or suspenseful.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

"Damnit! Someone check him! It might not be too late.'
Adrian charges forward and thrusts at the goblin hoping to to bring it down.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 1 + 2 = 12

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

sry this took a while, lotsa yard work...

Adrian Gives chase to the goblins rushing towards the wounded man.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

"Take that bug eyes!" He yells as he thrusts at one with his trident.

Since I was next to the window do I get an AoO when they rushed past?

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

"Alright be careful Roland."

Adrian rushes to the Gerald to provide backup. Upon arriving he lashes out with his Trident.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

Upon seeing the young gunner take yet another hit Adrian steps toward him before shouting, "All right you flea-ridden sea rats, show me what you can do!" He then begins flourishing and thrusting his weapon in a display of martial prowess.

Intimidate (demoralize): 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 5 + 4 = 17

Adrian takes a five foot step directly left/right (cant remember which window Cody's at) and then uses Dazzling Display, a full round action, to demoralize all goblins that can see him and are within 30'. The +4 is the bonus I get from being a size larger than the goblins.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

Yea, I suggested that but never mentioned the fact that i followed through...

Adrian stands roughly ten feet from the door his large round shield infront of him as if bracing for an attack.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

"Damn brutes need to get inside" Adrian mutters before taking a defensive position.

Total Defense

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

"Fight hard so that we can be the ones laughing when this is over!"

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

"Are you sure? It seems wrong to let you use yourself as a decoy. I'll admit fifteen is a large force but what Roland said was true, a single shot fells a goblin more often then not." Adrian says looking the man directly in his eyes.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

You should have gone with the others sir. We can handle this, you're in no condition to be near a battle. Say what you have to say then go to the others." Adrian said some what gruffly. As far as he was concerned the man was a liability at the moment.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

"Don't block the door. When rushing something you tend to move like water, you find the path of least resistance. If they start coming in through the windows some of them will probably get impatient and go to other ones, if they come around back their numbers could overwhelm us."
Adrian looks around before moving one of the tables to a window. "Put enough weight behind the door to make it seem like we're trying to hold it, a chair or two propped up against it or a single table. If we can we should try to block all the windows close to the door that we're not using, make them seem less appealing so that when the door is opened most will just rush it."
Looks like your lesons actually were useful father...

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

"Crap, At the very least lets move some of these tables, just enough to give us some room. Ya' know what they say, if you have to fight a lion give yourself room to move."

Adrian looks around before his eyes fall on the wounded man. "Hey you, how big was their ship? Any idea how many me-goblins we could be fighting?"

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

Been busy with chores today... sry

"Fifteen crossbows eh? Well thats good. I'm sorry to say this Filmore but the Keg is probably the best place to do things... if they have any sort of reasoning this is the place someone would come, so this is where they'll come looking for their traget here.' Adrian says as he gestures to the wounded man. The crossbowman can go to the second floor and try to take them out as they come at us... if, Alaya wasn't it, he glances toward the young half elven woman if she can set up some lights outside, especially if its sticks or something... you dont actually have to go outside just cast the spell and we can use the windows upstairs to get it around us... I have a few sunrods too five or so i think. Anyway with the light it'll be easier to hit them... I haven't had much experience in the way of goblin killing but the few bands that have attacked have done it at dusk or just after it so we should expect them to have the advantage in the dark. I know Rogar and I will be downstairs... what about the others? Anyone else able and willing to form a defense with us? Oh and Rogar you should probably round up the militia our jobs pretty easy and doesn't need much planning.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

... not sure how i missed that. Perception should say Knowledge Local... my perception is 5 or something not 2.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Your trying to get the box to old Han? The one by Cliffside? ... Nox too huh, this night sure is turning into a mess. Did you spot anyone other than goblins while running? If they have something smarter they'll probablly be expecting the trap, at least I would anyway. Roland, have you taken a look outside, this weather isn't good for tracking. Besides the guy said he was on his ship when they attacked, chances are they'll waltz right in... Orchard's Port is easily small enough to make them confident.

Standing Adrian scratches his beard as he grabs his shield, leaning his trident against his shoulder.

What's the best way to handle this... we need the trap it'll help but if they're expecting one... wait Rogar, Filmore... how good is the militia with their bows?

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Adrian starts somewhat as the man collapses into the doorway before hopping to his feet, at the young mans request he does come forward to examine the item the stranger was clutching.

"Who ever goes for Gerald should get my shield and trident as well, mans been shot and he may be pursued. No offense Rogar but if the enemy has guns I'd feel much better helping you than not."

Wound doesn't look good, hopefully this... sailor knows as much as he seems to about mending wounds.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

As the night winds down Adrian finishes his whiskey and slips on his coat before moving to one of the empty tables. Leaning back he relaxes and eyes the young man again before deciding he'd wait around for the bar to close before retiring to his room.

I should really remember to buy a book or two next time the caravan prepares its run.

Fortittude: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

"Of course Penny, always happy to lend a hand."

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Adrian glances toward the man to familiarize himself with his features before humming along with the music. Finding it hard to not enjoy himself despite the raging weather outside.

I'll wait till it happens again to introduce myself, even if it does seem harmless enough. As the whiskey comes he gives Penny a hearty thank you before enjoying the drink slowly.

Ammon has access to a laptop with the internet right now so if its all right I'll FWD him the link so Alayo/a ... cant remember... can join in the festivities.

Male Human Fighter (Polearm Master) 1

In the corner of the bar nearest the door sits a man in his mid twenties, a worn heavy coat the color of rusty leaves rests on the back of his chair. His dark eyes glowing in amusement at the nights festivities.

Adrian sat at his customary spot having decided years ago that it was the best place for him to be in case they needed a little extra help with a rowdy customer. He had 'helped' only once when one of the customer's friends thought to come at the dwarf from behind, a knife in his hand. Adrian had tackled the man to the ground wresting the knife from his hand before being thrown out himself, until Penny told Rogar what had happend. Rogar of course grumbled about not needing help and begrudgingly let Adrian back inside.

Perception:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Knowledge Dungeoneering:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

He smiles upon noticing the taping of the old dwarf's, well old by Adrian's standards anyway, foot and downs the remaining ale from his tankard in one quick gulp as a personal salute to the Bard's clever name. He the raises the tankard with a little shake and smile when he sees Penny glance his way placing two copper down with a wink as she approaches as well as a silver.

"Fine food as always Penny, I think I'll have some of the stuff I escorted in yesterday next. The whiskey should do fine."

Fortitude: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 This is for the ale, i'll put up another one when I'm done with the whiskey. The two coppers are a tip BTW

I'm subtracting gold for last night as well, Adrian's been here a day already and he is just finishing his usual... which is to say a tankard of ale and beef.