Adri Nahlyn's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Barb Wilkins.


Sovereign Court 3/5

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BlackOuroboros wrote:

2.) How-to Videos: Since it seems pretty apparent at this point that some of our GMs do not like receiving information via text, no matter how small of a bite you make it, it might be better to include relevant information is a short video/podcast message. In all fairness, this is my preferred method of receiving information.

3.) Quiet Room: This is a bit pie-in-the-sky, but I noticed there were some Green Rooms behind the Sagamore. It might be nice to have a GM "quiet room" where we can crash between slots and get away from the noise/visibility to recuperate. I know a lot of people thrive on the "always on" nature of GMing back-to-back-to-back slots but I could use 20 minutes to just center myself without a ton of noise and people around and I don't think I am alone.

While you may prefer a video or podcast with info, some of us go the other way. I HATE tutorial videos. I can read it twice as quickly as someone else can read it to me. When I need to re-read it, I can jump to just the part I need to re-read, plus make notes in the margin of the hard-copy I print.

Additionally, videos take a lot longer to make, since editing is always required. That takes a lot more time to create than a text based communication. Besides, a person who won't read the text communication won't watch a video or listen to a podcast either. Trust me, I know this first hand!

As for a quiet room, try leaving the Sagamore. Leaving the convention center and seeing the day-star is healthy - much more healthy than staying in that area.

Sovereign Court 3/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:

Prize Support

IMO, the problem with prize is not the crit range, but players hording tokens. We have an extremely low return rate on Thursday. Prize distribution at Gen Con and other large events depends on volume of redemptions in order to make the data follow the predicted distribution models. The smaller the data pool, the more impactful the outliers become. Thus it looks like people are not "winning" enough when its really more a function of low volume.

Some of that is our fault in that we expand the value of the tokens or increase the range late in the con every year encouraging players to hold them for more value later on. We will be working on this issue in the "off season."

I'm one that got caught on Sunday when you suddenly announced that only two tokens would be required for a roll - when I had just returned from rolling at 4 per roll. It leads to being disgruntled.

Since the tokens don't come in as much on Thursday, what if only 1 RPG table of play was worth a roll on Thursday and Friday before 10am, the full 2 tables of play was needed after 10am on Friday and all day on Saturday, then determine from there what would work for Sunday.

Just a thought.