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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 98 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So...for this mission, I figured I'd put together something to introduce the characters to all the says there's a 15 min shuttle ride down to the "moon", and Wazasha lets the group see the intro. I decided to play up Bombastic Zo!...and my home group insisted I post it on here after hearing it. My home group composition is as follows...along with some of their more memorable moments and/or tendencies.

Goldie Ramsay: F Lashunta envoy, icon background (celebrity chef), personality consistant with her name. Fights with polearms

Cassandra: F Human Mystic, specialization in longarms, bounty hunter background.

Rick-1: M Android Mechanic, usually designated pilot and sharpshooter, personality consistant with another "Rick" of fame.

Gray-5: F Android Mechanic, more skill built than Rick, usually the group hacker/engineer

Rishkal: F Vesk Solarian. Has profession as "professional wrestler/gladiator. Born with the family "looks", so attractive, for a vesk.

Rishkar: F Vesk Soldier, older sister of Rishkal. All brawn, no brains or beauty. Body slammed her sister through a table during the gala in 1-05 to impress Zo!

Boom-Boom: M Ysoki operative. Made the lost children cry in "The commencement", and got high on helium at the gas bar in "The solar Sortie".

Anyways. Here's Zo!'s bombastic intro to the show.

Good evening, good afternoon, and good morning, whatever time it is wherever you are in this galaxy, good whatever, it doesn't matter, because this is the FIRST episode of Live Exploration Extreme! I'm your host, the one, the only ZO!!!! But you already knew that, so why don't I introduce you to the stars of the newest hit reality show as they prepare to delve into the depths of Salvations End! Big! Mysterious! Dangerous! Who in the galaxy would risk their lives to bring this experience to your holo-screens? First spotted as the pit crew of the starfinders contestant for the annual spire junkrace, they've since rocketed to fame and notoriety! Here they are, a team of the most experienced adventurers the starfinder society has to offer!

First, someone who many of you know, love and hate at the same time, this famous chef has decide to try her hand at adventuring. If you thought she wielded a mean meat cleaver, just wait until you see what she does with a lance! She's no idiot sandwich for sure, the one, the only GOLDIE RAMSAY!!!

Our next adventurer will blow your mind...literally! So don't get her angry! This mysterious mystic bounty hunter has a reputation for bringing in most targets in without a pulse...and I don't mean her targets are mostly eoxians! Deceptively friendly, a skilled healer, but an absolute dead-eye with a long rifle, if her powers don't get you her rifle will, give it up for CASANDRA!

Next up, we have one of the most mysterious of figures known on absalom. Found floating in space with no idea of who or where he came from, this murderous mechanical genius is an ace pilot, and a crack shot! He's the stone cold mechanic, the robotic fanatic, RICK-”the-D*ck”, 1!!

And who would he be without his associate and counterpart, a fellow mechanic that is just as cold and unnerving, who I'm told is one of the most talented targeters on a starship. There's no one else who could turn a pile of scrap into a winning racing machine as easily as she did....dead or alive, she's GRAY-5!

Now everyone, be seated and keep away from the screen, because this next duo is DANGEROUS. The first is one of the most popular gladiatorial fighters known on absalom. Beautiful, bold, exciting, the fighter known as the scaled supergiant, who else could I be talking about but RISHKAL!

Now, who you ask, could ever hope to challenge her for magnificence? Turns out, that while she got the family looks, someone else got the brawn! Stronger than a raging orc, taller than a kasathan, we were shocked and excited to witness this display of sisterly love at the starfinder gala (Screenshot). Give it up for newcomer, the other half of the blitzer sisters, RISHKAR!

And finally, last but not least, don't let his height decieve you, the sneakiest member of the team. Known for pulling off dangerous trick shots, a voracious appetite for helium, and making little children cry, this is one dangerous rodent! The most devious ysoki in the room-room, prepare for doom-doom, its BOOM-BOOM!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've actually found that it seems to make a little more sense to run Commencement before "Into the Unknown" (ITU). Not only is commencement refered to in ITU, but commencement is the graduation of the PC's from the starfinder society academy, so it would be odd to go through all the events of ITU, receiving orders from a venture captain, the society trusting them with a ship, before they've even graduated. So what I did was the following


Also, commencement is somewhat simpler to run, since there's no starship combat. Gives people a chance to get the flavor of their characters before jumping in to the 5 parter.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

(From GM's perspective) the operative is already asking about the contents of the other player's pockets

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

He's not exactly conflating...he's just taking advantage of an awkward RAW situation, that equates technological item batteries with ammunition batteries. And yes, currently there is nothing that says you CAN'T take the battery out of a personal comm, and use it to charge up a weapon battery, or use in a weapon, since it does say that they can clearly be "replaced", and refers you to the ammunition table.

That being said. There's also nothing that says you couldn't then just go and sell said battery for 39 credits...from a 7 credit item. Again, I point to the part of the PFS/SFS society FAQ page that prohibits creative rules use for infinite wealth or power. By equating the two batteries, that would support "infinite wealth", thus although RAW, it's clearly not RAI (Rules as intended). By reverse logic then, if you AREN'T allowed to use this loophole for infinite wealth, then it follows that the 80 charge battery in a personal comm isn't the same as used in weapons.

So....yes, it's cheating, since you'd be ignoring the Errata/FAQ that ammends the rulebook to prevent things like this, although they haven't established an official fix for this exact situation yet.

Mr. Hillman has aluded to the fact that they're aware of battery shennanigans, so I'm assuming they're going to be fixing this. I'd also hope they readjust battery prices to be more in line with other ammunition types, but I'll settle for a ruleset that doesn't get munchkinned.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DrakeRoberts wrote:
GM Eazy-Earl wrote:
All armor includes a personal comm unit. I'd assume it's recharged at the same time the armor's environmental protections are recharged and, if I'm not mistaken, I believe those can be recharged for free.
I keep seeing the statement online that all armor includes a personal comm unit, but despite multiple searches I've been unable to find this in the book. Can someone please point me to where in the book this is from? Thanks!

Page 430, under planetary communication. Only place it shows up. You'd think it would be in the chapter about armor but...(shrug)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm surprised no one has asked the important question.

What have groups used as background music for when the groups are waiting in line, since part of the "hours long" experience is being forced to listen to this music while waiting for their copy.

Closest thing I could find...

just because of how funny it is.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:

That seems like it would come out a little high.

A 200 lb. individual should not require a 40 Strength giant to move about.

Firefighters aren't nearly that strong and get victims out all the time.

You're right, they do... but they're not unencumbered. You can move up to half your strength without penalty, up to your strength encumbered... anything more than that, you are over burdened. Firefighters are very clearly encumbered when carrying someone. 20 str to actually carry, nevermind drag, seems realistic.

It probably would take a 40 strength giant to move your 200lb vesk unencumbered, that is, no penalty whatsoever to movement

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So, cleave is one of those traditional feats that most heavy melee fighters get. A way for non-dual wielding characters to get an extra attack. As I understand it, story-action wise, you swing, and you hit them so darned hard that you cleave right through the target and carry through to another target on the same swing. This scenario, physics wise, is most likely with heavy weapons such as greatswords or heavy axes, since they're still going to have momentum.

It transfers over to starfinder...but due to the way it is written, I'm seeing a problem. The flavor text says that you hit an additional target with a single swing....and in the case of greater cleave, multiple opponents. It does however, require an additional attack roll.

The "unwieldy" special rule states that you can ever only make one attack per round with an unwieldy weapon, and can't use it for attacks of opportunity. This makes sense. But unwieldy melee weapons, such as the doshko, the ones most LIKELY to have enough momentum to continue on and strike something else, can't. Cleave states that they're only swinging once, which fits the flavor of a big heavy unwieldy doshko.

Is this intended? Doshko's without the unwieldy rule, such as flame or plasma are clearly usable with this feat. Is it intended that the regular ones aren't?