Dr Davaulus

Adam Tomczak's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts (122 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive 2/5

Serum wrote:
Neither of what you wrote are in the class descriptions. /shrug

You make all your characters based solely on what's written for their class description without any thinking outside the box?

Edit: Would you feel differently about my above examples if my character had both vivisectionist and Chirurgeon as archtypes, since they can stack?

Dark Archive 2/5

Some folks around here ran Ruby Phoenix Tournament with four monks, each a different archtype. It was apparently the most fun they'd ever had.

The grup I'm going to be running Waking Rune for I currently, a grapple fighter, another fighter built for several different combat maneuvers, a ninja, a samurai, a bow fighter, and a gunslinger. I'm hoping we can wrangle a spellcaster from somewhere, or else they might have to get creative.

Dark Archive 2/5

Heirloom weapon has gone through some eratta to it since it was first brought about. Currently it reads:

You carry a non-masterwork simple or martial weapon that has been passed down from generation to generation in your family.

*Benefit: When you select this trait, choose one of the following benefits:

proficiency with that specific weapon
a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity with that specific weapon
a +2 trait bonus on one kind of combat maneuver when using that specific weapon.

Note: You pay the standard gp cost for the weapon.

So, you'd get lance proficiency, but only with the basic, non-magical, non-masterwork lance that is your heirloom weapon. You might be able to upgrade it further with use of the Masterwork Transformation spell, and from there magical enhancements, but if something happens to that lance, you're basically out of luck.

Dark Archive 2/5

Have - Wayang

Want - Nagaji or Samsaran

I literally have no inspirtion for this shadow goblin.