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So hoping you fine people might save me a bit of bestiary trawling. The party is a wizard (that’s me), rogue, fighter and cleric. The wizard has been dominated by a vampire and has been absent for a few days. The party managed to catch up to him and the cleric got a protection from evil off so the dominate is temporarily suppressed. We’ve got some more protection from evil prepared so we can get a short window and a magic circle against evil so we can keep the dominate suppressed quite effectively
So my question is can I use my lesser planar binding or the Cleric’s summon planar ally to solve all our problems? In short anybody know of any outsiders (6HD or less) that can remove negative levels and break enchantment? ![]()
Artifacts are clearly separate although many of them are weapons, staves, etc seems like they do have their own category. I'm a little less sure about intelligence though. I don't think it's clear that has its own category. Seems more like something you add to any magic item rather than something seperate. Might be wrong there though. Safest to stay clear by the sounds of it. Orloff wrote: The PFSRD has at least one intelligent weapon mixed in with the more mundane magic weapons. An oversight, perhaps? Just out of interest, which one? Edit: all ready answered. ![]()
Apologies if someone all ready asked this somewhere, but I couldn’t find it. I can’t see that it’s addressed in the contest rules either. Like the title says, I just want to ask if items which are either intelligent or an “artifact” allowed? If so, how should we handle the “construction requirements”? ![]()
I like the lamia, don't think I've come across those before (keeping that in mind for a future). Cockatrice and ratlings might be winners. I'm new to the DM chair and my players are used to a different style. Having talked it over with them they all wanted to be able to win so therefore they have to be able to lose. They all agreed, but I don't think they understood; first day in town, they just picked up their weapons, gleefully accepted the help of a friendly priest and wandered into the sewers on the trail of some two dozen missing persons. One xill disturbed in their "nest" of bodies, one treacherous priest and one desperate retreat later and they've got the idea, I think. I'll be describing the walking statue as more of a man mountain and coupled with their recent "defeat" in that backed up sewer and a few illusion tricks it should be enough to keep negotiation going for a while if not then they will probably learn another lesson about choosing their actions carefully because Tolsar Dayrose is now well prepared. greenteagamer, I had forgotten about the Godpidgeon. Not for this one but I'm definitely having that at a later date. ![]()
This is all gold. Thank you all; you've got me thinking again. Any other ideas still welcome though. Alginon, if you're interested I'll let you know how it goes. And anyone else. Fatbaldbloke, I like it. Just so happens that there's is the perfect "mediator" all ready involved; I think he just got invited to dinner. ![]()
Yeah, she has more than one exit/escape plan. I really want her to escape, broken and out for vengeance. The party are level 4. Urbanrager (barbarian)/martial artist(monk), Paladin, bloodrager, and a bard. The paladin and the bloodrager are the two Dayrose knows about. And the bloodrager is Dayrose's payday. Awesome. Drake is quite good. Some kind of poison is a good shout; I'd discounted it because I don't think the party will eat or drink, but I hadn't considered contact or even a gas would work just as well. I also like the idea of illusions and whatnot. Illusion up a couple of extra scary guards to dissuade the party from fighting. Good stuff; keep it coming. Edit: oops. Deadmanwalking is quite right, so to clarify; CR-wise the party are all level 4 but I don't mind if it's very easy or furiously difficult so much as long as it makes sense for the thing to be there. I can also adjust reasonably competently so even if something seems a bit over level it might provide me the seed I'm looking for. ![]()
Dayrose is somewhat arrogant anyway, but she doesn't know about two of the PCs. She is only planning for the two she does know about and wants to capture one of those alive. The party are getting clever; I expect that those two PCs will attend and turn dinner into a distraction while the other two will try to mount some kind of stealth rescue of the hostages, so I have a split party to consider. The bodyguard (and friends) should be sufficient for the two that attend; if they all attend then they will have outsmarted Tolsar Dayrose. But I like what you're saying. I had considered some kind of magical beast, initially as a guard creature in the grounds (about 40 feet of garden on all sides) or for the house, but I haven't found or come up with anything which pops for me. Bearing in mind that I'm looking for something to spice up the location in general rather than the central dinner/trap, do you have any specific suggestions? ![]()
Hello, Not sure I've got this in the right forum so apologies in advance if not. I'll exclude most details to start with to keep this brief, so just let me know if you want to know more. So the short version. My players are in a big city. A local "merchant/crime lord", Tolsar Dayrose, will be paid handsomely (by another interested party) for the capture of one of the PCs. My players foiled the first attempt on the aforementioned PC and then tangled with Dayrose further by following up on the lead it provided. Dayrose kidnapped associates of the party and is using them as leverage to get the party (I should point out here that through dumb luck two of the four PCs are not known to Dayrose) to her "mansion" for dinner and hopes to resolve their business disagreement. Because of her character Dayrose will try for a genuine agreement, but I'm reasonably sure the party won't agree to her terms so I need the situation well thought out to respond to what they do next. I've got a map, one cool Oread bodyguard character and a few largely inconsequential guards, Dayrose and her son and a few environmental factors locked down. I need a few more things to make the mansion more interesting, but I don't want to just add a bunch more goons so, you wonderful, creative and beautiful people; what have you got? ![]()
I'm glad I got one with the unseen servant. IMO no reason you shouldn't use effects like gravity bow and arrow eruption and similar though to spice the encounter up. I'm new at this posting so please excuse me if this formatting is wonky. Gravity Bow wrote: arrows or bolts fired from your bow or crossbow Arrow Eruption wrote: arrow or crossbow bolt you used Siege Mage wrote: a siege mage can bond with a single siege engine Siege Weapon wrote: A ballista is essentially a Huge heavy crossbow I'll argue those spells work for your crossbow; A ballista is essentially a crossbow and that bond makes it as good as yours. Perhaps regardless couldn't those specialist wizard have researched new spells to produce the same effect for a ballista? Gotta say, I do like the springal idea as well. ![]()
Mathius wrote:
How about unseen servant crew to reload faster? How about special ammo? My google fails me right now but I'm sure it's in the rules somewhere. Enlarge Person so your wizards might wield the ballista? Touch of combustion for flaming arrows? ![]()
I've only done it as a player, and only about halfway, but I would think Carrion Crown would work well enough. It follows a central plot, but each book seems largely self-contained. Like I said though, this is just my impression from playing them (ergo I haven't actually read the books). It is also possible that my DM's particular style or whatever is what has given me this impression. ![]()
Hi, How did you get on with this? I’m currently working on something similar, so I’d love to hear if you liked it. My “solution” for consistent sneak attack is to have lots of different methods available so that if one isn’t viable another will be. I’m doing things a bit differently so this might not work for you, but here it is anyway. Obviously flanking is simplest. Spell dancer and Ninja trick vanish should make getting into flanking position not too tricky. This and just straight attacking from vanish are my early methods. If you can take 6 Magus levels you can choose Magus arcana “Ki Arcana (If you use your elf favoured class you can get another arcana here as well if you want). Ki Arcana combines your Ninja Ki pool and your Magus Arcane pool giving you many more uses of vanish. There is also a Magus 6 arcana (prescient attack) that allows you to spend 1 arcane pool point after hitting to deny opponents their dex bonus for future attacks. Thus providing auto-sneak attack on any target after hitting them with a weapon once. If BAB 6 is reasonably attainable for you (I managed it at level 9) then you might consider shatter defences. You’ll need weapon focus and dazzling display and some skill points beforehand (I’ve used the Magus 5th level bonus feat to help this be less painful). If you do this you can open a fight with dazzling display to make various targets within 30 feet shaken then any shaken target you hit has their defences shattered (i.e. loses their dex) for your next attacks. Keep them shaken and it’s auto-sneak attack here as well.
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