Aces_Dragon1's page

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Thanks so much for answering my questions Sir James! :)
I really love how you and other paizo staff frequent these boards, it really shows the dedication and love you all put into this :D

The more I hear about all this amazing planetary goodness, the more i cant wait for my copy to arrive! Hopefully it wont be long now.

I'm sooo Excited! I just got my shipping order for the book! I've been really looking forward to this book (so much so that this is the first book i've ever pre-ordered from Paizo). I simply cannot wait to read it and I hope to be able to take my game off world soon! :)

I do have some questions, though more of a curiousity than a necessity at the moment.
1.) Are the residents of Verces (the primary ones) humans (or another golarion race)? or are they their own alien race?
2.) I've heard mention of the residents of Verces, "Aetherships" (if that's their name. i vaguely remember reading that somewhere), Are these ships common on their world? and are they a viable means of space travel? I remember that they use them to travel the diaspora occasionally which leads me to believe they must be or they wouldnt be able to get that far off world.
3.) This one is more general but does the book make any mention of specific world gates (the magic portals to other planets, i think thats their name but i could be wrong, and i'm only thinking that because "world gate" sounds cool lol) on any of the planets?

You can probably tell I have quite the interest in Verces. What can you expect when someone mentions magic and technology growing up together? Sounds like an amazing world :)

Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to answer my questions . I really appreciate it :D

Also first post on any of the message boards here :)