
Ace Smith's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 97 posts. 11 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade

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YuenglingDragon wrote:

We spent like an hour parsing this spell. We were close to getting out a blackboard a writing out some sort of equation that would make this wording not suck. Here's the order we worked out.

1. Witch's turn. Cast Spell. Fighter saves and is staggered for 1 round or fails and nothing happens until Fighter's turn.
2. Fighter's turn. Fighter folls save. If pass then nothing happens this round. If fail, 0hp and unconscious.
3. Fighter's next turn. Fighter rolls save. If Pass twice, nothing happens. If fail first time, 0hp and unconscious. Second failure, -1 dying.
4. Fighter's next turn. Fighter rolls save. If Pass three times, nothing happens. If fail first time, 0hp and unconscious. Second failure, -1 dying. Third failure death.

I believe that the spell would actually work like this:

1. Witch's turn. Cast Spell. Fighter saves. If he makes the save he is staggered for 1 round and the spell ends. If not, he begins to suffocate.
2. Fighter's turn. If fighter made the save, he is staggered and the spell is over. If he failed, he makes an additional save. If he makes it, he he is fine for that round. If he fails, he goes to 0 and unconscious.
3. Fighter's next turn. Fighter rolls save again. If he makes it, he stays at whatever condition he was at (either fine or at 0 and unconscious). If he fails, he moves one step down the suffocation path.
4. Fighter's next turn. Fighter rolls save again. If he makes the save, he stays at whatever condition he was at and the spell ends. If he fails the save, he moves one step down the suffocation path and the spell ends.
5. If the fighter is at -1 and the spell ends without him dying (made his final save), he would then start making normal stabilization rolls on his turn. At this point, healing would work as normal but it would do nothing to counteract the effects of the spell during the 3 round duration of the spell.

So the fighter makes either 1 save or a total of 4 saves. One on the witch's original turn that she cast the spell to stave off the suffocation effects completely. If he fails that he makes a save on each of his next three turns to see if he moves down the suffocation path or not.

That's my 2 cp worth anyway.