Amwyr Yuseifah

Aaron Yarnell's page

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Groovy, thanks folks.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Where did you find the spread sheet. I use to have a really nice program that did all that and could make weather patterns for a month at a time. It was a really nice program. How ever years ago my PC died and I lost it and I have never found it again. So wondering if what you have is it.

It's just a spreadsheet I acquired years ago based on the weather generator tables in 'Gamemaster Law' from Roelmaster. I can send you a copy, I believe I have in fact. Just drop me an email at jyarnell (at) d-3games (dot) com

James Jacobs wrote:
Small British villages from Hammer Horror movies.

Hm, not sure I can look up 'Small British Villages from Hammer Horror movies' on :)

So any "inland" British town will work?

That is good enough for government work. Thanks!

Do have any suggestions for comparative real world cities, weather wise?

Hello everyone,

I have a spreadhseet that randomly generates weather and sunrise/sunset and aside from terrain and time of year, it also takes into account the latitude and longitude of the location.

So, I am running Carrion Crown for my peeps and I was wondering if anyone knew what the lat and long is for Ravengro as well as any information concerning which real world city the weather would be closest to.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Dragnmoon wrote:
It is a Darkland language, the most prevalent speakers of it are the Serpenfolk.

Ah-Ha! Thanks.

Ok, so I keep seeing the language Aklo listed in the various campaigns, but I, for the life of me, can't find out who or what are the native speakers of this language.

Anyone know?

archmagi1 wrote:
Aaron Yarnell wrote:
So what real world cities would the weather of Restove and Katapesh best emulate?

Using James' Latitudes

Coastal & Semi-coastal cities ~ 25d N
Brownsville, TX
Nassau, The Bahamas
Luxor, Egypt
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Karachi, Pakistan
Taipei, Taiwan

Inland ~ 53d N
Prince George, British Columbia
Irkutsk, Russia
Astana, Kazakhstan
Moscow, Russia
Warsaw, Poland
Berlin, Germany

Hope that helps

Wow, thanks, that helps a lot!

So what real world cities would the weather of Restove and Katapesh best emulate?

James Jacobs wrote:

All three of those cities (Magnimar, Sandpoint, and Riddleport) are close enough to all pretty much work the same as Seattle.

Groovy, thank you, sir.

James Jacobs wrote:

It's more like winters in Seattle. They get cold; snow is not uncommon, but it's the rainstorms and windstorms in winter that'll get you. It's not nearly as far north as Alaska; that's more like the upper Lands of the Linnorm Kings.

In any event, the Pacific northwest was very much the model for climate when I designed Varisia.

So, with Magnimar being Seattle (or at least a close approximation) what would Sandpoint and Riddleport equate to?

I'm trying to adjust the average hi/low temps and Precipitation chances for my weather generating spreadsheet.

If I have real world cities to compare, I can look up their yearly averages and fill in the blanks.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
OP where did you get the weather program from? I use to have one like that but during a computer problem a couple of years back I lost it and never found it again. I have been looking for a good one like that ever since.

It's an old spreadsheet that was made from the Rolemaster random weather charts in the 'Gamemaster Law' book.

I can email you a copy if you'd like. Just drop me a line:

James Jacobs wrote:

According to the world map of Golarion I have right here (which will see print in Feburary in the World Guide), I'd use these Latitudes... note that these are only vague approximations and not exact numbers.

If you're plugging numbers into a spreadsheet, you can use these as a starting point. Not sure how you'll account for the fact that Golarion's continents are differently shaped than Earths, though, when calculating weather...

Riddleport: About 50º
Katapesh: About 25º
Restov: About 53º
Sandpoint: About 47º

As for longitudes... I can't really say. I would put Sandpoint at about 120º and go from there.

Ah, groovy, thank you! I believe the lat and long are only needed for the sunrise and sunset.

The weather patterns aren't really patterns so much as generalizations based on terrain and time of year.

Hello everyone,

I have a spreadhseet that randomly generates weather and sunrise/sunset and aside from terrain and time of year, it also takes into account the latitude and longitude of the location.

So, I am running Kingmaker, Rise of the Runelords, Legacy of Fire and Second Darkness for my peeps and I was wondering if anyone knew what the lat and long were for the following cities:


Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.