Dr Davaulus

Aaron Mayhew's page

111 posts. Organized Play character for Adam Tomczak.

Dark Archive 2/5

Kinda weird question about the new Arcanist and his ability to consume magic items.

New Arcanist here.

If the Arcanist eats a magic item in a scenario, keeping in mind that he can only consume normally consumable magic items anyway, should those items be marked off the chronicle sheet since they're destroyed? Additionally I guess, if a party finds a magic item with charges during a scenario and they use all the charges during said scenario, should that item be marked off the chronicle since it's all used up?

Dark Archive 2/5

This came up at the game today, and I wanted some other input before this combo starts showng up at the weekly game. Spoiler for We Be Goblins Too.

Does the owlbear animal companion count as a bird for the human only Huntmaster feat. Also, if you give it the celestial template using the aasimar Celestial Companion feat, does its hitdice change to reflect its new nature as amagical beast?

Dark Archive 2/5

Just a whimsy I had earlier at work. If you're playing a gobin cavalier in pfs, do you get a gobin dog, or do you have to figure out how to justify your goblin pathfinder riding a hated dog or tiny horse?

Grand Lodge 2/5

So, without spoiling too much, I recently received a boon from an adventure that allows you to substitute an owlbear companion for a normal bear companion. I was wondering, for those that have seen the boon as well, is there any real benefit to this?

The boon reads:

You recovered a clutch of owlbear eggs and may raise one of the hatchlings as a pet. If you possess a class feature that permits you to take a bear as an animal companion or mount that progresses as an animal companion, you may instead gain the service of an owlbear. The owlbear companion uses the stats of a bear companion with the following modifications: all Handle Animal checks made to train or handle the owlbear suffer a –4 penalty; the bonus granted by the devotion ability increases to +5; the creature’s starting Charisma score is 10; and the animal companion looks like an owlbear instead of a normal bear. This owlbear is considered an animal for all purposes.

So as I read it, you take a big hit to handling the animal for a +1 to some will saves and Charisma 10. On top of that, the bear companion doesn't really seem all that special (only gets up to medium, doesn't have grab or anything).

Do you think it's worth it overall? I mean, outside the fact that you get to have an owlbear best friend, which is pretty cool for flavor.