
APersonOnAComp's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Goblin Squad Member

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I'm a little iffy about them putting recipes on monsters and the like. I was wanting to go pure crafting and become a kind of merchant since I remember they do reward players more for specializing in one area over spreading their skills around in multiple classes. So, wouldn't that really restrict the kinds of skills I could really work at improving without having to hire on a group of people for a chance drop? It seems that it would be easier for a combat character to increase the effectiveness of their combat skills comparatively.

I do realize that fantasy games tend to cater a bit more to the people that like to run people through or burn them, but I really just like the idea of being that elf off in the corner working on fletching or setting an edge to a blade. Elven steel from skilled craftsmen (and women)!