The nobleman pokes his head up as the boar squeals its last. Once it seems the coast is clear, he rises to his feet, dusting himself of fussily. "I say!" he cries. "Quite a hunt was it not? Great deeds of daring and all that! How brave we all were!"
He blows a small silver whistle shrilly, and its not long before the huntsman arrives. He carries a small picnic basket which Foxglove offers to all the hunting party. "No reason we have be savages, just because we are in the wilderness, eh?" he says, withdrawing a magnum of champagne and glasses for all. A carefully packed lunch is also included, along with a large gingham blanket for lying on the ground.
While you enjoy your lunch, the huntsman field dresses the boar, preparing various cuts of the meat, and discarding the inedible parts.
"Shall we return? I do have business in Magnimar tomorrow." says Foxglove as the group returns to where the horses are tethered. "I insist you take the choicest cuts as my guests."
Figure we can have the buying and selling at Savah's in the background, while we also have dinner with Aldern Foxglove a bit later in the evening.
The White Deer is the fine inn you saw when you first entered the village of Sandpoint, and near where you battled the last set of goblins, saving the nobleman Foxglove. The inn is made of white birch with a long split rail fence enclosing the yard. A wide open-air verandah runs the perimeter of the dining area, with some guests dining outside.
The inner common room has a great fireplace and a fine bar made from highly polished birch. The innkepper, a great Shoanti man who you made unfortunate acquaintance with earlier in the week, gives you a dark stare as you enter the place, but a serving girl quickly directs you to a private dining room where Foxglove awaits.
The nobleman rises and greets the group warmly, with smiles and handshakes for everyone, expect Claudia, who is subject to a clumsy attempt at a hug. Ever the gentleman, Aldern introduces himself to Aviel. "I don't believe I have had the pleasure. You see, these fine heroes joined me in a goblining yesterday. Fought a pitched battle with the damn creatures. It was a near-run thing, but with their help, I drove the goblins from the village! Seemed the least I could do is offer a dinner to celebrate our success!"
The meal is quite sumptuous and no expense is spared in the courses or the wine, which is quite fine. "Tell me more about yourselves," he says to each of the heroes. "I really insist! I'd like to know how you fared so bravely in the heat of combat yesterday."
A bit shocked at the reaction from his new houseguests, Aldern leans back away from teh point of Mirela's rapier. "No need for violence, friends. Let's put away the weapons and talk civilly, eh? We're all friends here, aren't we?" He takes a big step back, his goofy smile plastered on trying to calm the situation. "Please Master Dwarf, put away your blade. This is not the place for it."
The Detect Magic spell fails to detect the presence of any magical auras.
The woman looks vaguely familiar, but you are at a loss to place her. That is until the man she was speaking with appears behind her, placing his hand gently on her shoulder. He is none other than Aldern Foxglove himself, dressed for formal dinner, with a big goofy smile on this face. "Hello friends! I am glad you joined us for dinner. Iesha and I were just saying how nice it would be to have friends over. And here you are!"
The young nobleman looks you up and down, puzzled for a moment then recovers with characteristic good grace. "Of course, you heard of my family. The name is quite famous, thank you very much. And I, I do believe I met your cousin at a ball in Magnimar. Drankenfowl, you say. Hmmm. Oh yes I am quite certain of it. A capital fellow, capital indeed."
More for you in a bit Baldek. Dinner is served at the homestead...
From behind, Aldern Foxglove lets out a great whoop! "Hurrah! To have finally killed that creature. What a terrific hunt! Just capital! You fellows did a fine job supporting me there. Couldn't have done it without you, no question.'
The jovial fellow goes around slapping you on the backs and congratulating himself (and you) on such a job well done. Finally, the huntsman comes back and begins dressing the boar.
"I say," says Foxglove again as the spears are all gathered, and you begin the walk back to the ponies, "I think I shall grant this kill to you. I must head back to Magnimar on pressing business this afternoon, and I'm sure you fellows will have someone to prepare and cook it for you, eh? What say you?"
Don't be afraid to move and make perception checks. Not in combat rounds yet.
Foxglove calls to the group "Let's advance until we spy him, then we can brace spears for the charge."
The party leaves the boneyard and ambles down the hill to Tanner's Bridge. There Aldern Foxglove and his entourage awaits. They have a two horse and two ponies and a brace of boar-spears. A small army of hounds circles the horses dancing around excitedly.
"Ahoy, friends!" calls the good-natured nobleman. "So glad you have chosen to come hunt with us. The Tickwood is great boar hunting, why once I..."
And from there he goes onto tell you some fish stories about boar-hunting; tales full of his own personal heroism and deeds of derring-do. The ride to the Tickwood takes about an hour, and Foxglove talks about himself nearly the whole time.
Once the trees begin to thicken in around you, he asks "Have any of you hunted boar before?" He goes on to explain the method. The huntsman (one of his retainers) goes ahead with the dogs. When the dogs have taken the scent they pursue the boar until it goes to ground. Once that happens, the hunters take their boar-spears and surround the opening. Eventually the boar charges, and the hunters have to hold their ground using the spear, which has a long cross-piece about a foot from the handle, to skewer the boar and hold it off.
"Failing to skewer him, or to keep on the other side of your cross piece and lead to serious injury or even death for the hunter." Foxglove notes with some seriousness. "But enough of that, while the hounds seek the quarry, let's enjoy some wine and cheese, eh?"
He motions to his other servant who begins setting out a picnic luncheon, complete with a fine-bodied red wine and sumptuous hors d'oeuvres.
Ah well, it's settled then!" shouts Foxglove clapping his hands together. "Capital! Splendid! We shall prepare the mounts and spears and await you at Tanner's Bridge around 10 in the morning. Do you know Tanner's Bridge? On the east side of town, down the hill, near the smelly old tannery. Fastest way to the Tickwood, and the Tickwood is rife with boars they say."
He continues on regaling you with unlikely stories of his hunting exploits as the dinner wears on. Finally, when the evening is done, he stands and bids you adieu.
"Onto the morrow, noble men! We shall brave the Tickwood! Boars beware!" he lifts a final toast and then trots upstairs to his quarters.
You make your way slowly, back to the Rusty Dragon, the town mostly asleep or licking its wounds this late into the night. No sounds of revelry or festivities occur on what otherwise would've been a night of cavorting and fun.
Foxglove smiles warmly as you all make your introductions. "My friends, you are all well met, indeed! I am Aldern of House Foxglove, a local family of some repute. I am on business here in fair Sandpoint, but my home is in Magnimar down the coast. I must indeed thank you again for the courtesy of saving my life early today. That goblin attack was just so...irritating, and I lost a good dog as well."
The meal is served - a fine dinner of roast venison stew, potatoes, bread and greens. Simple fare but well prepared, and the wine is poured liberally as well by Foxglove's servants, making you momentarily forget the events of a few hours ago.
Foxglove is quite the proper host, make appropriate comments as he asks you about your adventures and backgrounds. He seems to hang on every word and laughs heartily often.
"I wish I had your lifestyle of looking for advenure, and roaming the open road," he says wistfully. "I can't imagine anyone more heroic than your merry band. About the only adventure I get is on the occaisoinaly boar hunt..." he stops mid-sentence as an idea strikes him. "Say, you would't want to go on a hunt with me, say tomorrow late morning? I have been planning a hunt in the Tickwood, and I am sure Nigel could arrange a few more ponies and spears. It's a captial idea! What say you?"
"I am not particularly hurt, and while the dog was a good hunter, he is not a great loss. I will find another just like him when I return to Magimar." says the dandy nobleman unconcernedly.
"I am so glad you've agreed to dinner with me. We will have a captial time discussing adventuring and swapping stories of the troubles we've seen, what? So dinner tonight at the White Deer Inn; it's settled then." And he walks off whistling a tune, as if this had all be part of a walk in the park.
As the dark evening finally calms a bit, the heroes, scraped bruised and battered collect themselves near the Northgate of Sandpoint. The quavering nobleman by the ruined guardhouse leaps from his hiding spot as the last foe falls.
"Capital work, fellows! Capital indeed! Too bad poor Brutus died, but what a show! I can't thank you enough for your aid. Perhaps you would join me for dinner this evening as a token of my appreciation, eh? What do you say?"
The man is tall and thin and dandily dressed with silver spats and a walking cane. He is quite sincere and effusive in his thanks, however.
Once the boar finally collapses in the dust, Aldern Foxglove rushes forward, excited. "Did you see how we killed him. Weren't we all great. I couldn't have done it without you."
He turns away as the elves start dressing the boar. He whistles for his huntsman, and the man returns helping load the meat into a trundle for return to Sandpoint.
Without much more ado, the party re-mounts their ponies and the short ride back to town begins. Along the way, Foxglove makes his farewells: "Unfortunately, I have to return to Magnimar on business from here. Otis will guide you back to the Rusty Dragon and you can take the boar roast. Goodbye, my friends, I hope to see you again soon. If you are in Magnimar look me up sometime."
At Tanner's Bridge, he makes his departure, sending his servant ahead to drop of the meat at the Inn.
Probably around noon by the time your return, any specific actions? Or just return to the Dragon?
The dandyish nobleman waves big as you grow near. You see he has horses (or ponies) for all. His huntsman, Otis, carries a fair number of boar spears in a special rack on his pack pony.
"You are well me this morning, lads! A beautiful day for a hunt, what?" cries Foxglove in a loud voice that makes those who imbibed too much last night cringe. "The Tickwood isn't far from here, but let's be off while the hunting is still good."
Foxglove talks about his favorite topic, himself, most of the way to the Tickwood. You hear about his adventuring stories, most of which can only be flights of fancy.
"I've talked enough, tell me about yourselves, any experience on the hunt?" he asks fascinated by the group.
The dinner is fine and the wine particularly good. Foxglove makes pleaseant company, complimenting you on your prowess at arms every now and then, and making lively dinner conversation besides. Eventually, the hour grows late and the nobleman pushes back from the table, offering fine cigars around to all.
"I am going hunting tomorrow, goblins be damned. I don't know if you left any alive this day at any rate. You may join me in the morning at Tanner's Bridge at sunrise if you like. If not, my men and I will have all the sport! I assume brave heroes like yourselves will be there!"
He raises the last glass in a toast to you. "Until then, my friends. Here is to the Heroes of Sandpoint!"
He quaffs this last, shakes hands with you all around then makes to depart upstairs for his lodging. Late as it is, you realize that you haven't made lodging plans yourselves yet....
"Yes, it seems you have found an adventure here in sleepy little Sandpoint after all, Master Qorinae. It seems you acquitted yourself quite well from what I saw."
To Uuli: "No, my families ancestral manor is between here and Magnimar, but I do not live there. I reside in fair Magnimar and frequently travel the Lost Coast for business matters. I was in fact, here to hunt wild boar. There is a delicious little woods near here where the boar are plentiful and the hunting is fine."
His eyes widen as if surprised by an idea. "Say, why don't you lot join me for the hunt tomorrow? Otis has plenty of gear, and it is such good sport. Have any of you ever been on a boar hunt?"
"I see..." says Foxglove interestedly. "I am very familiar with the Varisians, live in Magnimar myself. Passing through on business you might say. I have seen the dances you speak of. And, I think you don't give yourself enough credit. I witnessed your fighting abilities first hand. Very impressive!" He gives the young man a friendly pat on the back, and a warm smile.
As you continue to talk, the first course is served and the wine is poured.
As Qorinae salutes the crowd, they cheer as one, sending you into the private room in good spirits.
There stands the same dapper nobleman you met earlier this day. A effete little valet stands at his side, and behind him near the wall, a rougher looking character with long hair and beard, dressed in leathers.
"Welcome my friends, welcome! So glad you could leave your heroing duties to join me for a fine repast! I am Aldern Foxglove, as I am sure you remember. This is my valet Milo, and my huntsman Otis. We are all pleased to host you. Please sit down and tell me all about yourself!"
If you want to give a thumbnail of yourself here you can, but it's not required.
"Hurrah, what a hunt!" yells the excitable Foxglove. "Mortimer, come, get this beast dressed and let's bring the food back to Sandpoint. It'll be a pig roast at the Rusty Dragon tonight!"
The hunt master advances and begins the job of butchering the prey. Foxglove tells several stories where killed bigger, badder boars single-handedly. Soon the time comes to ride back to Sandpoint.
"I am afraid my pressing business in Magnimar prevents me from sharing in the dinner of our quarry tonight. I am sure you understand. I will bring your letters and perhaps we can meet sometime again soon. I'd quite like that."
The nobleman talks non-stop all way back to Sandpoint. Once there, he has his aide deliver the meat to the Dragon. The hunt master then gathers up the spears and the mounts, and with a farewell flourish, Foxglove rides off for a trip down the Lost Coast Road to Magnimar.
You are expected at the dinner tonight, and it's likely 4 in the afternoon when you return. Let me know if you do more than just wait around for the roast.
The Magnamarian noble welcomes Gudada to the hunt. "My condolences on your recent loss, nothing like hunting to take one's mind of troubles, eh?"
Foxglove actually shows some emotion at the mention of his dog. "Why, yes, Brutus was a good loyal beast and my favorite of all the hounds. He died a noble death protecting his master. I am having the taxidermist stuff and mount him for my study. Say, that reminds me of the time..."
If you have other questions of the boorish nobleman, ask away, meanwhile we will proceed to the hunt.
"This is how the hunt will unfold: Mortimer there is the hound master. He'll take the dogs into the woods first to scent the quarry. Then, when they have a boar holed up we come and surround him with our spears. We bait him until he charges and then impale the beast on our blades here."
"The danger is, of course, at the charge if you don't spear him he can get at you and we wouldn't want that."
He signals for Mortimer to release the hounds into the woods and then leans back, sipping his wine. "I am still amazed at your fighting abilities, you must have some harrowing stories. Tell me all about them..."
Foxglove comes forward to greet you again bowing and kissing the hand of Viviana He asks after Gudada who came to dinner but is not present, and welcomes Aleksander with a hearty slap on the back. Hearing that Gudada has a mother to mourn over, Foxglove says: "I respect that, I lost both my parents not long ago, myself." and then goes on to regale you with stories about the high-life in Magnimar and about various hunting trips he's made in the past.
The nobleman mounts and his servants assist you to get settled. There is a rack to hold your spear as you ride. The ride is gentle and easy (no Ride checks required) and the fall weather is beautiful. The sun warm on your faces; a gentle breeze blowing the leaves which have not yet quite started to change.
There is a well traveled road with some traffic, from those leaving the festival, that leads from the bridge along the southern banks of the Turandurok River. The upthrust limestone escarpment known as the Devil's Platter rises to your right. On our left, the ragged Ravenroost Hills rise; mostly scrub with an occasional tree dotting the ridges. AS those hills subside, the Tickwood Forest comes into view.
Here is a detail of the map for your reference. Detail Map
The ride to the edge of Tickwood takes about an hour and half. The forest is thick but not terribly overgrown and paths are clearly seen going in and out. Foxglove motions to his servants and they begin to lay out a picnic lunch that includes a fine wine, pate, flat breads and various meats and cheeses.
If you have questions or comments for Foxglove now is the time, he will explain how the hunt works in a bit, and commence with the releasing of the hounds.
"Of course, milady. I am honored that you would trust me with your private correspondence. Deliver me your letters when we return from the hunt in the afternoon tomorrow, and I shall see them safely to their destination. I do so hope you will consider joining us on the hunt tomorrow, I think you will find it fascinating."
As dinner ends, he bows deeply and leads you all to the door of the private dining room.
"Until tomorrow, my friends. I can't wait for the adventure of it all!" he laughs like a schoolboy let free for a day and as you exit, he waves from the doorway as you depart into the night.
Assuming you head for the Rusty Dragon, but it's really up to you.
The young nobleman smiles his toothy, rakish grin at Viviana. "Of course, how forward of me. I am Aldern,of House Foxglove, and it is simply enchanting to meet you all." He bows low and stoops to kiss Viviana's hand if it is offered.
As the bedraggled Gudada speaks, Foxglove says:"Would that you had come a bit earlier. You missed seeing the troop of goblins absconding with some large ornate box. They came over that ladder there...and ran out the gate." He points back in the direction of the low stone wall that abuts the main town wall. It appears to be about 8 ft high compared to the 15 ft or so of the town wall.
He continues:"You also missed the man (I assume it was a man)leading them. He wore dark clothes and a hooded cloak and carried a bow. He barked out orders to the goblins who carried the box off out the gate. As I tried to follow, that one riding that rat-thing attacked me. And then you stepped in and saved me. Amazing!"
"While it truly has been a pleasure, I must see to my servants and things. Shall we say dinner in one hour at the White Deer? It has been my distinct pleasure to meet you, all of you" he adds swiftly at the end looking down into Viviana'seyes again. "Until later, then." And he walks off in his foppish way, his walking stick clicking on the ground ahead of him.
As the boar slowly expires, Foxglove is elated. "Capital, capital. What a hunt, eh? We really showed that beast who's boss. Did you see the size of it? It's the best hunt I've been on ever."
Turning to Cadas he says, "And you my dear absolutely spectacular. I really must take you hunting more often. Such style, such grace!"
He claps Smoke and Rogar on the back and makes sure the "Little Scratch" that Robin took isn't troubling him too much. "Taken worse than that myself before," he says with a wink.
Eventually he blows the whistle, and the dogs and servants materialize. One field dresses the boar, giving the entrails to the hounds. When complete the group assembles to head back to town.
"As victors, you shall have the prize," Foxglove says happily. "Mortimer shall deliver the beast to your lodgings at the Rusty Dragon and it should arrive just in time for supper. Unfortunately, I must prepare to depart for Magnimar and will not be able to join you. I'll be there in spirit!"
If no objection, the group begins the 90 minute (or so) ride back to Sandpoint.
Foxglove is besides himself with excitement as the feral pig makes an appearance. "Hurry now, get into position!" he shouts. "Form a semi-circle and ready your spears, advance so he doesn't have a way around us."
He laughs a rather high tittering laugh that sounds more like fear than excitement. He does ready his spear and readies himself to step forward.
"Mortimer there is the hound master. He'll take the dogs into the woods first to scent the quarry. Then, when they have a boar holed up we come and surround him with our spears. We bait him until he charges and then impale the beast on our blades here."
"The danger is at the charge. If you don't spear him he can get at you, and we wouldn't want that." He makes eyes at Cadas again.
He signals for Mortimer to release the hounds into the woods and then leans back. "I am still amazed at your fighting abilities. You all must have some harrowing stories. Tell me all about them while we wait"
He pours more wine for any who will have some and sits back to listen. While the conversation goes on, he turns to Cadas and asks: "Tell me, lady, what does your Goddess think of the hunt? Is it upsetting to nature to kill the beast of the forest? I do enjoy it so."
Foxglove comes forward to greet you again bowing low. If Tinuviel is present he gracefully apologizes and asks her to reconsider joining them on the hunt.
His eyes alight on Cadas and he smiles warmly at her. "I am glad you have all come with us on the hunt. Let's mount up and be off."
He begins to regale you with stories about the high-life in Magnimar and about various hunting trips he's made in the past to the Tickwood and other places.
Foxglove is besides himself with excitement as the feral pig makes an appearance. "Hurry now, get into position!" he shouts. "Form a semi-circle and ready your spears, advance so he doesn't have a way around us."
He laughs a rather high tittering laugh that sounds more like fear than excitement. He does ready his spear and readies himself to step forward.
"Mortimer the hound master. He'll take the dogs...into the woods scent the quarry. Then, when they have a boar holed up...we come and surround him...with our spears. We bait him until he charges...and then impale the beast on our blades here."
"The danger the charge...if you don't spear him...he can get at you...and we wouldn't want that."
He signals for Mortimer to release the hounds into the woods and then leans back. "I am still your fighting must have some harrowing stories. Tell me all about them..."
Foxglove comes forward to greet you again bowing and kissing the hand of the ladies. He again asks Aziza to reconsider and offer her a pony and small sized spear.
His eyes alight on Mirela and he smiles warmly at her. "I am glad you have all..come with us on the hunt. Let's mount up...and be off."
He begins to regale you with stories about the high-life in Magnimar and about various hunting trips he's made in the past.
Foxglove is quite taken aback as you all decline his offer (I'm guessing Smoke would stand with the group?) of a hunting trip. To him it's the highest of sporting fun, and the concerns of Sandpoint don't really intrude in his world.
He meant no offense to Tinuviel so is also surprised when she withdraws and at the icy atmosphere created by his rash words.
He stammers in reply to Robin's challenge, and makes some excuse about the plans for the hunt already being in place.
He tries to make eye contact and start conversation with Cadas inquiring about the Shoanti and also about Gozreh. When it's obvious he's going to be shut down, he calls for the check and stands, excusing himself with the idea that it's an early morning after all...
Not a major plot hook, just a side trip. You saved me having to make a map for it also. Your plot makes good sense to me. Smoke if you go, please let me know.
See prior post about the evening and it winding down. If you are ready for bed then check out with me. I have Boo, Robin and Cadas there now.
"Welcome my friends! I am so happy you have decided to join me. Let us break bread while you tell me all about yourselves. How did Desna bring you to Sandpoint? What are your future plans?" He seems to speak to all of you, but his eyes return again and again to [b]Cadas.
The meal is well-prepared and delicious. Foxglove's servants pour the wine, and it flows freely, as you tell your stories.
You may give a brief backstory here if you want, or just acknowledge and move on.
After the introductions, Foxglove moves onto compliment all of you on your on-field prowess. He especially calls on Rogar's weapon free combat style ("Could you teach me to do that?"), Smoke's charging offensive approach ("Aren't you tired from all that running?"), and Cadas' gigantic stature ("The most amazing thing I ever saw...").
He laughs at Robin's antics and teases Tinuviel about her lack of accuracy with her acid darts. All in all, he does a good job of engaging you in conversation, but he continually comes back to Cadas, leaning towards her and looking at her when others are talking. He seems to be quite taken with her.
Just as the dessert is served, one of the servants whispers in his ear. Foxglove cries out:"Aha! A capital idea Mortimer! A capital idea indeed. That solves my problem; such an elegant solution." Barely restraining his excitement he turns back to the table. "My friends, Mortimer here has a most excellent suggestion. I am scheduled to go out to the Tickwood tomorrow morning for a boar hunt before returning to my townhouse in Magnimar. The plans are all made and the supplies prepared, but I was wondering." Again, he casts his eyes at the Shoanti priestess. "Would you all like to join me on this hunt? It really is great sport and it would allow us all to spend more time together. It would be my great honor to be your host, and I really must insist. We leave around mid-morning from Tanner's Bridge and will be back before dusk. I have all the spears and supplies and mounts prepared. Come now, you must join me."
Foxglove was momentarily taken aback by the lanky elf, but after his initial surprise, he returned Seldon's hug warmly. He demurely thanks you for the praise of his table and vintage.
Thorn's trip down to the Smithy is incident free. A couple on the street cheer when he walks by and two Varisians stop to pump his hand warmly a few times, but he makes to the Red Dog and spirits away his loot without Korvut (the foul mouthed smith) noticing him. He arrvies back at the White Deer shortly after the first course has been cleared away and is welcomed warmly by the host.
Foxglove marvels as Barek tells his story of emigration from Riddleport. "Did you really punch out those goblins... with your bare hands? You must show me how that's done...I was a bit of boxer myself... in school, you know."
He makes small talk with Aziza (yes, pun intended) but is careful not to tread to near items she'd rather not discuss. He also can tell her sense of general weariness. He is not at all offended by her fatigue and dark mood, but understands it's been a taxing day.
He asks many questions of Tunder as he has little familiarity with the Sons of Stone, and their ways are new to him. He his not offensive, merely curious.
But the majority of his attention is reserved for the ravishing Mirela, who appears with her hair and couture done just perfectly. Her coy flirtation and sensual nature have their effect on the man, it's quite easy for any to tell he is deeply smitten with her.
Just as the dessert is served, one of the servants whispers in his ear. Foxglove cries out:"Aha! A capital idea Mortimer! A capital idea indeed. That solves my problem...such an elegant solution." Barely restraining his excitement he turns back to the table. "My friends, Mortimer here has a most excellent suggestion...I am scheduled to go out to the Tickwood tomorrow morning...for a boar hunt...before returning to my Magnimar. The plans are all made and the supplies prepared... but I was wondering..." Again, he casts his eyes at the acrobatic courtier. "Would you all like to join me...on this hunt? It really is great sport...and it would allow us all to spend more...time together. It would be my great honor to be your host, and...I really must insist. We leave around mid-morning from Tanner's Bridge...and will be back before dusk. I have all the spears...and supplies...and mounts prepared, come must join me."