About Kilarra DimirStatistics:
Female Tiefling Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 6 / Bloodrager (Id Rager, Steelblood) 1
LG Medium Outsider (Native) FCB: HP (1) FCB: Racial (5) Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60ft., Perception +11 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +1 dex, +2 natural armor, +1 deflection) hp 65 Resist 5 Cold, Electricity, Fire Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +6; Immune to fear and disease, +1 on saves vs ex, sp, and su abilities of aberrations, +1 Reflex vs trample ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 30 ft., 25 ft. in armor Melee Power Greatsword +9 [2d6+12(19-20x2)] ... Mwk silver dagger +12 [1d4+5(19-20x2)] Ranged Light Crossbow +8 [1d8(19-20x2)] ------------------------------ STATISTICS ------------------------------ Str 18, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 7 Base Atk +7/2; CMB +11; CMD 22 (23 vs overrun) Traits Fiendish Sprinter (from alternate racial, replaces skilled), Light from the Darkness (from alternate racial, replaces spell-like ability), Foe of the Strange (campaign), Suicidal (racial) Drawbacks None Feats Armor of the Pit, Power Attack, Raging Vitality, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Cleave Skills (7 points; 4 class, 1 INT, 2 background) ACP -5 *ACP applies to these skills *Acrobatics +2 (3r) Craft (armor) +10 (6br) Craft (weapons) +10 (6br) *Climb +4 (3r) Heal +7 (2r) Intimidate +8 (4r) K.Dungeoneering +7 (3r) K.Nobility +5 (1br) K.Planes +6 (2r) K.Religion +7 (4r) Linguistics +2 (1br) Perception +11 (7r) Sense Motive +7 (3r) Survival +7 (3r) Swim +2 (1r) Non-Standard Skill Bonuses None Languages Common, Infernal, Varisian, Celestial Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Aura of Good Modified Smite Evil Lay on Hands (sickened) Aura of Courage (self only) Divine Health Spellcasting CL3, Concentration +4 Divine Bond (weapon) Bloodrage (total is +6Str, -2Dex, +6Con) (6/day)
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th (at will) 1st Bless Weapon, Spell-like ability (1/day) Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Field Plate Mithral heavy shield Tent, small (10gp) Antiplague (50gp) Bloodblock (25gp) Healer's Kit (50gp) 2 flasks of Holy Water Symbol of Iomedae, broken, tied with a red feather (in paladin's kit) Burnt holy text (in paladin's kit) Greatsword (50gp) (8lbs) Paladin's Kit (11gp) (30lbs) Light Crossbow (35gp) (4lbs) 8 crossbow bolts Squire's Outfit (Free) (8lbs) Belt of Giant strength +2 3 pearls of power (1st) Mwk silver dagger Ring of Protection +1 Wand of CLW (11 charges) Carrying Capacity
Early Life: Kilarra was born in Calliphas, the capital of Ustalav. Her mother died a couple months after Kilarra's birth. Stoned to death by superstitious fools who feared Kilarra's infernal heritage. Her father discreetly sent her to Vantil where she was raised within an orphanage who received regular payments. By the time she reached maturity, the funds had dried up and the orphanage kicked her out into the world. Middle Years:
Recent Years:
Kilarra was eventually declared a proper paladin of Iomedae, though her powers were having trouble manifesting. She was assigned to a small unit of people, who were at first unsure of her, but eventually grew to be stalwart friends, real friends, of hers. She rose through the ranks to become Sergeant of the unit and worked tirelessly to help them stay safe. Her commander was a cold, dispassionate person who probably never stood upon a battlefield except to inspect the troops. She was usually at odds with him as his decisions usually involved her troops being sent into risky situations. However, he was not only her commander, he was of high noble stock. There was absolutely nothing she could do about it. One day while on campaign in Ustalav fighting the undead, she received a mission from him. Raid and burn down a small barracks while the remaining army attacks the Plagueworks. This seemed a little odd to her, but of course she accepted her duty. At least it was a small encampment, mostly populated with mindless zombies. Hardly a problem for a team of paladins and clerics. They were surrounded. Not by zombies, but by ghoul minions and ghast necromancers. They dug in and fought bitterly, holding out for hours and hours. Slowly but surely, each of her friends met a bitter end from paralysis, mind control, overwhelming odds, and terrible spells that mutilated the body. Her friends did not stay dead for long, they were animated by the necromancers and brought to the front line. Kilarra was the last to survive, now forced to kill her friends, the only people to believe in her. It was then that she received a vision: A long oak table she knew well, filled with figurines that her commander used to play war with. He holds a conversation with his right-hand man, demonstrating a tactic to better destroy the Plagueworks. Send a team to the barracks containing the undead reinforcements, and tie them up long enough that they can't reach the Plagueworks in time. The team will be destined to die, so he will lie to them about the scenario so they can't run away. Kilarra couldn't stand this information. It completely broke her. She screamed into the void, empty and unconcerned with her wails. As the undead circled around her for the final strike, she screamed out for vengeance against her commander, who so coldly cast her life and the life of her friends away like pawns. Iomedae refused to answer, but someone did. She cared not. Her powers grew exponentially, and her body morphed in twisted ways. Her mind was fractured, all that mattered was the commander. Kilarra slaughtered everything in her way: Undead, humans, animals. She reached the forward outpost where her armchair commander had been drinking tea, and she killed all of his bodyguards. He became at her mercy, and she used the opportunity to torture him slowly, coldly, and dispassionately. Every life that had been lost was carved into his flesh, until he was barely recognizable. Then, and only then, did she let him slowly bleed to death.
Appearance and Personality:
- Furry Hooves - Small horn tips - Vein covered skin - Patches of exoskeleton - Long orange-red hair - 5'6" - Slightly heavy set - Muscular - 77 years old - Hurt and closed off