AEIOU's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Also, if you are interested in Lost Lands deities, you really need to check out the blog posts Greg did last year. Specifically March and April 2015.

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I'm up to 225 gods in my compilation spreadsheet of Lost Lands gods with most of their pantheons identified so I'm catching up with Greg's number of 264 he mentioned on his master list back in March last year. Some like The Father have multiple names over time as do some that cross pantheons but most are unique. FGG has been busy publishing gods for many years....

My thanks to Dark Sasha for her original list that I started adding to last year. Alas, being Excel it doesn't paste nicely here. If I post it, it'll be over on the FGG forums.

Matt's confirmed the deity appendix will be regional which is still wonderful. Can't wait!

Come on, only $2K to go for $52K! Let's learn more about the Erskaelosi and Benthic and Ethtuwate and Gohtra and Hyperborean and and and...deities. Identify the entities that are considered amongst The Ginnvaettir. How many major pantheons or groupings of deities are there in the Lost Lands? Who are the 47 most commonly worshipped gods on Akados?

Greg's list of deities is sooooo close. Aren't you just a wee bit curious about what is worshipped across the entire Lost Lands?

When you employee a blacksmith to make the book covers, you know you've stepped into an alternate reality from which there is no return.

I'm a Steve and I found the kitty adorable. I'm also a GM and I found the kitty adorable. I don't see what the problem is here. ;)

Shem wrote:
AEIOU, thank you. I used different dimensions but making them the same for both maps worked great. I used 6000x7091 (which are the dimensions of the new map).

I always take the smaller of the sizes. Bitmaps shrink better than they expand. And in the end, I made multiple sizes with 3000x???? being the size I imported into RealmWorks so it wouldn't explode. It looks pretty with all the salmon colored pins everywhere now. :)

You're welcome, Curmudgeonly.

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If you import both maps into Photoshop you'll see that they have different dimensions. I standardized them at 5077x6000 and 6000x5077 respectively and they match up identically once you get their pixel sizes the same. (Ok, I added two pixels of black for the Coast Road where it didn't connect...).

I'd love, love, love to have an unlabeled version of each for players if that is at all possible in the PDFs. Pretty please with a cacodaemon on top.

And as there was mention of hex numbers in the future. Would it be possible to let us know the starting number and pattern so the over achievers can get a jump on things?

My read: Bard's Gate avoids things to the north. The text for Elise and Glaivr indicates that goods are traveling back to Bard's Gate by sea. So the roads and wilderness aren't exactly navigable by most people and the rumors don't help to encourage people to go overland to make it safer.

Bard's Gate is the "nearest" Imperial city which I'm sure they'd say makes them the nearest civilized spot.

I've found d20pro to be a great software alternative to maps. I won't ever go back to minis and drawing on the table.... You get a DM client and 2 player clients for the price of admission. Most gamers have a monitor or laptop sitting around that they can use.

For me, it's got the added bonus of allowing remote players that can see and do everything that the other players can. Toss in Teamspeak and they are there for all intents and purposes.

I am also quite interested in these and want to say thank you in advance for providing these. wellsdotsteven at gmaildotcom