
ACStrasser's page

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I have a review that is limited in scope to "The Black Goat." I inserted the tavern into my game last Friday and it was one of the best gaming sessions we've had in a while. I don't want to spoil anything so let me just say two things. First, a location article like "The Black Goat" is only as much fun to play through as a GM makes it. "The Black Goat" provides excellent structure (no pun intended) to build upon. It's GM-a-liscious.

Second, the concept for The Black Goat has my PCs on an emotional rollercoaster. Why did the GM put so much thought into this tavern? Is that a color map he's looking at? Something MUST be going on here! Nah, it's just a well-run tavern! I wish I could give details of our game and the beautiful ironies from Friday night but that would be overkill.

Let me close by saying this was a fantastic issue. I expected no less.