6randmaster's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I like updating pdfs as cards need correction. I'm ambivalent towards POD cards, as I'd rather see efforts towards releasing an update expansion deck (55 cards) with corrected cards, plus extra character cards or other cards that are more likely to see wear/tear.

Apparently I'm in the minority here, but I vastly prefer to play Lem towards spellcasting, to give the fastest exploration and deck recharge.

your approach should certainly adapt to the party. if you need to be able to combat, definitely choose weapon and pick a location with monsters. If you need to explore, get some crafty spells and go for a location with a smaller monster count and no punishment for undefeated monsters.

One of the coolest things about this game is that you don't just need to worry about beating monsters, you have to worry about beating the clock too.

Vic Wertz wrote:

As for Fire Sneeze, in addition to sending that to subscribers who started with the August shipment...

So subscriptions since the August shipment won't include fire sneeze?

I think the overall amount of shuffling is less than many other card games, however there are situations where lots of shuffling occurs. For example, I play Lem in my main campaign, and chaining cures can mean shuffling my deck and discard several times a game. I don't really want to be able to pick out my Lem deck cards distinctly from wear =S

Thanks for the insights guys, makes sense.

I have not seen the example video, so this may be very obvious, but when her power says you move it "to the bottom of the deck." Is that the location deck or your deck?

The +4 CON for the Eidolon is coming from Evolution points for Ability Increase, not the belt.

Tinalles wrote:

HD: The sheet lists his eidolon as having 9d10 hit dice and 70 hp. That's the correct number of hit dice for a level 11 summoner. I think he may be counting the CON modifier twice, though -- once for the 11 levels of summoner, and once for 9 HD of eidolon. I'm not sure whether that's right nor not. I'm also not sure if he's applying the CON bonus from his belt of might constitution or not. His CON is 15, which seems awfully low if it's got a +4 bonus from this belt figured in.

The updated sheet has the Eidolon with 80HP. 50 from 9D10, 30 from +3 CON.

The belt only applies to the Summoner's health, which totals to 72; 48 from 11D8, 24 from +3CON (including the belt).

So the Synthesized outcome is 72HP, 80 Temp HP, combined 152.