About 2E - Darius KolphanAbout Darius:
The Kolphan Family traces its roots to a celestial figure that existed at the boundaries of the Fae realm and Elysium. Kolphanir spent her day playing the harp, singing to the animals, and tending to her garden. Some say the gods banished her to this realm for staying with the mortals when her business was done. Others say her business has not ended. Nonetheless, the Kolphans have a penchant for mischief, freedom, and grief.
Darius spends his time keeping an eye out for the downtrodden, despite his putting on airs. He's quite the actor, hamming it up when he thinks it will inspire people towards greatness. Like his "Grandmama", he wants to be a beacon of hope for those less fortunate than he.
Saving Throws:
Fort 0 Trained + 0 Con + Level 1 = 1 Ref 0 Trained + 1 Dex + Level 1 = 2 Will 1 Expert + 1 Will + Level 1 = 3 Defenses:
HP 8 Human + 8 Bard + 0 Con = 16 AC 10 + 1 Dex + 2 Studded Leather = 13 TAC 10 + 1 Dex = 11 Weapons:
Melee Longsword
Versatile A versatile weapon can be used to deal a different type of damage than the type listed. The Longsword will deal Slashing or Piercing damage. This is chosen when Darius attacks. Dagger
Damage: 1d4 P
Ranged Shortbow
1d6 P
Damage: 1d4 P
Versatile: Darius can choose Slashing damage when he attacks.
Athletics 0 Trained + 1 Dex + 1 Lvl - 1 Armor Penalty = 1 Deception 0 Trained + 4 Cha + 1 Lvl = 5 Diplomacy 0 Trained + 4 Cha + 1 Lvl = 5 Lore (Nobility) 0 Trained + 2 Int + 1 Lvl = 3 Nature 0 Trained + 1 Wis + 1 Lvl = 2 Occultism 0 Trained + 2 Int + 1 Lvl = 3 Perception 1 Expert + 1 Wis + 1 Lvl = 3 Performance 0 Trained + 4 Cha + 1 Lvl = 5 Society 0 Trained + 2 Int + 1 Lvl = 3 Stealth 0 Trained + 1 Dex + 1 Lvl = 2 Thievery 0 Trained + 1 Dex + 1 Lvl = 2 Lore (Nobility) Trained due to Nobility background
Haughty Obstinacy (Ancestry Feat) Page 37 Your powerful ego makes it harder for others to order you around. If you succeed at a saving throw against a mental effect that attempts to directly control your actions, you critically succeed instead. If a creature fails to Coerce you using the Intimidation skill (see page 150), it treats the result as a critical failure instead (so it can’t try to
Courtly Graces (Background)
You can use the Recall Knowledge action with Society to gain useful facts about these topics, using the DC for Nobility Lore if it is lower, and you can use your Society modifier on all Nobility Lore checks. If you want to impersonate a specific noble or create a false noble backstory for yourself, you still need to additionally use Deception when presenting yourself in your noble persona. Lingering Composition (Level 1 Bard with Maestro Muse)
Spell Repetoire:
Spell Point pool = 4 Cha + 2 Lingering Composition = 6 Counter Performance composition power
Casting: Reaction, Verbal, Somatic
You protect yourself and allies through performance. Choose an auditory performance if the trigger was auditory or a visual performance if it was visual, then roll a Performance check for the chosen performance. You and allies in the area can use the higher result of your Performance check or their saving throw.
Spell DC: 10 + 4 Cha + 1 Level = 15 Spell Attack: 4 Cha + 1 Level = +5 [/dice=Spell Attack]1d20+5[/dice] Level 0 Cantrips, At will
Level 1 2/day
Spell Descriptions:
Charm Emotion, Enchantment, Mental Page 209 Can be Heightened Somatic, Verbal Casting Range 30 feet Target 1 humanoid creature Duration 1 hour or until dismissed To the target, your words are honey and your visage bathed in dreamy haze. It must attempt a Will save, with a +4 circumstance bonus if you or your allies recently threatened it or acted hostile. You can dismiss charm with a Verbal Casting action. If you act hostile to the target, the spell ends. When the spell ends, the target doesn’t necessarily realize it was charmed unless its friendship with you or the actions you convinced it to take clash with its expectations, which could potentially allow you to convince the target to continue being your friend via mundane means. Success
Critical Success
Critical Failure
Heightened (8th)
Inspire Courage
Verbal Casting
You inspire your allies with words or tunes of encouragement. You and all allies in the aura gain a +1 conditional bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear. Light
Can be Heightened
The object begins to glow with pure light, casting bright light in a 20-foot
Heightened (4th) The object instead sheds bright light in a 60- foot radius. Mage Hand
Can be Heightened
You create a single arcane hand, either invisible or ghostlike,
Heightened (3rd)
Heightened (7th)
Verbal Casting
You mouth words, but instead of coming out of your mouth, they’re
Heightened (3rd) The spell’s range increases to 500 feet. Soothe
Can be heightened
You grace the target’s mind, boosting its mental defenses and
Telekinetic projectile
Can be Heightened
You hurl a loose, unattended object in range at the target. The spell gains the trait of a damage type appropriate to the object (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing). Make a ranged attack against the target. If you hit, you deal 1d10 damage of the given type; you deal double damage on a critical hit. No special traits or magic properties of the hurled item affect the attack or damage. You can heighten the spell to hurl more objects, though you attempt only one attack roll and target only one creature, and your salvo of projectiles deals damage all at once for the purposes of resistances, weaknesses, and the like. Only one damage type applies regardless of how many objects you hurl. Success Full damage.
Heightened (3rd) The damage increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Heightened (5th) You hurl two objects at once, dealing total damage equal to 2d10 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Heightened (7th) You hurl three objects at once, dealing total damage equal to 3d10 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Heightened (9th) You hurl four objects at once, dealing total damage equal to 4d10 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
Bulk limit 5 Starting wealth: 150 sp Studded Leather Armor (30 sp, Bulk 1)
20 arrows (1 sp, Bulk L)
Fine Clohting (20 sp)
Total weight 3.6
Character Creation:
Attribute Scores Human: Cha + Int Background (Noble): Cha + Int 4 Boosts: Cha Dex Con Wis Bard: Cha Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18 Ancestry and Background
Ancestry Feat: Haughty Obstinacy Level 1 Bard
First Compositions
Spells per day
Spells known
1 Occult spell
Spell Repetoire
Counter Performance (Due to First Compositions) Equipment
Studded Leather Armor (30 sp, Bulk 1)
20 arrows (1 sp, Bulk L)
Fine Clohting (20 sp)
Thieves tools(30 sp) Total weight 3.6