21PunSalute's page

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Yes, card game, sorry. Not sure how I found my way into this part of the forum.

Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I just downloaded the class deck character sheet pack and I don't see the wizard class deck in there. Am I hallucinating? And if not, can we get a new version of the file with the wizards included, please?

Yes, but daggers also don't say anything about playing "another" or "an additional" anything. For example, Spirit Blade says "When playing another weapon or spell, you may discard this card to add 1d4+1 and the Force trait to your combat check." In light of the "no more than one card of each type" rule, there are only two things I can think of that might allow this power to be used after playing another weapon:

1. The rule that cards can override the rules (which I'm pretty sure doesn't apply here because "can't" and "never" override "may").
2. The rule "If a power says it may be used when something happens, you may use it every time that happens." (and the reminder on page 12 that "cards that can be used each time something particular happens" are excluded from the one-per-check limit)

Don't both of these rules apply just as much to the Swallowtail Bracers as to the various daggers?

Yet another question on this topic: When you would banish a cohort, you remove it from the game instead. If I remember correctly, the Skinstitcher's Manual has no real purpose other than to summon the golem. So if you have mythic charges when the golem's last power triggers, the Manual becomes pretty much a completely dead card for the rest of the campaign (unless it does something else that I'm forgetting about). Is that the intended effect?

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The Swallowtail Bracers card has two powers - "Reveal this card to add 1 to your non-combat check." and "When a character at your location plays a boon that has the Desna trait on a check, recharge this card to add 1 die to that check."

Question that came up during our game: Since the bracers have the Desna trait, can you use the first power on your non-combat check, then have that trigger the second power and recharge the bracers to also get another die?

Possibly-relevant quotes from the WotR rulebook:

"When a card has multiple powers, you must choose one of them ... If a power says it may be used when something happens, you may use it every time that happens. Otherwise, a specific card's power may only be used once per check or step." (page 9)

"Each player may play no more than 1 card of each type during each step" of an encounter. (page 10)

"Remember that each player may not play more than 1 card of each type or use any 1 power more than once during each check, other than cards that can be used each time something particular happens." (page 12)

Page 12 sounds like it means that the "when" power on the bracers can be triggered by the "reveal this card" power ... is that accurate?

Even if you can use both powers of the bracers on the same check, is there an official ruling on whether playing the same card twice, using different powers, counts as playing two cards of the same type (meaning it's forbidden unless one of the powers is a "when" ability)? For instance, if a card said "Reveal this card to add 1 to your Strength check" and "Discard this card to add 1 to your combat check", could you reveal and then discard it to add 2 to your combat Strength check? I don't know of any card that could actually be used this way; just curious.