
1havok12's page

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Thank you Mike for the breakdown! It is greatly appreciated. Thank you for such an amazing (and what I consider) groundbreaking game!

Brainwave wrote:
To be fair you kinda bring that one upon yourself when you choose to keep Ilsoari around.

True, its a gamble, but I feel his ability outweighs the chances of rolling a 1. I usually don't let Kyra fall that low that it would be of any real concern, except for that one time where I actually rolled a 1 and left her with 1 card left to draw. ...ouch!...HEAL! HEAL! HEAL!

I suspect an amazing spellcaster staff in the future with a reveal to add dice to your spell cast soon...

There is an andriod app available a user put together. You can download it for free at the google play store. I saw it on BGG a while ago. Just search google play for Pathfinder ACG.

Basically it is a digital character card you can use during your games.

I have to agree with Scream here. I recently found out that one of my good gaming buddies was a closet DM for many years and he was secretly wanting to get back into it.

Well I'm a deckbuilding type of gamer typically, but after finding BGG, I have found myself wanting to explore more and more games. So when I asked if he wanted to get an RPG group started, he jumped at the chance. We are now playing Pathfinder the Role Playing Game once a month.

Well that's cool and all, but what do I do in between our fun little adventures? Then I found this game...

This game is by far my number 1 game to play in my top ten! Love the game, love the mechanic, love the crossover between deckbuilding and RPG. You guys have a long term fan here.

Now my creative side is kicking in for fun things to do with this world you have created.

Thanks to all you guys who made this game happen. Nice work.


I recently had a bad roll myself that almost killed Kyra...
Ilsoari Gandethus and The Sandpoint Devil

Good to know. Was going to do my own but I think I will wait and see what comes out!

I would like to request this as well. Image files would be great for users in the community to be able to create their own characters and have a real tie to the games that they play. I am working out the details on a few custom characters myself and I look forward to taking them through each Adventure Pack and into the next big box release!