
10 foot pole's page

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DM jlord wrote:

So is that a vote for flying city then?

Also, One other note, if the flying city campaign is being played, I might use plot twist cards, since I will be winging it anyway it might be fun. If we use kingmaker, I will not be using them.

I will play Everlasting whether it is kingmaker or not. That's my vote :D

Haven't posted in a while, schools been in the way :/. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I think Thadeus wouldn't want to do much besides retire. The only thing keeping him on the flying city is his indecisiveness to stay put in one spot and the coliseum. That being said, Thadeus respectively declines such a political position, not because he's unable but because he has no reason to, by his character. Thadeus doesn't plan on going out of his way for a fight in his later years unless its to appeal to the crowd, he rather inspire a youngster than sit on his ass. Remember, Thadeus is getting old, by the start of the next campaign he will be well past his prime. He's already borderline middle-aged.

Now that's taken care of, I would like to see a more loose campaign just because the rest have been/will be modules. However I don't want to make jlord sweat it over there. The kingmaker looks pretty loose anyway so I'm not worried, I just hope Everlasting doesn't lose its feel.

Whoever becomes king should have the highest charisma score. I still think Phoenix should be ran like a republic. hmmmm the Republic of Phoenix- that sounds nice.

We can have representatives from all the land we 'govern' to voice their concerns too. That is, if we plan to have people farming our food.

awesome page 2!

I figured we would wait for the king to die off if he's already old. We already have an input in the city. There's no rush.

M3T4G4M3R wrote:
10 foot pole wrote:
DM jlord wrote:
So any idea what/who is going to run between my games? I know art said he might be willing to run.
I may be willing to run too

if we chose to run mine il just need a bit of warning so i can throw together some stuff, my campaign, however long it lasts will be sandbox style.

on the topic of your game tho, I think that My character would be best suited for either the high preist role, or the Marshal role. Dan may also be interested in High preist since he is now a life witch, and also has high wisdom.

High preist = stability
Marshal = Economy

flavor wise i see Valvar more likely to fit the Marshal role because he can more easily apply his druidyness when patrolling for brigands and bandits looking to attack traders on their was to pheonix.

however valvar has always been willing to put duty first, and if he is needed to "stabilize" he will stabilize. (as much as a druid CAN stabilize a group of people from tower)

I think that we should effectively look atwhat positions everyone can fill with their best stat and place them accordingly. Not sure whose gonna be the ruler, need someone with a pretty face, but the two best choices there from our group are barbus or thadeus... both of which would serve us better in physical based roles. Maybe the old king would be a good cchoice if he has high charisma.

Definitely the old king

DM jlord wrote:
So any idea what/who is going to run between my games? I know art said he might be willing to run.

I may be willing to run too

DM jlord wrote:
10 foot pole wrote:
Some of those magic circles seem more powerful than others. Is that because of spell selection?
can you give me an example of some that are more powerful than others?

Mainly the death crest compared to the life crest. You could combine Life and Light but then nothing opposes darkness :/.... The death crest has the ability to heal undead or hurt the living for damage that has no subtype (as in is not resistant like fire would be to a red dragon). As opposed to the light crest, which only hurts undead, and the life crest, which only heals allies.

Maybe for the Light crest you could do something that is like the darkness crest and the darkness crest could do something more like blindness/deafness. Light seems to 'dazzle' things more than darkness in my definition of dazzle. However, I have a bad habit of making up definitions D:

Some of those magic circles seem more powerful than others. Is that because of spell selection?

Bomanz wrote:

I like the idea of doing an unarmed monk-ish style, or maybe fighting cesti kind of thing, and then using HAMBONE!! as your performance, but it would be rather comical. Perform: Percussion??

Perform: comedy maybe?

I heard keyboards is a bad idea, But! what if i had an upright piano as my summon instrument providing me a cover bonus as i played and casted spells.... sounded ridiculous when i though of it but kinda fun too.

I've made a bard a while back and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was wondering if anyone had some particularly interesting ideas to put out there. I have read Treantmonk's guide and thought the net idea was awesome.

Any good ability combos or spells that had made a most satisfied bard?

Hope I posted in the right place...

Barbus Renwald wrote:
Guys, I have to say that I actually agree with the almight DM on this one. Frankly, Tower was nice to us. We screwed up, caused the problem, and then lied to them by trying to conceal it. They told us fix it, and oh by the way, let us have an audience with Shield and provided us Bucler to help with the quest. I our treatment may not have seemed great at the time, but it was benevolent by normal standards.

I mean Shield was never really involved in the Tower government from what I understand, and she gave us the quest to go fix what we didn't do but what that weird image of Kale did (you know, summoning the whole Weapon ordeal).

I do think they were generous, but Thadeus' impression is that the people in the Tower government were rude. But that is only because of the ones we really interacted with.

I like Allied Nation, the only thing is its going to kick our BPs right in the Shaggoth. I agree with Barbus with the decision. I don't want Tower telling Phoenix how or what to do.

Yeah, but how many nice people from tower did we meet?....Buckler? We saw Sachmoe but didn't talk to him or Kouji. The NPCs we interacted with were only ones of Tower we really talked to, besides the androids and, recently, the God of Light. Just sayin- There may be some hesitation.

Due to Thadeus' strength, I saw two positions he could fill well: General and Warden. Just jumped out at me in the Kingbuilder link.

General = Stability
Warden = Loyalty

Barbus may want to look at Marshall, the whole organizing patrols and you add your Dex...nice....

I liked everything art said thus far. I want to bring up possible 'Investor Citizens' because we need money to repair a lot of this stuff. So the houses that aren't occupied by skilled craftsmen could be the people who are willing to put money into the city in hopes of getting some back through our market system (Don't ask me the specifics; I'm a troll).

I like the idea of trees and such between facilities, it will make the city look 'traditional' (drawing a blank on the word here... think of a university campus).

With the hallows, just make sure they dont force people in public to always tell the truth, thats just discomforting. Maybe the courthouse and a town center could have that spell on them....just a thought.

DM jlord wrote:
After Looking at some stuff, I am thinking of running the "kingmaker" adventure path, or at the very least striping a large amount from it for use. I'm not sure how to incorporate the flying city into it at this moment, but it looks like it would be fun to run...

I always liked that Everlasting was more sandbox than other campaigns. I feel an adventure path might railroad the Everlast-y-ness out of the campaign itself. We have done modules, but I have always enjoyed what happened between them and how they were tied to the overall storyline.

I was just saying that the potatoes don;t match the carrots. I mean that the ability doesn't match the race traits like all the other races, which is why its strange. Don't get me wrong after reading it, I like the race.

I don't mean to tear it apart...

The role playing of a Troll Bard is fun because its unexpected. But if you pair the Dracomorph with any class its going to work. So where's the role playing challenge?

Example: Dracomorph fighter, he bites his enemies that he is mad at. A Dracomorph wizard/sorcerer, casts spells through his dragon ways and according to color type.

Just 2 cents. But looking at it kinda makes me want to play one. It's different than other races which are stuck with abilities that go with there racial abilities, thus making the melee fighter Troll, or the ranged rogue Fae'ri, ect. But the Dracomorph gives you freedom like the human, without giving you all of it because you still have to take certain abilities, rather than choose. But the abilities are well worth a feat if you can make use of the Int bonus.

As a side note, could I get a link/message with the other races, I don't seem to have them :/

DM jlord wrote:
Troll, Fae'ri, Dracomorph (in progress)

What if you swapped Dracomorph with Charisma...just a suggestion, I don't know if any of your other races already have Charisma bonus because I don't have them. I feel the Intelligence in combination with the Dracomorphs stats almost forces you to make a spell caster if you want the ability bonus. At the same time, Int isn't bad for a rogue either...

I would like to bring up the town guard, they should be trained in future weapons, as well as, the melee ones. I also think smaller parks could be spread around buildings that are too destroyed to begin repairs.

Also, is a warehouse district going to be necessary? It seems we will already be pressed for space. I can see a possible weapon depot near the Dragon Knight/town guard location. A bank in this area may also be a good idea. I think having a bank will really establish our country as the 'real deal'. We will print our own currency that is on par with tower's(to avoid the whole crossover exchange thing), yet distinguishable as our own.

As a side note, the 'Red Phoenix Inn' is Dar'nas'ion's gig. So he can call it whatever he pleases. Thadeus' main concern would be the Colosseum and the training of the guard. The Colosseum could be the training grounds for such guards. The Colosseum can also be used for performances such as a really awesome bard, ect.

Chris has a point about our ability to 'colonize'. We're stuck repairing our city for a while. However, look how far Tower has come in 20 years. They have covered quite a bit of ground. I think we will have a few re fueling stations but none that are going to be too far from the main country of tower. I'd rather the colonies we have to be protected than spread too thinly. We should avoid what Napoleon did with his army and not scatter them to fast to start. But like I said if we can increase that population and protect it then we should be A-O.K.

Yeah I talked to Dar'nas'ion about it. I think the idea is to go and drink then go to the coliseum without causing a drunken ruckus on the way there-Heheheh.

DM jlord wrote:
Also, I think instead of Phoenix's ashes, a better name might be Fenix down. I sure hope you get the reference!

Hahahaha, like I said working title. The Red Fenix Down I'll have something cool in time.

What I was refering to with Zanen was the stats from the start f his were that bonus and everyone else floated around +10/11 and then we bumped them up to meet par. But thats moot now. As a side point I think a bonus between 6 and 8 is a great start.

As for city improvements, id like to see the tech people be on board and some sort of weaponry for defense more than attacking. (I assumed we wouldnt be an Imperial Death Star...I hope not) And I agree with Barbus as well with the decision to let people on that have good professions(either for trade or to benefit the city) Such as, a furniture crafter would be accepted in order to trade chairs, as well as, possible make the chairs for Dar's inn, ect.

I would also like to see staked of farm land where we go to get our food and to trade these exotic fruits. That could serve as great revenue for the city.

I also have an idea where we take the map and modify from whoever posts it previously and 'add our improvements' possible using MS Paint.

https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1jfvWLYNmshM2RiZDhhZGEtM2I3NS00N2YwLWJkOT ktOWJmYzEyNzZlMTYy&hl=en&authkey=CK_SgNEI

(^thats the file I slapped together you all should be able to edit it...coulnt hyperlink it apparently...)

I just don't want two 9s and two 17s, because then I will probably become what I feared, however, you do get 'even' stats out of the deal.(even meaning equal lows as there are highs) I'm, more or less, indifferent to the way we do stats as long as we don't have someone with starting stats like Zanon was at the beginning of the campaign... and then we all increased our stats to his level...relatively. I think I actually started with the worst rolls so like I said I don't care what method we choose as long as everyone starts out with a close number total.

Hey its...Thadeus...
Anyway, I like the card draw and the 4d6 (drop lowest) for stats, personally. Card draw is balanced but runs the risk of really fudging someones stats to where theyre really good at one thing and terrible at the rest (something i know too much about). As for hp, I like the average method.

Im not sure what my next character is going to be but i want to play a bard which may occur in some other one shot. I dont want to be committed to bard for Everlasting...I dont think...I will have to look at what classes will be available for our next outing on Phoenix to make a definite decision.

Swiftbrook wrote:

If you are going to shield bash, you must get Two-Weapon Fighting. The penalties for not getting it are huge. So, you'll need at least a 15 in Dex. If that's "low" in your campaign, wow.


I was going to pick up TWF, improved shield bash, and something else. But does using a light shield allow a hand free? I know a buckler does, and a heavy shield definitely doesn't.

Father Dale wrote:

I'm pretty sure one of the designers said that you could do the lay on hands on yourself with both hands full, but not sure about doing it to other people. You should be able to channel though with both hands occupied.

I need a hand free for others. A light shield of bashing will be my best option for the build. I'll probably keep the Dex low so my Str and Cha are good enough to be an effective Paladin.


Either way, bastard sword is really a waste of a precious feat. +1 AD over the longsword is NOT worth a feat when you will have no bonus feats.

I think going with PA and a two-hander is probably strongest, and the least feat-intensive. I could even see advocating a "switch hitter" type character if your stats are strong: Get PA and use a 2-HW to leverage your damage, and focus the rest of your feats on Point-Blank >Rapid Shot >Deadly Aim/Manyshot. You will be a superb damage provider both at range and up close, and you have swift-healing to make up for the little bit of AC lost.

Thats why I wasn't sure if the Bastard Sword was worth it. I am familiar with the swithch-hitter but with my 15 point buy, I don't know if the Dex will suffice.

I know ranger is the primary choice for switch hitting, but is the Paladin worth the feats? I'd probably need to pick up Quick Draw as well.

Trainwreck wrote:

Remember that your smite bonus would be added to both your primary weapon damage and your shield bash damage, so that can be a good way to attack.

If you are allowing 3.5 material, there is a feat called travel devotion that allows you to move your speed as a swift action for 10 rounds. It's a great feat if you're going to be using a fighting style that requires full attacks to be most effective.

I didn't know smite went into both, I'll look into to that.


Thanks for the replys!

RuyanVe wrote:

You can swop your weapon from one hand to the other and back again as free actions, but only, if you are employing a light shield or buckler.
Please check the forums regarding these issues.

I was going to spend the cash for a Bashing light shield, and I read some threads and it doesn't seem worth while, to my paladin abilities, to try this archetype if I don't have the amount of feats to pull it off.

Scipion del Ferro wrote:

I love when DM's go, "Your AC is how high?"

Of course then monsters magically stop bothering to attack you, but that's a good thing right?

I do enjoy the DM's reaction. However, the more I think about it, the DM will probably find a way around my AC, he's ruthless. So perhaps my ability to heal in combat, although I know is not ideal, may be a good way to keep the rest of my party up and moving.

Hey I'm planning on making a level 5 half-orc paladin and not sure which way to go on the shield. I have a pretty painful GM, all but one member of the party died, and now I'm looking towards the healing and AC. I was going along with a bastard sword as my primary with EWP, and i chose paladin because I foresee a lot more undead coming on the horizon.

So the question is, tower sheild prof. and power attack, or TWF and Improved Shield bash?

Or should I just focus on the good ol' greatsword/falchion?