KaRoTa Con - Winter 2018

Kaiserslatuern Technical University, Plainville, KS

Event # 2689573

K-Town Pathfinder Society is joining up with the local German gaming group, KaRoTa, for their winter KaRoTa Con. The con is a 3-day, non-stop gaming event. Games include Warhammer 20K, Magic the Gathering, and many other board and tabletop games.

K-Town PFS will be bringing our love of Pathfinder to the con, running tons of scenarios.

Where KaRoTa Con
Kaiserslatuern Technical University
Building 46
Erwin-Schrodinger-Stra�e 1
Plainville, KS 67663
Contact Caroline Moseley

Age rating: 13+. Game complexity: Normal. Experience required: None.

Prizes will be awarded at this event.

This event is being hosted at a convention or other venue which requires a fee to get in.

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