Hex Games


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Dread. Shock. Terror. Player characters rarely experience these emotions. And why should they? Most player characters are stable, healthy, and secure. But what’s the fun in that?

Spooky: The Definitive Guide to Horror Gaming tells how to bring the thrill of a great horror story into your games. For players, there are popular character types, useful PC traits, and tips on working with your GM. For GMs there is a wealth of information on every aspect of horror gaming. Spooky tells how to run horror in a variety of ways, from dramatic to action-packed to campy. It explains how to introduce a note of terror into an existing campaign or, for the adventurous, how to create an entire horror campaign from the ground up. Most importantly, it tells how to create a genuinely spooky atmosphere for players and characters alike.

Game mechanics in Spooky are given using the first edition QAGS rules, but the concepts discussed can easily apply to any RPG.

Spooky is written by QAGS co-creator and horror aficionado Steve Johnson, with a stunning wraparound cover by Mark (Bump, Frank Frazetta’s Dark Kingdom) Kidwell and terrifying interior artwork by Mark Kidwell, Robert (The Walking Dead) Kirkman, Lee Martin, Eddie Mefford, Chris Newman, and more.

Get scared. Have more fun!

Our Price: $11.99

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As the dragon swooped down out of the sun I feared the end. I was down to my last Health Point and the Clergyman had no more Band Aid spells. The ancient reptilian scourge came closer and closer, preparing to unleash its lethal breath weapon at any moment. My heart raced but my face betrayed no fear; if I was to die, I would die with my Jackboots of Elvenkind on, bravely staring death in the face. I could hear the Magic Man behind me preparing his Atomic Blast spell, as I clutched my Really Big Sword +1, +2 versus Amphibians, whispered a prayer, and swung mightily. The dragon shrieked. As the beast fell I savored my victory, until I felt the fires of Hell engulf me...

Looking for fantasy gaming with a sense of panache? Or do you just want to slay the evil Panache and loot its corpse? Welcome to Qerth, (rhymes with "worth") where you can have your panache and slay it, too! Qerth is a magical place full of mysterious creatures, ancient wizards, haughty elves, surly dwarves, dimwitted soldiers, sneaky pickpockets, and humble cheese makers. You and your friends will take the part of a roving band of adventurers who kill things and take their stuff. This isn't simple armed robbery, but rather Grand, Epic Adventure! Boldly foray into the unknown with your trusty blade and your hearty comrades. A whole world of wonder is yours for the slaying and looting!

The Qerth Apprentice Level Rules book introduces players to the Qerth setting, explains the intricate mechanics of Qerth, and gives rules for character Ranks 1–3. This book focuses on dungeon adventures, because they are the center of Qerth's economy and culture. You will need QAGS Second Edition (or the QAGS Qik Start rules, included in the PDF) and several handfuls of dice to play Qerth.

Qerth is recommended for mature readers.

QERTH: Roll more dice. Have more fun!

Our Price: $1.99

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You're a group of fresh-faced adventurers eager to show the world you've got the mettle (and metal) to be heroes. Luckily for you, an old man just sold you a map to some place called the Dungeon of Moderate Annoyance (Not Nearly as Bad as the Dungeon of Infinite Pain). It sounds like the perfect place to start your career of armed robbery and genocide—ahem, I mean grand, epic adventure!

The Dungeon of Moderate Annoyance (Not Nearly as Bad as the Dungeon of Infinite Pain) is a complete Qerth adventure, perfect for Apprentice-Level adventurers. This module contains all the maps, taps, monsters, and magical items you need for a full night of fantasy fun. As an added bonus, we've included two sheets of cut-out and fold-up paper miniatures, sure to liven up any grid map!

Qerth. Roll More Dice. Have More Fun!

Our Price: $4.99

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In the magical fantasy world known as Qerth, there are many Jobs, ranging from the flashy Cheesemaker, to the versatile Murderer, to the useless Knome. But one Job stands apart, central to the very fabric of the world yet often overlooked. We speak, of course, of the Soldier. The Soldier may seem boring at first glance, but take another look. Sometimes it’s refreshing to embrace the Soldier’s simple clarity of purpose: he just wants to kill some things and take their stuff. Deep down, isn’t that really what we all want?

The Comprehensive Soldier is a supplement for the Fantasy Adventure Role-Gaming classic Qerth: Apprentice Level Rules that includes all the extra material you could possibly need to play a Soldier, collected from across all rules editions, magazine articles, novelty candy packages, and other sources. Included are rules for character advancement, all the way up to God level; Competencies and Skins, for better customizing your Soldier character; new equipment, including weapons, armor, and contraceptives; a big list of monsters to kill; Soldier names; and more!

The Comprehensive Soldier is written by Qerth co-creator Steve Johnson, with artwork by sword & sorcery savant Joshua LH Burnett.

Our Price: $10.00

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Ever since a band of hobbits teamed up with a grungy weirdo in the Prancing Pony, taverns have been a staple of fantasy fiction. The Silver Eel, The Vulgar Unicorn, The Inn of the Last Home, and countless other fine establishments give our favorite fantasy heroes a place to meet like-minded companions, get adventure leads from that old guy with the eye patch, and enjoy a warm meal and a cold brew in between dungeons. Tales from the Lusty Minotaur continues this proud tradition.

The Lusty Minotaur is a huge, centuries-old tavern that you can drop into any city in your fantasy campaign. The Minotaur serves the standard tavern role of giving RPG characters a place to form a party, hear rumors, and hang out, but is also filled with colorful characters and strange goings-on that can be used as a springboard for adventures that the PCs can enjoy without even having to settle their bar tab. The zine includes:

  • A map of the Lusty Minotaur and descriptions of its history, facilities, and services.
  • Character descriptions and stats for Minotaur staff and regulars.
  • Rules for Fate's Hand, a tarot-based card game that's sort of like playing poker with a Deck of Many Things.
  • Information about soulfaring to other planes of existence.
  • Story hooks, rumors, and other adventure fodder.
  • Random tables, because who doesn't love random tables?

Tales from the Lusty Minotaur is designed to be as system agnostic as possible so you can use it with any game. Where stats are required, it uses the QAGS Second Edition (Q2E) game system. QAGS is a simple rules set with a d20 core mechanic, so conversion to other systems is quick and painless.

Tales from the Lusty Minotaur is written by Steve Johnson (QAGS Second Edition, Hobomancer) and features art by Joshua LH Burnett (Draugr & Draculas, Leopard Women of Venus), Leighton Connor (Laser Brigade, QAGS Second Edition), James Hornsby (Botched Spot, I Psi), Jeffrey Johnson (Hobomancer, Fratboys Vs.), and Juan Navarro (Tommy, Zombie Years).

Our Price: $7.95

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Hail To The King!

Elvis Presley was the King of Rock & Roll, and today, nearly 50 years after his death, there's a thriving community of entertainers who make their living as Elvis tribute artists. But what if Elvis impersonation wasn't just a weird entertainment niche, but a full-fledged magical tradition?

Even if he never cracked a grimoire or drew a magic circle, few could argue that Elvis cast a powerful spell over the world with his music, and he's still an enduring cultural icon to this day. Is it that much of a stretch to believe that it's possible to find, to paraphrase Mojo Nixon, perfect peace and harmony through Elvisness?

Elvismancer imagines a world in which those with the proper training can harness powerful magical forces by shaking their hips, curling their lips, and belting out songs about hound dogs and burning love. Whether you want to play a whole campaign based around Elvis and Elvismancers or simply include Elvismancers in your existing modern fantasy game, this book has everything you need to know, including:

  • A brief history of Elvismancy
  • Rules for creating Elvismancer characters using the QAGS Second Edition rules
  • Elvismancer groups, like The Kings of Vegas, The Knights in Gold Lamé, and the sinister Brotherhood of Evil Elvii
  • Information about Heartbreak Hotel, a extradimensional meeting place, retreat, and safehouse exclusively for Elvismancers
  • The Million Dollar Mystery Gang, a qik-start campaign in which Elvis and his fellow musicians have paranormal adventures while touring the American South
  • Elvismancer spells, characters, creatures, artifacts, Dumb Tables, and more!

Elvismancer is written by Steve Johnson (Sharktoberfest, Tales from the Lusty Minotaur) and illustrated by Joshua LH Burnett (Leopard Women of Venus, Them's Monsters) and Chris Newman (Hobomancer, Spooky: The Definitive Guide to Horror Gaming).

Our Price: $7.99

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Want to spend more time gaming and less time calculating? Want to make a character rather than a walking equipment stash? Want a game that lets you have more fun in more genres for less money? With the Quick Ass Game System, you can create any character from any genre and start playing almost immediately. Pirates? Check! Ninjas? Done! Occult detectives? Easy! Romantic poets? Fast, simple, and fun!

QAGS Second Edition is perfect for newcomers looking for a story-friendly gaming system and seasoned veterans who want more from their games. Most RPGs have experience points, but only QAGS lets you use Yum Yums—edible experience points—to improve your character and influence the game world.

QAGS 2E features updated character creation rules to make better characters, not walking stat boxes. Our Qik Start Genre Guides give you the rundown on 10 popular genres so you can start playing faster. Along with that, you get all new Sample of Play Theater entries, Brand New Stupid Acronyms (BNSA), selections from the popular and sold-out supplement Stuff: The Equipment Guide, the Fine Art of Role-Playing, complete conversion rules for bringing your obsolete first edition game up to speed, Dumb Tables, worksheets, a complete solo game, and adult humor that won’t get you thrown in jail.

QAGS Second Edition is recommended for mature readers.

"QAGS is about fast, fun and generally cinematic gaming. Most of all, it is about a group of players being able to say 'Let's play that Babylon 5-meets-Buffy-meets-Fear Factor-meets-Super Lesbian Troopers Seventeen game tonight...' and then being able to create characters and a game within thirty minutes."—Conan McKegg, RPG.net

QAGS: Play better games. Have more fun!

Our Price: $4.99

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Think you can handle the bone-crunching, brain-smashing, senses-shattering world of the Universal Rasslin' League? Then jump into the ring and prove it! Face off against opponents like El Loco Gigantes or The Patriot. Survive the Cage Match, navigate the ocean of fans and groupies, and piledrive your opponents into the mat! Whatever you do, don't get on the wrong side of Mr. Colin Thomas, or your next match will be against the tag team of Mr. Spatula and the Deep Fryer in the kitchen of the Scuzzburger down the street.

The Revised Edition of Colin Thomas Presents: RASSLIN' has new characters, a new logo by fan-favorite Josh LH Burnett, and all the bone-cracking action of the sold-out first edition. Also included are modified QAGS rules for wrestling, three different campaign styles, background information on the Universal Rasslin' League, GM tips, and art by the unparalleled Gary Bedell.

Our Price: $5.99

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Are you strong enough to face the giant Roc? Wise enough to meet the mysterious Sea-Born? Foolhardy enough to visit the savage lands of WaqWaq? Enter the world of Arabian myth and legend, as you sail with Sindbad and his crew. This sourcebook gives you everything you need for swashbuckling, seafaring high adventure. In addition to extensive background information, The Adventures of Sindbad provides monsters, magical items, a sample adventure, and a complete magic system.

The Adventures of Sindbad is a QAGS Second Edition sourcebook, but you do not need to own QAGS to play. The QAGS Qik Start Rules are included, which give all the necessary game mechanics. You get the flexibility you need to make your game faster, your character better, and your stories richer.

The Adventures of Sindbad is written by Hex's scholar of all things Arab and Arabian, Ian Engle, and fully illustrated by Qerth artist Joshua LH Burnett.

Sindbad. Live Bigger Legends. Have More Fun!

Our Price: $2.99

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Join Sindbad and his crew and take the adventure to new extremes in the fabulous lands of East Africa. This sourcebook gives you everything you need for swashbuckling adventure on the Dark Continent with new lands to explore, new treasures to be won and new monsters to face off against.

Mountains of the Moon is a supplement to Hex Games’ The Adventures of Sindbad sourcebook for QAGS Second Edition written by our in-house authority on things Sindbadish, Ian Engle.

Sindbad. Live Bigger Legends. Have More Fun!

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The world is of full of wonder—and danger—and Sindbad is about to find out just how full. Join the legendary sailor and his crew as they seek fortune and glory in the fabulous lands of East Africa. Sindbad and the Demon Pumpkin is an adventure for Hex Games’ The Adventures of Sindbad and its sourcebook Mountains of the Moon: Sindbad in East Africa.

Live bigger legends. Have more fun!

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The world is of full of wonder—and danger—and Sindbad is about to find out just how full because, even on shore, he can’t keep out of the way of adventure. Sindbad and the Sword of Kingship takes our hero and his crew first into the highest halls of power and then across the seas in quest of a singular treasure.

Sindbad and the Sword of Kingship is an adventure for Hex Games’ The Adventures of Sindbad that uses the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes colorful characters, magical artifacts, secrets of the Island of Mystery, and new sailing rules.

Sindbad and the Sword of Kingship is written by Hex's scholar of all things Arab and Arabian, Ian Engle, and illustrated by Joshua LH Burnett and Leighton Connor.

Live Bigger Legends. Have More Fun!

Our Price: $4.99

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Space! It's big, it's black, it's chock full of planets, and rocket ships go "ZOOM!" in it. QAGS: Rocket Jocks brings all the action and excitement of space-opera science fiction to your QAGS game. Inside, you'll find rules for creating and purchasing starships, detailed rules for space combat, new high-tech equipment, a random planet generator, and a brand new sci-fi setting, the sensational Sector 13! So fire up your gravity drive and come on in. A universe of rockets, ray guns, and robots awaits you!

QAGS: Rocket Jocks is an optional rules supplement for QAGS Second Edition written by Joshua LH Burnett (The Dungeon of Moderate Annoyance) and illustrated by Joshua LH Burnett and Leighton Connor (QAGS Second Edition).

Rocket Jocks: Explore More Worlds. Have More Fun!

Our Price: $3.99

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More than 300 years in the future, humanity is spread across a hundred star systems. The Conclave Expeditionary Force keeps the peace. You work for the CEF's Deep Space Rescue division, answering cries for help, investigating abandoned hulks, saving survivors from catastrophes. Now you're responding to a distress signal from the scout ship Zheng He. It seems like a simple enough job, but before it's over you'll encounter aliens, space pirates, and plasma cannons. In fact, there's a good chance you won't make it back alive.

Deep Space Rescue is an action-packed science fiction adventure for use with QAGS, the Quick Ass Game System. It can be played as a one-shot mission, as an add-on to an existing game, or as the beginning of a full-fledged campaign.

Deep Space Rescue: Face the Unknown. Have More Fun!

Our Price: $1.99

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July 16th, 1939, New York City—Radio executive Howard Sears is found murdered in his office. Who killed him? What was the murder weapon? And, most importantly, why does Sears have green blood? In an effort to answer these questions, a group of detectives follow a trail of clues that leads them to discover aliens living undercover in New York. And if the detectives can’t bring the murderer to justice, war will break out–a war that could spell the end of all life on Mars, Venus, and Earth.

Mars and Venus at War is a sci-fi noir adventure designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes background information on Martians and Venusians, descriptions of locations the PCs are likely to visit, sample player characters, and more.

Mars and Venus at War is written by QAGS co-creator Leighton Connor and lushly illustrated by Jeffrey Johnson.

Tussle with alien dames. Have more fun!

Our Price: $7.99

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Venus is a hellish nightmare world of hideous monsters and savage barbarians, a world that can only be tamed by the Leopard Women. Armed with comet gun helmets, radium whips, and Flying Saurian mounts, the Leopard Women stand between the human settlers of Venus and total annihilation.

Leopard Women of Venus is a mind-melting pulp science fiction role-playing game inspired by the works of Fletcher Hanks. Hanks wrote and drew bizarre and memorable work in the earliest days of American comic books. His work is boldly drawn, frequently ugly, and strangely fascinating. Leopard Women of Venus gives you the tools you need to recreate the magic and lunacy of a Fletcher Hanks comic with your gaming group.

Leopard Women of Venus is designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes the history of Venus, including the story of how humans settled there and how it all went horribly wrong; an overview of the planet’s climate, terrain, and exotic locales; full descriptions of the human civilizations of Venus, from the caverns to the jungle; colorful monsters, like the Hypno-Shark, the Man-Eating Tree, and the Quivering Blood Gnats; and character creation guidelines, including rules for psychic powers. For the Game Master, there are sample PCs, a detailed guide to running the game, random tables, and a complete adventure, “Menace from Space!” It’s a combination that does everything but run the game for you.

Leopard Women of Venus is written by Leighton (Laser Ponies) Connor and Joshua (Funkadelic Frankenstein on the Mean Streets of Monstertown) Burnett and illustrated by Joshua LH Burnett, Leighton Connor, and Lindsay (A Friendly Game) Hornsby.

Brave the horrors of Venus. Have more fun!

Our Price: $1.99

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What is it about random tables that gamers love so much? Perhaps it's the sense of danger, like the rush a gambler in Vegas feels when he's bet it all on one roll of the dice. Or perhaps its the limitless potential those columns represent, the unexpected ways to break out of a gaming rut. Either way, QAGS: The Book of Dumb Tables has all the tables you need to spice up your games.

Need an idea for a game? Try the PC Group Table or the High Concept Table. Need a name for your silver age super-hero? Need to know who would play him or her in the movie? GM, do you need a plot twist? A random encounter? A sound effect? A Bruce Willis movie? The Book of Dumb Tables has all these things, and more.

QAGS: The Book of Dumb Tables includes 35 tables, not including the Table of Contents. It is designed for use with QAGS, the Quick Ass Game System, but can be used with nearly any game system.

Get more random. Have more fun!

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When you think of magical artifacts, you probably think of magic wands, or gold rings, or weapons—King Arthur's sword Excalibur, maybe, or the Ring of the Nibelung. Wands and rings and swords were all well and good for the Old World, but this is America, and a New World demands a new style of artifact. There are a few swords scattered across these fifty states, but you're more likely to find a magic gun, like Elvis's Golden Gun, or an enchanted locomotive, like Lincoln's Funeral Train.

American Artifacts includes entries for 20 magical artifacts suitable for use in a wide variety of games. Each entry includes a description of the artifact, background information, and game mechanics. The artifacts range from the helpful, like the Gygaxian Dice, to the dangerous, like The Rug That Ties the Room Together.

American Artifacts is 100% made in America. It is edited by Tennessee's own Carter Newton and moodily illustrated by Missouri's Jeffrey Johnson.

Discover national treasures. Have more fun!

Our Price: $2.99

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You may think you know American history, but did you know that Thomas Edison designed a machine to communicate with the dead? Do you know what happened to Geronimo’s skull, or to Ben Franklin’s robot? Do you know why occultists are willing to pay top dollar for a shard of the plane Buddy Holly died in? Learn the answers to these questions and more, in the second volume of American Artifacts.

American Artifacts 2 gives you 20 magical items uniquely suited to the New World. Some are objects from American history, like Crispus Attucks’s musket ball, or from pop culture, like Zuzu’s petals. Some were created by wizards who act like scientists, and some by scientists who act like wizards; Nikola Tesla's ray gun, William Faulkner’s pocket watch, and Benjamin Franklin's automaton all blur the line between magic and science.

All 20 artifacts are suitable for use in a wide variety of games. Each entry includes a description of the artifact, background information, and game mechanics. The artifacts range from the charming, like Mark Twain’s cigar box, to the cosmically powerful, like the Shard of the True Plane. A detailed timeline is also included, that offers a clear overview of the occult history of America. You don’t need to have read the original American Artifacts to use this book, though if you like one, odds are you will enjoy the other.

American Artifacts 2 is 100% made in America. It is edited by Leighton “Valley Forge” Connor with art by Jeffrey “Harper’s Ferry” Johnson.

Discover more national treasures. Have more fun!

Our Price: $4.99

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Did you know that an angel wrote a history of the future on a series of silver tablets, and buried them in Alaska? That one of Jimi Hendrix’s guitars can shoot fire? Or that the cloak of World War II-era crimefighter Fighting Yank can still be used to summon the ghost of his ancestor? If you didn’t, don’t feel embarrassed; most people are unaware of America’s rich occult history. But now, after years of research, we are prepared to share these and other marvels.

American Artifacts 3 gives full descriptions of 20 magical items uniquely suited to the New World. Some are rock solid, like the Molly Stone, while others are intangible, like the Lonesome Whistle; some, like the Black Bell, played an important role in history, while others, like the Ralston Rocket, have been forgotten by all but the most erudite.

All 20 artifacts are suitable for use in a wide variety of games. Each entry includes a description of the artifact, background information, and game mechanics. Though this book completes the American Artifacts trilogy, you do not need to have read either previous book to use this one.

American Artifacts 3 is 100% made in America, edited by Leighton “Cincinnati” Connor and Carter “Nashville” Newton.

Our Price: $8.99

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Charles Fort High is a lot like your typical All-American high school in your typical All-American town. It's filled with jocks, geeks, and stoners. There are cheerleaders, an AV club, an FFA chapter, and plenty of outcasts, misfits, and aliens. The difference is that at most schools, the homecoming queen can't levitate a truck with her mind and the aliens were usually born on this planet. Fort High is an exceptional school for exceptional individuals, where superhumans, aliens, robots, mad scientists, and more go to class, join clubs, play sports, and work ceaselessly to get laid.

Weird Times at Charles Fort High gives you everything you need to create your own high school adventures, including classes, cliques, and slang. Sign up to build robots in Misunderstood Alternate Dynamic (M.A.D.) Science or learn spellcasting in the Esoteric Studies Program. Play Hyperball, the school's most popular sport. Skip gym class and sneak off to the Zeppelin hanger to make out with your boyfriend.

Weird Times at Charles Fort High includes rules for character creation, including backgrounds for Atlanteans, Changelings, Ferals, Frog People, Martians, Venusians, and Werewolves. There are also montage rules for the big game, and weird powers rules that include spell-casting and mad science. There's even a sample adventure, "Christmas at Ground Zero." It has everything you need to experience high school again, only from a slightly weirder point of view.

Screw Your Permanent Record. Have more fun!

Our Price: $10.00

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American Artifacts: The Complete Collection gives full descriptions of 66 magical items uniquely suited to the New World. Some are objects from American history, like Crispus Attucks's musket ball, or from pop culture, like Clint Eastwood’s poncho. Some were created by wizards who act like scientists, and some by scientists who act like wizards; artifacts like William Faulkner’s pocket watch and Nikolai Tesla’s ray gun blur the line between magic and science. All 66 artifacts are suitable for use in a wide variety of games. Each entry includes a description of the artifact, background information, and game mechanics. A detailed timeline is also included, that offers a clear overview of the occult history of America.

This volume collects the entire contents of the PDF releases American Artifacts, American Artifacts 2, and American Artifacts 3. This is the complete edition, in print for the first time, with six never-before-seen artifacts.

American Artifacts 3: Complete Collection is 100% made in America, edited by Leighton “Cincinnati” Connor and Carter “Nashville” Newton, with art by Jeffrey “St. Louis” Johnson.

3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $3.99

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Welcome to a world split in two, where women live in harmony in Greater North America while men live across the sea in a society of their own. The society of women seems perfect, but what is the true cost of their luxury and peace? There's a war going on, a war hidden from the public view. And if that doesn't draw you in, how about this: all of the PCs must be female.

Herland: Perfect Genetic Utopia is a futuristic RPG setting designed for use with the QAGS 2nd Edition rules. This book includes detailed descriptions of the Greater North American government and society, as well as description of the Underground rebellion, rules for playing both sides, tips and optional rules for playing an all-female campaign with male players, plot ideas for your campaign, an introductory adventure, sample Words and GMCs, sidebars, a fancy new character sheet, and hilarious generalizations about the fairer sex.

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What's the only game that lets you play in the world of 1970s Monstersploitation? What's the only game that lets you be a member of the Prometheus Jones Detective Agency? What’s the only game that lets you clean the streets of werewolf pimps, zombie gangsters, and jive bloodsuckas?

Funkadelic Frankenstein on the Mean Streets of Monstertown.

You damn right.

Funkadelic Frankenstein on the Mean Streets of Monstertown is written and illustrated by Joshua “Jive Turkey” Burnett, and is designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes a history of Monstersploitation films, rules for creating monster characters, and a complete adventure.

Walk the Mean Streets. Have More Fun!

Our Price: $1.99

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Feel the Pony Power! On a faraway magical world, in the heart of Glitter Valley, there lives a tribe of beautiful creatures known as the Laser Ponies. These ponies romp, frolic, and play. And, when they need to, they shoot lasers out of their eyes. Only the Laser Ponies can defend their valley, and all the creatures in it, from the evil Chasm Queen and her army of monsters.

Laser Ponies is the Saturday morning cartoon you always wanted to see, filled with magic, wonder, and adventure, without the cheap animation or commercial breaks.

Laser Ponies is for girls and boys alike, and is the first all-ages role-playing game from Hex Games. It uses the QAGS system, but you do not have to own the QAGS rulebook—the QAGS Qik Start rules, which tell you everything you need to know to play the game, are included in the back of the book. Also included are rules for Pony Power, 40 story ideas, sample characters, illustrations by up-and-coming young artist Katie Staffiera, and a character sheet.

Feel the Pony Power. Have More Fun!

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The ads make it all look so slick. “Bored with your humdrum existence in Fairytaleland? Come experience the wonder of Happilyeverafter. And remember: what happens in Happilyeverafter stays in Happilyeverafter.” Notice how they don’t mention the seedier side of this pixie-dust paradise? That’s where you come in, 'cause Happilyeverafter is your beat.

Fairy tales meet film noir in Happilyeverafter, a role-playing game designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. Happilyeverafter includes descriptions of the city, GM tips on running a fairytale noir game, and the sample adventure “The Honeydaddy Affair.”

Tail more fairies. Have more fun!

Our Price: $2.99

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After you died you were sentenced to an eternity in the pits of Hell. The old man, Waxman, is right: the afterlife isn't fair, and if you could find a way into Heaven, you'd give God what for. As if on cue, a scorned goddess appears and tells you how to do just that. Can your ragtag band of sinners really sneak into Heaven and take on God himself? Find out in this exciting adventure that puts the "fun" back in "fundamentalism" and makes blasphemy a blast!

Waxman's Warriors is a satirical adventure designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes descriptions of Heaven and Hell, sample characters, and stats for God.

Waxman's Warriors is written by QAGS co-creator Steve Johnson and divinely illustrated by Jeffrey Johnson.

Bust out of Hell. Have more fun!

Our Price: $5.99

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The year is 1877, and you are one of the Pytheans, an elite group of British gentleman adventurers doing their part to advance the cause of Crown and Empire. No matter what the challenge, no matter what the opposition, you must and will keep a stiff upper lip and see the mission through. The Empire is counting on you.

The Pytheas Club is a Victorian adventure game designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes the history of the Pytheas Club; a description of the club building, officers, and staff; rules for character creation; sample PCs; guidelines for creating adventures; a sample adventure, “The Pytheas Club vs. the Big Bird”; and appendices containing indispensable information on gentlemen’s clubs, whist, and other vital aspects of the Victorian era.

The Pytheas Club is written by noted Anglophile Mr. Ian Engle, with a stunning cover by the illustrious Mr. Jeffrey Johnson.

Save the Empire. Play the Game. Have more fun!

Our Price: $3.99

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It’s a typical day at Kappa Epsilon Gamma house: music blaring, beer flowing, and the party starting in half an hour. Suddenly, zombies attack! Or maybe Nazis. Or robots, or dinosaurs, or aliens, or ninjas, or cyborg gorillas, or pirates... the details vary. The point is, it’s time for some serious ass-kicking.

Fratboys Vs. is an adaptable adventure for use with the QAGS system. Players take on the part of fratboys, and fight a different menace every time you play. Fratboys Vs. includes background and setting information about Kappa Epsilon Gamma, Statesville, and State U.; information on creating characters and some popular fratboy archetypes; an overview of the typical Fratboys Vs. plot outline, along with ideas on adapting Fratboys Vs. to campaign play; examples of specific enemies for the fratboys to fight, including tips for adapting the plot to the villains in questions, ideas for exciting scenes and plot complications, and game information about the villains; and appendices featuring fratboy-related dumb tables and inspirational materials.

Fratboys Vs. is written by QAGS co-creator Steve Johnson and handsomely illustrated by Jeffrey Johnson.

Go Greek. Have more fun!

Our Price: $4.99

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Skates! Violence! Fishnets! If you've ever seen a roller derby bout, you know that it's the coolest sport in the world. In fact, the only thing that could make roller girls more awesome would be if they fought zombies, or went back in time, or traveled into outer space. Now, with Roller Girls Vs., you can bring this beautiful dream to life.

Roller Girls Vs. is an adaptable adventure for use with the QAGS system. Roller Girls Vs. includes a summary of roller derby rules; information on creating characters and some popular roller girl archetypes; an overview of the typical Roller Girls Vs. plot outline, along with suggestions for adapting Roller Girls Vs. to campaign play; examples of specific enemies for the roller girls to fight, including cannibals, dinosaurs, hyperintelligent apes, Nazi time travelers, fratboys, and zombies; tips for adapting the plot to the villains, including ideas for exciting scenes and plot complications; a list of 701 roller girl names; and more!

Roller Girls Vs. is written by QAGS co-creator Steve Johnson and illustrated by Lindsay "The Hornet" Hornsby, with cover art by Jeffrey Johnson.

Skate or die. Have more fun!

Our Price: $3.99

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J.I.N.G.O.! The world’s greatest heroes, for the world’s greatest nation!

It's 1985. After a landslide election, Ronald Reagan has just started his second term, and America feels awfully good about itself. Unfortunately, there’s a new threat out there, more dangerous than the USSR, Libya, and Iran combined—M.U.S.K.R.A.T, the Militant Union of Saboteurs, Killers, Renegades, And Terrorists. To combat this threat, Mr. Reagan has created an elite anti-terrorist force, the Justified Intelligence Network of Gifted Operatives. That’s right, J.I.N.G.O.! When extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary operatives, J.I.N.G.O. is there to protect the U. S. of A. from terrorists, communists, or whatever else threatens this great land of ours.

Recreate the thrills of your favorite toy-based cartoons from the 80’s with J.I.N.G.O.: America’s Greatest Combat Squad! J.I.N.G.O. is designed for use with the QAGS system. It includes background on J.I.N.G.O. and M.U.S.K.R.A.T.; new rules for Specializations, Firepower, and Q Rating; vehicle rules; sample characters, vehicles, Gimmicks, and Weaknesses; 20 adventure ideas; and more!

J.I.N.G.O.: America’s Greatest Combat Squad! is written by Joshua “General Victory” Burnett and illustrated by Leighton “Marshal Muskrat” Connor, with cover art by Joshua LH Burnett. Smash more commies. Have more fun!

Our Price: $4.99

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Nearly every kid in the world has played Cops & Robbers at some point. When we're young, crime stories are very basic and the line between good guys and bad guys is clearly defined. As we get older, the stories become more morally ambiguous. Because crime stories at their most basic are about the difference between Right and Wrong, the genre is rife with role-playing possibilities.

Cops and Robbers: A Cinemechanix Guide for QAGS provides GMs and players with extensive information about the crime fiction genre, including types of stories, common character archetypes, genre tropes, and QAGS mechanics for handling common situations like car chases, Mexican stand-offs, breaking and entering, and interrogation. This book is not intended to be a nut-and-bolts guide to criminal activity or police work, but a useful resource filled with possibilities for your game.

Cops and Robbers is written by QAGS co-creator Steve Johnson, and illustrated by Leighton Connor.

Play by your own rules. Have more fun!

Our Price: $4.99

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Are you plagued by indecision? Do you want to play a role-playing game, but you just can’t decide on a premise, plot, or characters? Or maybe you have a game in progress, but it’s gotten too predictable. Either way, we have the solution: pick up a twenty-sided die and start rolling on some random tables.

The fine folks who brought you The Book of Dumb Tables are now proud to present The Book of Dumb Tables 2. Though designed for use with QAGS, it is a valuable resource for pretty much any role-playing game. The Book of Dumb Tables 2 includes 65 tables, divided up in six categories: Game Premise, Characters, Locations, Stuff, Plot Elements, and Miscellaneous. Once you’ve got the premise and the characters figured out, bring your game to life with scene changers, traps and security measures, monster death scenes, Fortean phenomena, unusual magical traditions, unusual medical conditions, apocalyptic scenarios, small town festivals, shark stomach contents, and more. Plus, this volume includes a Happy D20 comic and the finest Nicolas Cage character generation tables you’ve ever seen.

The Book of Dumb Tables 2 is written by QAGS co-creator Steve Johnson and illustrated by Leighton Connor.

Get even more random. Have more fun!

Our Price: $0.99

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Tell Me About Your Character is a character development resource that can be used with any role-playing game. Since so many games focus entirely on “the mission,” some gamers don’t really know where to start when it comes to creating three-dimensional characters. Fortunately, we’re here to help.

Tell Me About Your Character is divided into two main sections: instructions and worksheets. It’s sort of like a tax booklet, but hopefully a lot more fun. There are three worksheets: the Character Information worksheet, which helps you flesh out your character’s background, goals, and personality; the Supporting Cast worksheet, where you provide information about the people your character knows; and the Game Preferences worksheet, which gives you a chance to let the GM know what kind of game you’re interested in playing. The bulk of the book gives guidelines for the worksheets and provides examples of both good and bad responses.

Tell Me About Your Character is written by Steve Johnson and illustrated by Joshua LH Burnett and Jeffrey Johnson.

Make better characters. Have more fun!

Our Price: $2.99

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Everybody’s heard of tabletop role-playing games (RPGs), but unless you’ve actually played one you probably don’t know how they work. Even if you’re an experienced RPG player, most game manuals spend more time explaining rules and genre trappings than offering practical advice for first-time Game Masters.

Whether you’re a wannabe gamer who’s never rolled a twenty-sided die or a long-time player who’s decided to take the plunge and run your own game for the first time, So You’ve Decided To Run a Role-Playing Game teaches you how to go from thinking about running a role-playing game to actually doing it. So You’ve Decided To Run A Role-Playing Game starts by describing what actually goes on during a role-playing game, then provides step-by-step advice for organizing and running your own RPG campaign, from finding a gaming group to plotting your ongoing story.

So You’ve Decided To Run A Role-Playing Game is geared toward first-time Game Masters, but contains a lot of practical advice and helpful tips that even veteran Game Masters are likely to find helpful.

Our Price: $2.99

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Occult detective Ross Fulton and his assistant Ted have come to Indianapolis for MarmiCon, the largest gaming convention in the Midwest. Ross and Ted have to track down the elusive Franklin Fletcher, a game designer, con man, and Enochian mage, but they soon learn they’re not the only ones on his trail. Now Ross and Ted must outwit their rival, find Fletcher, and figure out why portals to other worlds are opening up throughout the convention. Plus, there’s the nagging question—what is Gotterdammerung Opus Maximus, the so-called “Ultimate Game”?

The MarmiCon Conundrum is an all-new novella that celebrates the 20thanniversary of Hex Games, but you don’t need to know anything about Hex’s rich history to enjoy the story. QAGS character stats are included, so you can run your own MarmiCon Conundrum RPG adventure.

The MarmiCon Conundrum is written by Leighton Connor, the co-founder of Hex Games, with a cover by Joshua LH Burnett.

Our Price: $4.99

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In this brave new 20th Century the world faces ever more diabolical menaces. To combat them, the Greatest Inventor of the Age, Thomas Edison, has assembled a team of dedicated men and women and equipped them with the most advanced technology available. When madmen threaten civilization, it’s time for Edison Force to respond!

Edison Force is an electric-powered gaming apparatus designed for use with the QAGS system. It includes setting information on the world of 1908 and background on the Edison Force; guidelines for character creation; rules for weapons and vehicles; sample heroes and villains, including Nikola Tesla and Marie Curie; a complete adventure, "Edison Force Vs. The Martians"; and more!

Edison Force. Save civilization. Have more fun!

Our Price: $4.99

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Back before the dawn of history, all the world knew the name of Gilgamesh.
Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk, two thirds god and one-third man!
Gilgamesh, the world’s greatest warrior, who slew Humbaba and killed the Bull of Heaven!
But now Gilgamesh is faced with an opponent that no man has ever defeated—death itself. Join Gilgamesh and his band of mighty heroes as they journey past the edge of the Earth, through the Garden of the Gods, and across the Waters of Death in order to find the secret of eternal life.

GILGAMESH! is an epic adventure, based on the world’s oldest epic, designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes an overview of the world of Sumerian myth, sample characters, guidelines for character creation, monsters, gods, useful tables, a summary of The Epic of Gilgamesh, and more.

GILGAMESH! is written by Leighton "Hobomancer" Connor and illustrated by Joshua "Leopard Women of Venus" LH Burnett.

Strive for immortality. Have more fun!

Our Price: $9.99

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It’s the ‘60s. The cars are fast, the women are faster, and there’s no better cover for international spies than posing as flamboyant race car drivers competing in events across the globe. It’s all about beating the clock, whether it’s crossing the finish line in first place or destroying the villainous mastermind’s doomsday weapon in the middle of an active volcano!

Spy Racers, the first supplement for Sex, Lies and Ultraspies, focuses on that staple of the ‘60s spy genre, vehicle chases. This supplement provides the GM and players alike a quick and interesting way to resolve vehicle combat and chases using the QAGS Second Edition rules, complete with character sheets and a sample race board. Spy Racers also includes background on the Global Racing Group, an overview of racing in the ‘60s, sample characters, and the adventure “Who Killed Team Unity?”

Spy Racers is written by Sex, Lies and Ultraspies creator Robert McCabe and illustrated by James Hornsby and Jeffrey Johnson, with a cover by Joshua LH Burnett.

Start your engines. Have more fun!

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $7.99

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When the Great War blew up, the world found itself divided. Brother against brother; man against man; ape against ape. You are one of those apes. As a member of the Belle Alliance’s flying corps, your job is to keep things quiet on the Western Front or die trying as the Goth forces attempt to break through the lines. It’s the Red Baron meets Bedtime for Bonzo in this game of banana-toting aerial mayhem.

So, swing that propeller! Let’s get the old bus airborne and go save the world!

Aces & Apes is a game of World War I flying aces, with the key ingredient that’s been lacking from other aerial combat games: intelligent apes. The game includes rules for a wide variety of PC types (orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzee, bonobo, and even human), historical background, rules for biplanes and dogfights, the sample adventure “Masque of the Black Death,” and much more.

Aces & Apes is written by Edison Force creator Ian Engle and illustrated by Robert Kemp.

Rule the skies. Have more fun!

Our Price: $7.99

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An alien invasion is usually depicted as a terrifying and horrible event for the people of Earth, but it’s really a lot of fun from the aliens’ point of view. In IMP, you get to be a tiny alien invader set loose on an unsuspecting planet. You are encouraged to inflict as much carnage and destruction as you can imagine. Use any weapon you can find against every target you see. The invasion has begun, and you are it! You are an imp!

IMP is a role-playing game designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. In this game, an otherwise mild-mannered player can take on the part of a vicious alien creature obsessed with destruction and mayhem. In addition to providing tons of things to fight and places to destroy, this book gives adventure scenarios, vehicle rules, tips for players and GMs, random mutation tables, and a paper doll. Yes, we said a paper doll. Stop giving us that look.

IMP is written by Richard Smith and illustrated by Lindsay Hornsby.

Cause mass destruction. Have more fun!

Our Price: $4.99

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The greatest epic in English literature comes to life! For 12 years Grendel, that unhallowed wight, grim and greedy, wrathful and reckless, has rained ceaseless slaughter onto King Hrothgar’s land. Now Beowulf, that mighty man of valor, the prince of the Geats, and the greatest monster-hunter of all time, leads his team of hearty warriors across the sea to defend Hrothgar’s hall from Grendel. But even if Beowulf and his comrades can defeat Grendel, they will find that an even worse horror lies in wait.

Beowulf Vs. Grendel is a bone-crushing sword & sorcery adventure designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes character creation guidelines, tips for playing a legendary hero, monsters, a dungeon map, a summary of Beowulf, useful appendices, and more.

Beowulf Vs. Grendel is written by Leighton (GILGAMESH!) Connor, with illustrations and cartography by Joshua “Bernie the Flumph” Burnett.

Slaughter monstrous hordes. Have more fun!

Our Price: $4.99

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Sharks are great, but you know what’s even better? Sharks mixed with other stuff! Why tangle with a boring old shark when you can brave the Sharkcano or try to solve the mystery of the Unishark?

Sharktoberfest is an adaptable adventure for use with the QAGS system. Players take on the roles of shark movie protagonists forced to survive some kind of ludicrous sharkpocalypse. Sharktoberfest includes an overview of a typical shark movie plot, tips on playing and GMing a shark mash-up game, and eight sample scenarios. Plus character archetypes, dumb tables, and more!

Sharktoberfest is written by QAGS co-creator Steve Johnson and illustrated by James and Lindsay Hornsby.

Go into the water. Have more fun!

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When the evil forces of Megalodon the Mighty threaten the submarine city of New Atlantis, a team of super-powered teenagers, the Dynateens, arise to meet that threat. But are they strong enough to defeat the Great Shark menace and save humanity?

Dynateens: Surf Force is an action-packed game of aquatic adventure designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes background on the setting, rules for creating Dynateen characters, genre tropes, sample characters, adventure templates, character sheets, and more!

Dynateens: Surf Force is written by Ian “Aces & Apes” Engle and illustrated by Joshua LH Burnett, with a cover by James Hornsby.

Go go, Dynateens!

Our Price: $0.99

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If you’ve played the game GILGAMESH!, you know the story of the legendary Gilgamesh’s quest to find the secret of immortality and his epic journey past the ends of the world and into the realm of the gods. But that wasn’t the beginning of the story. Now, for the first time, you can learn how Gilgamesh befriended the wild man Enkidu. Watch as Gilgamesh and Enkidu venture into the Forest of Cedar to battle Humbaba, the most horrible monster in the world! See Gilgamesh and Enkidu defend their city from the Bull of Heaven, and witness the punishment the gods rain down on them!

GILGAMESH!: The Lost Tablets is a supplement to the adventure GILGAMESH!, which is designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. The Lost Tablets gives GMs the tools they need to incorporate additional scenes into the adventure, to run a prequel game, or even to create an ongoing campaign. It includes a summary of the first eight tablets of The Epic of Gilgamesh, GM Notes for each tablet, and game stats for Enkidu, Ishtar, Humbaba, and more.

GILGAMESH!: The Lost Tablets is written by Leighton (Beowulf Vs. Grendel) Connor and illustrated by Joshua (The Hobomancer Companion) Burnett.

Our Price: $7.95

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It’s a time and a place made for swashbuckling adventure. France has a weak king, a barren queen, a wicked first minister, a splintered populace, and enemies on every side. Into that breach step the men of the King’s Musketeers. Brave men to be sure, but brave in a foolhardy way that you can’t help but admire, even as you shake your head in disbelief. Still, thank God for them, because it’s going to take a fool like that (or a company of them) to save the crown and the nation’s honor!

And One For All is a sourcebook for games inspired by "The Three Musketeers," designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes extensive setting information, combat rules, GM tips, a complete sample adventure (“How the Musketeers Stole Christmas”), invaluable appendices, Combat Cards, and more!

And One For All is written by Ian “Edison Force” Engle and illustrated by Robert “Aces & Apes” Kemp.

All for one. One for all!

Our Price: $7.99

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Paradigm City is known for its heroes, the powerful, colorfully-clad men and women who always swoop in and save the day. You’re not one of those people. Sure, you’re got a power (or at least a schtick), but it isn’t particularly awe-inspiring, or even all that useful. You don’t have a fancy crime-mobile, an ultra-modern headquarters, or a high-priced publicist like the big boys. But you’ve got heart, and sometimes that’s all you really need.

All-Stars is a game of low budget superheroics designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes an overview of Paradigm City, including history, places of interest, and important people; rules for character creation, and for super powers; a guide to creating your super team; GMing advice; sample characters (The Human Spork! Plushy Master! Singing Swordsman!); super-hero naming tables; adventure ideas; and more!

All-Stars is written by Steve Johnson and illustrated by Joshua Burnett, Leighton Connor, Lindsay Hornsby, and Jeffrey Johnson.

Fight crime in your spare time. Have more fun!

Our Price: FREE

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Over the years Paradigm City has been plagued by the worst of the worst—mad scientists, alien invaders, super-powered thugs, killer robots, gorilla gangsters, and more. As diverse as these villains are, they all have one thing in common: they are cooler than the Vice Squad. Led by Johnny Cigarette, the Vice Squad includes such D-list super-criminals as Timmy Too-Much-Bacon, Penny Slots, and Intra-Venus DeMilo. These hugely dysfunctional and (kinda sorta) super-powered individuals have joined together to revenge themselves on the world... or at least knock over the convenience store down the street and get some beef jerky, frozen burritos, and a few of those sandwiches that come in boxes.

This entirely free PDF gives you everything you need to insert the Vice Squad into your super-hero game, including stats of all seven Vice Squad members, plus their secret origins and backstories; the history of the Vice Squad’s hidden crime lair underneath an abandoned miniature golf course, with descriptions of some of the notable holes; and Dumb Tables, including random allies, capers, and convenience store loot.

Though you can use these characters in any game world, with any system, All-Stars: Vice Squad is designed for use with All-Stars, the game of low-budget superheroics, and the QAGS rules system. Depending on the power level of your PC group, the Vice Squad can be used as comic relief or as the heroes’ (kinda sorta) archenemies. Or you can just use the Vice Squad as PCs. If you’re honest with yourself, you know that’s what you really want to do.

All-Stars: Vice Squad</i> is written by Steve “All-Stars” Johnson, Leighton “Laser Ponies” Connor, Josh “J.I.N.G.O.” Burnett, and Carter “Hobomancer” Newton, with a cover by Jeffrey Johnson.

Be bad guys. Have more fun!

Our Price: $10.00

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After World War 2, the USA, the USSR, and China entered into a war of surveillance and espionage. Diplomats, secret agents, moles, sleepers, and fifth columnists engaged in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Then the superpowers acquired a weapon that nobody could have predicted: people with Gifts, psychic abilities and mental powers that let them defy the laws of nature. Suddenly everything had changed. The Gifted were here, and now they would decide the outcome of the Cold War.

I Psi is a sourcebook for games inspired by classic spy TV shows, designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules. It includes extensive setting information, sample characters, GM tips, a complete sample adventure ("The Egghead and I"), invaluable appendices, alternate rules for Yum Yums, and more!

I Psi is written by Ian "Edison Force" Engle with a cover by James "Sharktoberfest" Hornsby.

Our Price: $14.99

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Among the countless hobos who ride the rails looking for work in 1930s America, there exists a secret society of magicians known as the hobomancers. The hobomancers face all the same problems as rank-and-file hobos—hunger, mean-spirited railway bulls, bad hooch—but they must also concern themselves with defending reality as we know it. If the hobomancers don’t ride the rails and keep the songlines of the world in balance, dark magic will run rampant, monsters will ravage the land, and the very laws of nature will collapse.

Hobomancer is a role-playing game, designed for use with the QAGS Second Edition rules, which combines American history, folklore, and pulp fiction into a thick, rich Mulligan stew of adventure. This jam-packed 150+ page PDF includes:

  • An overview of the songlines, the source of the hobomancers’ magic
  • Details on the magical tradition of hobomancy; a description of hobo magic, including notable otherworldly entities the PCs can encounter
  • Information about hobo life
  • A general overview of life in the 1930s
  • Game-specific rules and character creation ideas
  • An explanation of hobo magic and Hobo Powers
  • GMing tips
  • Game information on over 20 monsters, including the dream-snatcher, the gumberoo, and the traveling salesdemon
  • A full adventure, “Hobo of Hamlin”
  • And appendices that include a Hobomancer Timeline, Hobo Signs, Hobo Lingo, the Random Hobo Name Generator (which offers over ten million possible hobo names), ritual magic rules, useful tables, sample characters, and more!

Hobomancer features both period photographs and original illustrations by Joshua LH Burnett, Jeffrey Johnson, Juan Navarro, and Chris Newman.

Ride the rails. Have more fun!

Our Price: $4.99

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“So, kid, you think you know all there is to know about hobomancers? Sassafras! You ain’t know but two things—doodley and squat. You say you know about train whisperers and stinkomancers? Shoot, everybody’s heard of them, but you ain’t never met a flame singer, a hoboserker, or the fabled beardomancer. And monsters? Ha! Boogey men and hodags is one thing, but they ain’t nothing like sneaky snakes and Draculas. Now sit your backside down, kid, and let me learn you wise.”

Hobomancer Companion is the first supplement for the ENnie Award-winning* Hobomancer. Players and GMs will find new lore to help out their heroes, as well as new menaces to challenge their courage and skills. The Companion includes new hobomancer powers and secret hobomancer signs; new monsters and sample evil sorcerers; an explanation of Histories, an optional rule GMs and players can use to quickly build relationships and back-stories between PCs; and the complete adventure “Bad Train a-Coming.”

Hobomancer Companion is written and illustrated by Joshua LH Burnett, with additional illustrations by Jeffrey Johnson.

*2013 Silver ENnie Award for Best Electronic Book

Our Price: $10.00

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A nation mired in the Great Depression elects a new president. Some men, supposedly “America's elite,” fear his reforms. They have a plan to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt and replace him with a dictator they control.

One man has the power to stop this dastardly plot. Unfortunately, after a failed suicide attempt, Jakob’s woken up in a hobo camp with no way to tell what he knows. His only hope - America's only hope - are the hobomancers, train hopping hobo wizards defending the world against monsters and evil.

In their way stand a corrupt wizard, vindictive robber barons, sadistic private eyes, and creatures who know only fire and death. The last hope to save themselves, to save the Union, and maybe the world, is SUICIDE'S RUN!

Suicide’s Run is a complete standalone novel based in the same world as the Hobomancer RPG; you do not need any familiarity with the game to enjoy the novel. For those who play the Hobomancer game, though, there is plenty of rich material that will help flesh out your game world, as well as game stats for the novel’s major characters.

Suicide’s Run is written by Hobomancer co-creator Carter Newton, and illustrated by Hobomancer cover artist Jeffrey Johnson.

Our Price: $0.99

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Not long ago, adventurous men and women broke into graveyards, stole bodies, and sold them to anatomists for cold hard cash. Back in those days, grave robbers didn't need any fancy high-tech equipment—just a torch to light the way, a key to the cemetery gates, a shovel to dig up the grave, and a crowbar to pry open the coffin. With Necro Klepto, you and your friends can take on the role of competing grave robbers and relive those magical times!

Necro Klepto contains a game board, complete rules, and 16 item cards. In order to play the game, you need a token for each player and a six-sided die.

Rob more graves. Have more fun!

Our Price: $9.99

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Dread. Shock. Terror. Player characters rarely experience these emotions. And why should they? Most player characters are stable, healthy, and secure. But what’s the fun in that? ... Spooky: The Definitive Guide to Horror Gaming tells how to bring the thrill of a great horror story into your...

Our Price: $11.99

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As the dragon swooped down out of the sun I feared the end. I was down to my last Health Point and the Clergyman had no more Band Aid spells. The ancient reptilian scourge came closer and closer, preparing to unleash its lethal breath weapon at any moment. My heart raced but my face betrayed no...

Our Price: $1.99

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You're a group of fresh-faced adventurers eager to show the world you've got the mettle (and metal) to be heroes. Luckily for you, an old man just sold you a map to some place called the Dungeon of Moderate Annoyance (Not Nearly as Bad as the Dungeon of Infinite Pain). It sounds like the perfect...

Our Price: $4.99

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In the magical fantasy world known as Qerth, there are many Jobs, ranging from the flashy Cheesemaker, to the versatile Murderer, to the useless Knome. But one Job stands apart, central to the very fabric of the world yet often overlooked. We speak, of course, of the Soldier. The Soldier may seem...

Our Price: $10.00

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Ever since a band of hobbits teamed up with a grungy weirdo in the Prancing Pony, taverns have been a staple of fantasy fiction. The Silver Eel, The Vulgar Unicorn, The Inn of the Last Home, and countless other fine establishments give our favorite fantasy heroes a place to meet like-minded...

Our Price: $7.95

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Hail To The King! ... Elvis Presley was the King of Rock & Roll, and today, nearly 50 years after his death, there's a thriving community of entertainers who make their living as Elvis tribute artists. But what if Elvis impersonation wasn't just a weird entertainment niche, but a full-fledged...

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Want to spend more time gaming and less time calculating? Want to make a character rather than a walking equipment stash? Want a game that lets you have more fun in more genres for less money? With the Quick Ass Game System, you can create any character from any genre and start playing almost...

Our Price: $4.99

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Think you can handle the bone-crunching, brain-smashing, senses-shattering world of the Universal Rasslin' League? Then jump into the ring and prove it! Face off against opponents like El Loco Gigantes or The Patriot. Survive the Cage Match, navigate the ocean of fans and groupies, and piledrive...

Our Price: $5.99

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Are you strong enough to face the giant Roc? Wise enough to meet the mysterious Sea-Born? Foolhardy enough to visit the savage lands of WaqWaq? Enter the world of Arabian myth and legend, as you sail with Sindbad and his crew. This sourcebook gives you everything you need for swashbuckling,...

Our Price: $2.99

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Join Sindbad and his crew and take the adventure to new extremes in the fabulous lands of East Africa. This sourcebook gives you everything you need for swashbuckling adventure on the Dark Continent with new lands to explore, new treasures to be won and new monsters to face off against. ......

Our Price: $0.99

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The world is of full of wonder—and danger—and Sindbad is about to find out just how full. Join the legendary sailor and his crew as they seek fortune and glory in the fabulous lands of East Africa. Sindbad and the Demon Pumpkin is an adventure for Hex Games’ The Adventures of Sindbad and its...

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The world is of full of wonder—and danger—and Sindbad is about to find out just how full because, even on shore, he can’t keep out of the way of adventure. Sindbad and the Sword of Kingship takes our hero and his crew first into the highest halls of power and then across the seas in quest of a...

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Space! It's big, it's black, it's chock full of planets, and rocket ships go ZOOM! in it. QAGS: Rocket Jocks brings all the action and excitement of space-opera science fiction to your QAGS game. Inside, you'll find rules for creating and purchasing starships, detailed rules for space combat, new...

Our Price: $3.99

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More than 300 years in the future, humanity is spread across a hundred star systems. The Conclave Expeditionary Force keeps the peace. You work for the CEF's Deep Space Rescue division, answering cries for help, investigating abandoned hulks, saving survivors from catastrophes. Now you're...

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July 16th, 1939, New York City—Radio executive Howard Sears is found murdered in his office. Who killed him? What was the murder weapon? And, most importantly, why does Sears have green blood? In an effort to answer these questions, a group of detectives follow a trail of clues that leads them to...

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Venus is a hellish nightmare world of hideous monsters and savage barbarians, a world that can only be tamed by the Leopard Women. Armed with comet gun helmets, radium whips, and Flying Saurian mounts, the Leopard Women stand between the human settlers of Venus and total annihilation. Leopard...

Our Price: $1.99

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What is it about random tables that gamers love so much? Perhaps it's the sense of danger, like the rush a gambler in Vegas feels when he's bet it all on one roll of the dice. Or perhaps its the limitless potential those columns represent, the unexpected ways to break out of a gaming rut. Either...

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When you think of magical artifacts, you probably think of magic wands, or gold rings, or weapons—King Arthur's sword Excalibur, maybe, or the Ring of the Nibelung. Wands and rings and swords were all well and good for the Old World, but this is America, and a New World demands a new style of...

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You may think you know American history, but did you know that Thomas Edison designed a machine to communicate with the dead? Do you know what happened to Geronimo’s skull, or to Ben Franklin’s robot? Do you know why occultists are willing to pay top dollar for a shard of the plane Buddy Holly...

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Did you know that an angel wrote a history of the future on a series of silver tablets, and buried them in Alaska? That one of Jimi Hendrix’s guitars can shoot fire? Or that the cloak of World War II-era crimefighter Fighting Yank can still be used to summon the ghost of his ancestor? If you...

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Charles Fort High is a lot like your typical All-American high school in your typical All-American town. It's filled with jocks, geeks, and stoners. There are cheerleaders, an AV club, an FFA chapter, and plenty of outcasts, misfits, and aliens. The difference is that at most schools, the...

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American Artifacts: The Complete Collection gives full descriptions of 66 magical items uniquely suited to the New World. Some are objects from American history, like Crispus Attucks's musket ball, or from pop culture, like Clint Eastwood’s poncho. Some were created by wizards who act like...

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3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Welcome to a world split in two, where women live in harmony in Greater North America while men live across the sea in a society of their own. The society of women seems perfect, but what is the true cost of their luxury and peace? There's a war going on, a war hidden from the public view. And if...

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What's the only game that lets you play in the world of 1970s Monstersploitation? What's the only game that lets you be a member of the Prometheus Jones Detective Agency? What’s the only game that lets you clean the streets of werewolf pimps, zombie gangsters, and jive bloodsuckas? ... Funkadelic...

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Feel the Pony Power! On a faraway magical world, in the heart of Glitter Valley, there lives a tribe of beautiful creatures known as the Laser Ponies. These ponies romp, frolic, and play. And, when they need to, they shoot lasers out of their eyes. Only the Laser Ponies can defend their valley,...

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The ads make it all look so slick. “Bored with your humdrum existence in Fairytaleland? Come experience the wonder of Happilyeverafter. And remember: what happens in Happilyeverafter stays in Happilyeverafter.” Notice how they don’t mention the seedier side of this pixie-dust paradise? That’s...

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After you died you were sentenced to an eternity in the pits of Hell. The old man, Waxman, is right: the afterlife isn't fair, and if you could find a way into Heaven, you'd give God what for. As if on cue, a scorned goddess appears and tells you how to do just that. Can your ragtag band of...

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The year is 1877, and you are one of the Pytheans, an elite group of British gentleman adventurers doing their part to advance the cause of Crown and Empire. No matter what the challenge, no matter what the opposition, you must and will keep a stiff upper lip and see the mission through. The...

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It’s a typical day at Kappa Epsilon Gamma house: music blaring, beer flowing, and the party starting in half an hour. Suddenly, zombies attack! Or maybe Nazis. Or robots, or dinosaurs, or aliens, or ninjas, or cyborg gorillas, or pirates... the details vary. The point is, it’s time for some...

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Skates! Violence! Fishnets! If you've ever seen a roller derby bout, you know that it's the coolest sport in the world. In fact, the only thing that could make roller girls more awesome would be if they fought zombies, or went back in time, or traveled into outer space. Now, with Roller Girls...

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J.I.N.G.O.! The world’s greatest heroes, for the world’s greatest nation! ... It's 1985. After a landslide election, Ronald Reagan has just started his second term, and America feels awfully good about itself. Unfortunately, there’s a new threat out there, more dangerous than the USSR, Libya, and...

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Nearly every kid in the world has played Cops & Robbers at some point. When we're young, crime stories are very basic and the line between good guys and bad guys is clearly defined. As we get older, the stories become more morally ambiguous. Because crime stories at their most basic are about the...

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Are you plagued by indecision? Do you want to play a role-playing game, but you just can’t decide on a premise, plot, or characters? Or maybe you have a game in progress, but it’s gotten too predictable. Either way, we have the solution: pick up a twenty-sided die and start rolling on some random...

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Tell Me About Your Character is a character development resource that can be used with any role-playing game. Since so many games focus entirely on “the mission,” some gamers don’t really know where to start when it comes to creating three-dimensional characters. Fortunately, we’re here to help....

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Everybody’s heard of tabletop role-playing games (RPGs), but unless you’ve actually played one you probably don’t know how they work. Even if you’re an experienced RPG player, most game manuals spend more time explaining rules and genre trappings than offering practical advice for first-time Game...

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Occult detective Ross Fulton and his assistant Ted have come to Indianapolis for MarmiCon, the largest gaming convention in the Midwest. Ross and Ted have to track down the elusive Franklin Fletcher, a game designer, con man, and Enochian mage, but they soon learn they’re not the only ones on his...

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In this brave new 20th Century the world faces ever more diabolical menaces. To combat them, the Greatest Inventor of the Age, Thomas Edison, has assembled a team of dedicated men and women and equipped them with the most advanced technology available. When madmen threaten civilization, it’s time...

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Back before the dawn of history, all the world knew the name of Gilgamesh. ... Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk, two thirds god and one-third man! ... Gilgamesh, the world’s greatest warrior, who slew Humbaba and killed the Bull of Heaven! ... But now Gilgamesh is faced with an opponent that no man...

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It’s the ‘60s. The cars are fast, the women are faster, and there’s no better cover for international spies than posing as flamboyant race car drivers competing in events across the globe. It’s all about beating the clock, whether it’s crossing the finish line in first place or destroying the...

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

When the Great War blew up, the world found itself divided. Brother against brother; man against man; ape against ape. You are one of those apes. As a member of the Belle Alliance’s flying corps, your job is to keep things quiet on the Western Front or die trying as the Goth forces attempt to...

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An alien invasion is usually depicted as a terrifying and horrible event for the people of Earth, but it’s really a lot of fun from the aliens’ point of view. In IMP, you get to be a tiny alien invader set loose on an unsuspecting planet. You are encouraged to inflict as much carnage and...

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The greatest epic in English literature comes to life! For 12 years Grendel, that unhallowed wight, grim and greedy, wrathful and reckless, has rained ceaseless slaughter onto King Hrothgar’s land. Now Beowulf, that mighty man of valor, the prince of the Geats, and the greatest monster-hunter of...

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Sharks are great, but you know what’s even better? Sharks mixed with other stuff! Why tangle with a boring old shark when you can brave the Sharkcano or try to solve the mystery of the Unishark? ... Sharktoberfest is an adaptable adventure for use with the QAGS system. Players take on the roles...

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When the evil forces of Megalodon the Mighty threaten the submarine city of New Atlantis, a team of super-powered teenagers, the Dynateens, arise to meet that threat. But are they strong enough to defeat the Great Shark menace and save humanity? ... Dynateens: Surf Force is an action-packed game...

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If you’ve played the game GILGAMESH!, you know the story of the legendary Gilgamesh’s quest to find the secret of immortality and his epic journey past the ends of the world and into the realm of the gods. But that wasn’t the beginning of the story. Now, for the first time, you can learn how...

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It’s a time and a place made for swashbuckling adventure. France has a weak king, a barren queen, a wicked first minister, a splintered populace, and enemies on every side. Into that breach step the men of the King’s Musketeers. Brave men to be sure, but brave in a foolhardy way that you can’t...

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Paradigm City is known for its heroes, the powerful, colorfully-clad men and women who always swoop in and save the day. You’re not one of those people. Sure, you’re got a power (or at least a schtick), but it isn’t particularly awe-inspiring, or even all that useful. You don’t have a fancy...

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Over the years Paradigm City has been plagued by the worst of the worst—mad scientists, alien invaders, super-powered thugs, killer robots, gorilla gangsters, and more. As diverse as these villains are, they all have one thing in common: they are cooler than the Vice Squad. Led by Johnny...

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After World War 2, the USA, the USSR, and China entered into a war of surveillance and espionage. Diplomats, secret agents, moles, sleepers, and fifth columnists engaged in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Then the superpowers acquired a weapon that nobody could have predicted: people with Gifts,...

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Among the countless hobos who ride the rails looking for work in 1930s America, there exists a secret society of magicians known as the hobomancers. The hobomancers face all the same problems as rank-and-file hobos—hunger, mean-spirited railway bulls, bad hooch—but they must also concern...

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“So, kid, you think you know all there is to know about hobomancers? Sassafras! You ain’t know but two things—doodley and squat. You say you know about train whisperers and stinkomancers? Shoot, everybody’s heard of them, but you ain’t never met a flame singer, a hoboserker, or the fabled...

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A nation mired in the Great Depression elects a new president. Some men, supposedly “America's elite,” fear his reforms. They have a plan to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt and replace him with a dictator they control. ... One man has the power to stop this dastardly plot. Unfortunately, after a...

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Not long ago, adventurous men and women broke into graveyards, stole bodies, and sold them to anatomists for cold hard cash. Back in those days, grave robbers didn't need any fancy high-tech equipment—just a torch to light the way, a key to the cemetery gates, a shovel to dig up the grave, and a...