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Star Wars RPG PBP. Recruitment for Zadora the Hutt Campaign

Feast of Ravenmoor Recruitment

Upcoming Skull & Shackles

Academy of Secrets Recruitment

Heroes of the Lost Coast is seeking two replacement characters.

Pathfinder Children of Bhaal

Moff Rimmer DMs the Planes Recruitment

Players Wanted - Australian EST Pathfinder Campaign

Lass' Kingmaker Maptools / Skype game

DM Jonasty's Wheel of Time Shadows in Light Recruitment thread

Recruiting replacements for CotCT PBP (PRPG)

Legacy of Fire, Pure PF, Gauging Interest

The Arena - Call to Arms

Is anyone interesting in playing an PF Eberron PbP? (Recruiting NOW!)

Advanced Races in Homebrew Campaign

DM Vyper's Pathfinder Survivor

PF Fortress of the Serpentfolk Recruitment

Crypt of the Everflame Recruitment

PFRPG - Recruiting For 1st Level Pbp Adventure

Replacement player needed for Rise of the Runelords pbem

6th Level PBP Pathfinder....

Age of Worms and Falcon's Hollow series

Legacy of Fire, Sundays in Savage, Maryland

DM Hector's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Recruitment for PbP Novices

The Harbingers-Homebrew set in Golarion

Carrion Crown group looking for a healer!

Serpent's Skull group looking for GM

Rogers, Arkansas (PF ROTR Game) Needs 1-2 Players!

The Final Tales of Pendros (or the Curse of Crimson's Throne) recruitment thread

DM Iron-Dice PFS Adventures Recruitment

Wanting to start an online Game: need willing Test subjects

The Arena

The Time of Turmoil: A Pathfinder PbP (Recruitment)

Blade of Darkness PbP

Dresden Files RPG Needs Players

Established group starting new AP seeks skill monkey

(Yet Another) Kingmaker PbP: Interest and Recruitment Thread

Need ONE more player for a new game. Must be a fighter type.

Pathfinder Savage tide.

Parallel Homebrew Kingmaker PbP Campaign - Recruitment thread

Saskatchewan, The Battlefords - any gamers?

Recruitment for Crypt of the Everflame PbP

Kingmaker PbP - Recruiting players

Recruiting for a PbP set in Cheliax. A strong group of adventurers willing to fight for the throne and the safety of the public is needed!

WFRP Bloody Vale OOC

Legacy of Fire (Voodoo version)

New DM running a PbP Adventure (Master of the Fallen Fortress)

Seeking players for Rise of the Runelords AP

Looking for gamers in MD / DC / VA Pathfinder campaign Startup

Dark Sun (PF PbP) - Recruitment thread

Recruitment PBP Brevoy campaign

Recruitment for DM Duke's Serpent's Skull

Heroes of the Lost Coast - A Sandpoint Campaign

DM Amazing Red's Mist's of Mwangi (PFS)

New Dm looking to start Medieval Homebrew

DM Rennick's Unhallowed Waters PbP - Recruitment thread

Unbinding the Fetters - PbP Recruitment

PFS - PBP - We Be Goblins! - Players needed!

PFS PbP: First Steps

Recruiting players for PF in MD / DC / VA area

Recruiting for an "Advanced" Sands of Osirion Campaign Arc PbP!

Rise of The Runelords Recruitment

E7 Homebrew Sandbox PbP Discussion

Recruiting for a seafaring game in Golarion

PbP Recruitment - Jade Regent

Interest in an anything goes game set in Golarion?

Lucendar's Crimson Throne recruitment thread - For the glory of Korvosa

Envoy of Geb: Homebrew Undead Campaign

Shadows of Aris - Homebrew Campaign LFP

Kingmaker of Korvasa - DM Barcas

Borallas Rebellion Campaign recruitment

Bronze Age PbP Recruitment

Single player Serpent's Skull PBP

We be MORE Goblins! ~PbP Recruitment

Wheel of Time Prophecies of the Dragon PbP Recruitment thread

Shackled City Adventure Path (Pathfinder Rules) - Play-by-Post

DM Duke's Rise of the Runelords Campaign Recruitment

A Caravan is looking for brave explorers to help find the Lost Land of Aridia. PBP

imimrtl runs the Drow Wars! Recruiting 3 spots!

Recruiting for A Pound of Flesh PbP set in Freeport!

PbP Recruitment - Journey into the Osirion Desert (Homebrew)

Kingmaker & Carrion Crown Replacement Players Needed (Up to 3)

Ringtail's [PF] Rise of the Runelords (PBP Recruitment)

Looking for interest in a Hideouts & Hoodlums campaign

Dreaming Warforged Recruiting for an Eberron E6 Campaign

Recruiting for homebrew PbP (4E)

Star Wars: The Saber's Edge PbP - Needs players!

Cap'n Voodoo's Freeport in the Shackles PBP

Need 1-2 Replacement Players for PbP

PBP Recruitment - Star Wars - Agents of the Empire

Vampire the Masqurade potential game(Revised)

PBP Recruitment Thread: The Pact Stone Pyramid

Rise of the Runelords - for those new to rpgs & pathfinder - pbp

Dragon Age PBP recruitment.

Eberron PFRPG - Ghosts of the Mourning Sun recruitment thread.

Recruitment for GM JaceDK's Realm of the Fellnight Queen PF PbP

One or two new recruits to colonize far flung Arcadia

Need three more players for epic, high magic Pathfinder PBP

Players needed for epic, high-magic Pathfinder PBP

Recruiting for River Kingdoms PBP

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