Savage Tide Adventure Path

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Shadow Pearl Lore?

Savage Tide Affiliation Awards

High Level Alternatives?

Supplement #146 and on

Starting Off

#147 download

Ralph Wiggum Strikes STAP

Hmm... Savage Tide question of chronology

Iron Heroes fight the Savage Tide

Penkus ***SPOILER*** (maybe)

XP question - Bullywug Gambit...SPOILERS!!!!

Map confusion - Baeldictum (resolved)

Jumping ship (spoilers)

Planning for "The Bullywug Gambit"

How would you like to put this Orcus on the table during Savage Tide?

Boons and Baines

The "Direct" Approach

City of Broken Idols Question *spoilers*

The death touched

What is your outcome? (Spoilers obviously)


New NPCs for Bullywug Gambit

More Pictures for the Savage Tide

Was there a fold out map of farshore?

General Hethros?

What is Iggwilz? *spoiler*

Rauthaven Stats

TINH: Additional Lotus Dragons

Timing question

Castle Teraknian

IoD advice - S to the P to the O-I-L-E-R-S

What level(s) is the final adventure, Prince of Demons, written for?

Web supplements for #144 and later?

Plastic Dinosaurs for Miniatures

Spying on the Blue Nixie

The Blue Nixie

Bragging on my Players (only light spoilers)

Using map from #114 as player's map?

Scuttlecove in FR?

Eberron Factions / Organizations

Madame Cul

Length of play for single-level adventures

City Stats (mild spoiler for if you are pre-SWW)

Savage Fever questions (again)

A Quick Question

Savage Tide April Fool's

The Bullwug Gambit (Scaling the Adventure)

Question about Tides of Dread (contains major spoiler)

Lords of the Lost Vale

Mirror puzzle in HTBM (spoilers)

I might change the Savage Template a little

Attack on Farshore (spoilers)

Funny story

SWW - Sasserine's exports

Psionics...Vendors in Sasserine?

Holy Treasure Batman!

Simple city-stat question

How long are gondola rides?

STPG feats -- Question on them

Harliss' taunts and jibes

Suggestions for additional non-STAP material

Spire of Sasserine medal

Flying to the Plateau

Summary or Story to Date?

Isn't Nauseated for one minute a bit tough on 1st level characters?

Boarding the Blue Nixie (A Savage Tide Account)

The Scarlet Brotherhood sent by Kellani

Sable Drake (stormwrack) in STAP

Binding the Bar-Igura's to get home

Race twist for Isle of Dread

The new Lavinia

Monster and npc advancement

Slipknot Peet as Ogre Mage Swashbuckler

Lightless Depths and Lords of Madness

Running 'Tides of Dread' with 10 players in One Session

Natical Terms Post?

Thoughts on #143(poss. spoilers)

Is anyone here from Hungary? Van itt valaki Magyarországról?

Bullywug Gambit

LD Guildhall Question

Monkey Spiders?

Savage Tide and the Black Peral

Kora Whistlegap

Lemoria, err.. lemuria ;) Maybe thats the islands real name?

Oldies but Goodies

Cityscaping Sasserine?

Stormwrack Uses

The Jade Ravens as affiliation

Travel and terrain

Sea Wyvern crew

Web supplements?

Question about side adventures...

Savage Typos

STAB Online?

Firearms in the Savage Tide

Salvage Operation: A Good Side Trek!

"The Bullywug Gambit" questions

But there is no more time, not even for cake. For you, this is the end of cake.

Thank you for making something I just had to run.

parrot Island and the unkillable zombies

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