Pathfinder Lore Masters First Weekly Adventure

Monday, October 23, 2023

Our first weekly adventure challenge awaits! This week, test your knowledge against the Core Rulebook. Complete the adventure for a chance to get a prize.

To participate simply click the following link:

For more information on this week's prize and where/when the winner will be announced please visit the Lore Masters blog:

Pathfinder Lore Masters Weekly Challenge: Week of October 23rd 2023

Good luck!

The Lore Masters Dev Team

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Tags: Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition
Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well unless this can be played on computer, my smartphone still freezes whenever I win or lose :'D

Hey All,

Since a few users are not able to fully complete a challenge on some devices, everyone who started the challenge will be included while we iron out the issue. @CorvusMask: please send us your username either by DM or to and we will make sure that you're in the leaderboard.

Best regards,
Koruphaios (on behalf of the Lore Masters team)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I dunno if it matters much since everytime I reopen the game, it goes back to the tutorial "what is your experience with pathfinder" question :'D So I don't think I can even start challenge right now since I'm perma stuck on "level 1"

The article linked as well as all other resources I can find fail to describe the actual prizes for the challenge. All I can find is that it may be physical, and there is a digital option for those outside the US/Canada.

Hey Charlie,

We are still finalizing this with Paizo, I'm sorry if I can't give you more details at present.

I'll relay that information as soon as I have a confirmation.

Koruphaios (on behalf of the Lore Masters team)

all good, just wasn't clear whether or not that was the case. thank you!

Hey everyone,

I can now confirm that the prizes will align with the theme of the weekly challenges.

Since this week’s challenge is based on the Core Rulebook, a Core Rulebook will be given to the winner (randomly selected from those who participate).


Hey everyone,

Our second weekly challenge is up!

The winner of the first weekly challenge is Pleasant Dwarf Deckhand 8021, who placed 57th on the leaderboard.

For more details, and to know how to claim your prize, visit our website:

Hey, if you are Wonderful Wayang Witch (the person who placed 1st in the first weekly challenge), reach out to us on the social of your choice or write at

We would like to give you a promo code to a book of your choice in app as a prize for finishing first.


Here are the links to our socials:

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